I wouldn’t get too proud. Catholic individuals get extremely worked up over certain issues that they find offensive that are very close to the Red vs. Green hymnal issue I brought up… Look at everything associated with Novus Ordo Mass. Traditionalist Catholics feel enormous frustrations when they see some of the changes in Mass due to Vatican II. Holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer, Eucharist in the hand or in the mouth, kneeling vs. standing after receiving communion, clapping… etc.Red or Green Hymnals, Organ or Piano,…ect," I have been a Roman Catholic from birth. If you really look at scripture and what Jesus said, why are we trying to pick Him apart? DOES JESUS REALLY CARE? DOES HE CARE ABOUT THE RITUALS AND THE FORMALITIES?..Even my Pastor from the Pulpit who happens to be a Roman Catholic Priest has said on numerous occassions: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE BOTTOM LINE…YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS.” Sometimes I just have to cut through the junk.
Anyways, my first comment on Red and Green hymnals was a joke. Although some have preferences and some might get into heated arguments, all that I have witnessed are more for the fun of getting each other worked up than true disagreement.
C.S. Lewis once wrote something to the effect of, “Often times it is not the nature of important issues that we disagree about but what we consider to be the most important issues.”