Lies, and More Lies

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From the column of Henry Lamb:

"…Then there are the sexcapade scandals that seem to follow U.N. peacekeepers wherever they go. The peacekeepers didn’t go to Rwanda or Sudan, while government-backed savages hacked to death nearly a million helpless people.

And now, a top researcher for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has resigned, **charging that the IPCC leadership is hyping a pre-conceived global-warming agenda that is contrary to established scientific fact. **

In an open letter to the climate-change science community, Chris Landsea, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said:

I personally cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound.

Landsea is one of the world’s top hurricane experts, who was asked by a lead author of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report to develop a segment on the impact of global warming on the future intensity of hurricanes. All previous IPCC Assessment Reports said that there is no scientific evidence that there is a relationship between global warming and an increase in hurricane frequency or intensity. Landsea’s current studies provide no scientific evidence to change this conclusion.

Nevertheless, lead author Dr. Kevin Trenberth participated in a press conference billed as “Experts to warn global warming likely to continue spurring more outbreaks of intense hurricane activity.” Landsea had told the lead author that the science did not support such claims.

What’s worse, when Landsea complained about the misrepresentation to the IPPC leadership, he was ignored; his complaints were dismissed without comment. This scientist refused to play along with the global-warming scam.

With stories such as these blazing across newspapers and television newscasts around the world, the U.N. hierarchy is unmoved. The gigantic bureaucracy grinds forward, as if all were well with the world.

Global-warming fanatics continue their hyperbole, ignoring the growing evidence that belies their claims. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, recently participated in a task force sponsored by a group of think tanks which produced a report that claims “an ecological time-bomb is ticking away,” and that “world leaders need to recognize that climate change is the single most important long-term issue that the planet faces.”
What was the name of the movie in which people older then 30 were killed?
Landsea is one of the world’s top hurricane experts, who was asked by a lead author of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report to develop a segment on the impact of global warming on the future intensity of hurricanes. All previous IPCC Assessment Reports said that there is no scientific evidence that there is a relationship between global warming and an increase in hurricane frequency or intensity. Landsea’s current studies provide no scientific evidence to change this conclusion.

Nevertheless, lead author Dr. Kevin Trenberth participated in a press conference billed as “Experts to warn global warming likely to continue spurring more outbreaks of intense hurricane activity.” Landsea had told the lead author that the science did not support such claims.

“These are all factors related to global climate change and they’re clearly affecting the environment in which hurricanes are forming in,” he said.Trenberth told Reuters he’s never said global warming had anything to do with the number of hurricanes that hit Florida last year or that it can increase the frequency of hurricanes. “What we are suggesting is that when a disturbance does form a hurricane it’s apt to be more intense and there’s heavier rainfalls,” he said. Sea surface temperatures and rainfall averages have risen, he said, which provides fuel for hurricanes. Trenberth said hundreds of scientists contribute to IPCC studies and that the group includes scientists who dismiss global warming, such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Richard Lindzen. He said he would welcome Landsea back to IPCC as an important scientific voice.

The risks of global warming are “more serious than previously thought”, concluded a major international climate conference on Thursday.
                	                                "Major investment is needed now in both mitigation and adaptation," stresses the preliminary report, summarising results presented at the conference, called Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, in Exeter, UK. 

                	                                The impacts of global warming discussed at the meeting sounded like a roll call of disasters. Topics ranged from the collapse of ice sheets in [Antarctica]( to the irreversible melting of the Greenland ice caps; from droughts in Africa to floods in Japan. And fears were also raised over the rapidly changing current-patterns in acidifying ocean .
…the report drew attention to the results of Jason Lowe, from the Hadley Centre in Exeter. He says that local warming of more than 2.7°C, associated with global warming of only 1.5°C, could trigger Greenland’s ice sheet to start contracting.

Dramatic cuts
                         	                                Collating results from published studies indicated that damage increases as the world warms by between 1°C and 3°C, while serious risk of large scale damage becomes likely above 3°C, the report said. This lends some support to the European Union's target of keeping global warming to under 2°C by 2050. Other presentations at the meeting suggested that only with [dramatic emissions cuts]( can such a goal be achieved.

                	                                The report also warned that more research was needed into the effects climate change could have on the frequency of extreme natural events. It cited the European heat wave of 2003 - during which thousands of people died - as an example of an extreme event made [more likely]( by global warming.

                	                                The last substantial review of climate change was conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2001. But now "there is greater clarity and reduced uncertainty about the impacts of climate change", says the new report. 

                	                                The meeting was opened by Margaret Beckett, the UK's Secretary of State for the Environment, who said on Thursday: "I think this conference will be seen as a turning point in the perception of climate change. It underlines the need for the international community to take urgent action to combat climate change."

Thanks…that movie always seemed ridiculously improbable…yet with the way are going I can see people above 70 or 80 fall into the same category–or perhaps anyone that might take up financially viable space in a hospital…
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