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my agatha:
I think it has to do with pubescent boys and porn. If a man makes a big deal about it, I assume he spent too much time with the Victoria’s secret catalogue in Junior High, and now has some manufactured image in his head of what “sexy” looks like.
do you find a wedding dress “sexy”
take a close look at a “traditional” wedding dress,
all the lace,its just a huge piece of lingerie(sp)
even if you never looked through a "victorias secret catalog "

compare most “teddys” from the belly up to a wedding dress,see much difference?
and 200 yrs ago they didnt have Vic secrets catalogs

Who needs lingerie? Isn’t it just a material good, waste of money? Couldn’t the money we spend on lingerie be put to a better cause? The gift comes from the heart and doesn’t need to be wrapped. A loving relationship is not based on looks (i.e. sexy, provacative, hot,etc), however, if that is what it takes to keep the bond together, then so be it! It is a small price to pay!
I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with lingere. I don’t wear it every evening but I certainly don’t mind dressing up a little sexy for my hubby every once in a while. .
Ditto! 😃

As a side note, even when I was single and sleeping alone - I occasionally slept in lingere. Silk just feels nice!
Modesty is a virtue that is supposed to be operative both in more public places (like beaches) as well as in more private places (like a bedroom). If a lingerie is for lack of a better word “ostentatious” or “primitive” then it would be wrong IMO. Even in marital relations, one should not be directed by the lower passions; rather these lower passions should be subsumed under the higher desires and higher thoughts … so that the bedroom is more of a “symphony” if you will as opposed to “hip hop” or whatever that rubbish is called 😃
If it is not immodest to be naked around your spouse (which I think is the case!), how can adding any piece of cloth to your body be immodest? That just doesn’t make sense to me . . .
I think it depends on the lingerie. Just as for swimwear it depends on the swimwear. Modesty is a virtue that is supposed to be operative both in more public places (like beaches) as well as in more private places (like a bedroom). If a lingerie is for lack of a better word “ostentatious” or “primitive” then it would be wrong IMO. Even in marital relations, one should not be directed by the lower passions; rather these lower passions should be subsumed under the higher desires and higher thoughts … so that the bedroom is more of a “symphony” if you will as opposed to “hip hop” or whatever that rubbish is called 😃

Modesty is also not just about clothing. Modesty is a virtue that governs one’s general conduct – including how one moves, speaks (or keeps silent), and so forth.

Even bedroom conduct should comport with the dignity of man and woman, a dignity which is forever higher than that of a savage or beast.
Who is to say if some beautiful lingerie might not inspire some higher thoughts? As Catholics, we appreciate how beautiful art in our churches can inspire us to higher thoughts. I think a husband can look at his wife with some nice lingerie and be thankful to God for the woman he married.
I see nothing wrong with a wife wearing lingerie if she is willing to and her husband enjoys it. I believe the Church teaches that it is OK to use things like Viagra (if needed) in the context of a loving marital relationship. As long as it is in the privacy of the marital bedroom it seems that it should be OK.

As a previous poster commented - God has given us this gift to enjoy.
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