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I see the second allegation is based on ‘repressed memories’. I’m highly suspicious of that. The guy was 14 years old at the time, I seriously doubt that he would block out a memory such as that.

I think that whole ‘repressed memory’ stuff was debunked back in the 80’s. It’s really a rare event.
Ugh, this stuff makes me crazy! I got so angry and depressed about the past scandals that it became an excuse to miss Masses and grew a little lukewarm. I know this pastor hasn’t been convicted but it reminds that often the abusers are some of the best, most dedicated priests! It makes me look at my own pastors with a jaundiced eye…not good, not good…
Some guy tried to pull that stunt on a priest youth minister where I am from…
I too tend to disbelieve the “repressed memories” bit. Recently there have been a rash of false allegations based on stories of massive awards to victims. I believe most of the real cases have already come out. Maybe it would be best to set a date and make it a deadline. But if he didn’t report allegations, even if the other things are untrue, he could still be in trouble.
Ugh, this stuff makes me crazy! I got so angry and depressed about the past scandals that it became an excuse to miss Masses and grew a little lukewarm. I know this pastor hasn’t been convicted but it reminds that often the abusers are some of the best, most dedicated priests! It makes me look at my own pastors with a jaundiced eye…not good, not good…
Well, there will always be fallen priests, because priests are human.

However – If you’re going to look at anyone with a jaundiced eye, look at your kid’s school teachers. Or their doctors. Or their school bus drivers. Or their professors. Or their bosses. Every single other profession also has “dedicated” people who are abusers. In fact, in far higher percentages then the priesthood… (check out the numbers regarding grade school teachers!! 10%! As opposed to the Church’s 1-2% rate.)

But we never hear about those cases, cause those folks are “normal,” not part of the repressive sexist regime known to the secular world as the Catholic Church… :rolleyes: Don’t buy into the media’s tricks… they WANT you to hate the Church and be suspicious of everyone in a Roman collar.

Call a spade a spade – call abusers abusers. But don’t shift disproportionate amounts of blame where it should not go – turn the scrutiny on the rest of the professions too.

Ugh, this stuff makes me crazy! I got so angry and depressed about the past scandals that it became an excuse to miss Masses and grew a little lukewarm. I know this pastor hasn’t been convicted but it reminds that often the abusers are some of the best, most dedicated priests! It makes me look at my own pastors with a jaundiced eye…not good, not good…
Carol, Been there, done that! I hope you will take the opportunity to pray for all who get caught up in what they read about this scandal in the Catholic Church and use it as an opportunity to grow lukewarm in their faith. These sinful works of humans, have nothing to do with the beliefs or teachings of the church.
Also, I might add it is not “some of the best, most dedicated priests” who are abusers. The abusers are humans who have failed and who were (for the most part) good at portraying a persona contrary to what they really are. It kind of adds credence to not judging a book by its cover.
I believe if you take the time to search beyond the secular press for information on this topic, you will find that only a very small (less than 4%?) of our priests have been involved in the abuse scandal.
I pray everyone educates themselves in what is happening within their church!
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