I have been a Catholic Charismatic for more than 15 years.I am surprised by the hostility,ignorance and stigma esp in the USA towards this movement.
It was first during a charismatic retreat that I first met Jesus personally.That love affair has been going on strong all these years despite tremendous crises in my life.If it had not been the strength from this movement,I would have remained an atheist forever and be lost.
Not all apostolates are for everyone,but right use of the gifts of the Spirit brings back the zeal and enthusiasm back to spiritual life.IMO all saints were charismatic,they were not named or categorized that way,but anyone who thrives in the Holy Spirit is charismatic.
I am more orthodox and religious than most christians I have met,but I don’t mean that in a bragging way.It is ridiculous to say we don’t go for confessions,in fact,I go for confessions weekly if I can.My appreciation for the sacraments has only increased over the years.I have tried my best to evangelize everyone I meet.I only wish the catholic churches in USA have more Life through the Holy Spirit.
Please be charitable before accusing something you do not know.I have had the gift of tongues for the past 15 years and I use it only during my personal prayer time when I intercede for others and do not know what their real prayer needs are.9 out of 10 times,those prayers have worked.
Yes there are frauds and charlatans and those who abuse the gifts,but we should be open to real works of the Spirit.I also have felt overwhelming presence of evil and good at times,and I take this as the gift of discernment.Remember the words of our Lord who said he will send a Helper to us.All the gifts of the Spirit are to be ultimately used for evangelization and winning of souls.