I’d like to come up with a list of areas where Protestants (actually, any non-Catholic and non-Orthodox who call themselves Christian) are in disagreement with one another. I’m looking for theological areas, not areas of practice (e.g. wine vs. grape juice).
Here’s a start at a list. Please add and/or correct. I’m not sure if all of these belong on this list – some may only be conflicts with the Catholic faith, in which case I don’t want to include them here. I have also included some things which no “traditional” Protestant might believe, but which people who consider themselves Christians might, such as Trinity vs. Oneness, so I’m looking for the broadest range of beliefs of all who call themselves Christian. Thanks.
-Efficacy of baptism, real or symbolic
-Infant baptism
-One baptism vs.multiple
-Real Presence in Eucharist
-Ministerial priesthood
-Confession to a priest (do any Protestants believe this?)
-Once Saved Always Saved
-The Rapture, etc (How many views on this subject?)
-Apostolic succesion
-Predestination vs. free will (some called vs. all called)
-Trinity vs. Oneness
-Divinity of Christ (do some who call themselves Christian deny this?)
-Sola Scriptura vs. other authorities (e.g. Councils)
-Veneration of Mary suitable
-Mary mother of God or just “the human part of Jesus”
-Prayer to saints
-Mortal vs. non-mortal sin
Please join in to help fill out this list.
Here’s a start at a list. Please add and/or correct. I’m not sure if all of these belong on this list – some may only be conflicts with the Catholic faith, in which case I don’t want to include them here. I have also included some things which no “traditional” Protestant might believe, but which people who consider themselves Christians might, such as Trinity vs. Oneness, so I’m looking for the broadest range of beliefs of all who call themselves Christian. Thanks.
-Efficacy of baptism, real or symbolic
-Infant baptism
-One baptism vs.multiple
-Real Presence in Eucharist
-Ministerial priesthood
-Confession to a priest (do any Protestants believe this?)
-Once Saved Always Saved
-The Rapture, etc (How many views on this subject?)
-Apostolic succesion
-Predestination vs. free will (some called vs. all called)
-Trinity vs. Oneness
-Divinity of Christ (do some who call themselves Christian deny this?)
-Sola Scriptura vs. other authorities (e.g. Councils)
-Veneration of Mary suitable
-Mary mother of God or just “the human part of Jesus”
-Prayer to saints
-Mortal vs. non-mortal sin
Please join in to help fill out this list.