It’s been discussed repeatedly. Just look at any thread quoting them.If a person makes a point denigrating, they should be able to back it up.
That is just a view. I can easily say any news website is wrong at times.The problems with LifeSite have been discussed in these forums ad nauseum. No need to go into it again. I could cite articles that came out around the time of Amoris Laetitia which betray their persistent misinterpretation of the document (and many quotes from Pope Francis) despite the fact that it is possible to read the document in line with Tradition (as Cardinal Mueller pointed out).
I’m no “Francis apologist”, but I also won’t align myself with Catholic “news” sources who are as persistent in misquoting/misinterpreting various hierarchs and theologians as are certain secular news sources. They’re simply the flip-side of the same coin.
Where do you suggest those of us hungry for real truth go to find news (Catholic and secular news) OraLabora?Maybe those of us hungry for real Truth, not massaged fake news, should simply avoid looking at LSN altogether
Let’s not forget that CAF themselves warned posters about linking to their site. (I know, I was one of them.) I would say this, if the material can’t be corroborated, I wouldn’t use it.what is wrong with them?