Our 1st daughter, Lisa, only lived about 20 hours. A nurse at the hospital told me she had baptised her. I don’t know if the nurse was Catholic or not. I believe that she is in heaven but on of my wife’s aunts says she is in limbo. I am a convert and do not know about any teaching about limbo. Could any of you help me out?
No one at all can enter Heaven without a valid Baptism, so speaketh the Church. If your child was baptised validly, then she is certainly in Heaven. That is, if this woman, having the correct intention, saying the proper words, baptised your daughter (saying “I baptise thee in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” with the intention to do what the Church does, and pouring water over her head, then it was valid). If any of that was lacking at all, your daughter
at best is in Limbo, as Baptism by water is necessary for salvation, so saith Our Lord: “Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (St. John III. 5) Therefore, since it is not feasible that a merciful God would condemn those to Hell who have not commited any sin, save that into which they were born, the doctrine of Limbo is only logical. This is all but defined by the Church, just as the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption were before they were actually pronounced infallibly. Limbo is, as I said, all but defined by Holy Mother Church. St. Thomas Aquinas explains it in the Summa as the outer layer of Hell, as it were. In this place, however, souls experience a natural happiness free from the pain of sense or loss. Certainly, not knowing God, they could not possibly have a pain of losing Him. God in His mercy defers the temporal punishment of sense for those hwo never rejected Him but merely were not baptised. Anyone who has not reached the age of reason (that is, does not know right from wrong and, therefore, cannot commit sin) cannot go to Hell, so long as Limbo exists. However, as people have said, this is not defined by the Church, but if one rejects Limbo, he is being very cruel by stating that these innocents (as far as actual sin is concerned) will be damned to Hell, for the Church absolutely requires Baptism for salvation, as Christ Himself decreed. This requirement took place after Pentecost. Those who, once reaching the age of reason, are not Baptised, cannot be saved. Many who are very pro-life over do themselves to make themselves think that these unbaptised babies can go to Heaven; however, they that think that babies go to Heaven without Baptism not only deny the doctrine of the Church which requires water Baptism for salvation but also deny reason, for if, as they believe, abortion is such a heinous crime, which it is, then why so if these babies are being saved anyway? Anyone who would not sacrifice his life on earth to merit Heaven is attached to the world infinitely, and it is hard to say that he will ever merit Heaven.