Do you generally find that your friends and associates agree with your view on this?
most do, a few don’t (but some are afraid to deny theism in overly strong terms because of the social stigma attached to atheism and agnosticism).
I do think evolution was a process involving selection through randomness; it’s just that I don’t rule out certain possibilities. What I do rule out is a spiritual being who is omnipresent, hears and answers prayers, and governs the universe.
Throughout history mankind has attributed what we didn’t understand to a supernatural force. Slowly, as generations went by, we demystified one phenomena after the other. We know the natural cause for many of the things our predecessors attributed to an angry god or gods. Yes, there’s still work left for science, we haven’t discovered everything. However, the argument in support of religiosity continues to be the same old argument from incredulity.
We don’t understand the relationship between psychological and physical health, therefore god. There’s been bizarre atmospheric events that science hasn’t fully explained, therefore god.
Can you imagine the fear a solar eclipse must have invoked among the ancients?
I’m also convinced there’s enough similarities between Christianity (and Judaism) and earlier mythological stories from various cultures (near east and Roman) that create significant problems for Christianity. There’s numerous virgin birth motifs, a Sumerian polytheistic twin of the old testament flood narrative, etc. While I’ve heard some overreaching by atheists (with regard to these parallels) the ones we know exist are highly persuasive all the same.
When I add it up, in my personal opinion, religion is unreasonable. However, I also think being a deist (with a healthy dose of skepticism) is perfectly reasonable, although I don’t personally adopt a deist stance. After all, as far as we know everything has a cause (and since we’re pretty sure the universe had a starting point, it makes sense to assume something must have caused it. I just don’t believe it was any sort of omnipotent being as deists do). This doesn’t mean I think we should ever act under the assumption that a supernatural unknowable force did or created anything. We should always assume everything has a natural cause.
I don’t call myself an atheist because I’m not willing to go as far as creating a theory for the origins of the universe, without sufficient evidence (or at least a strong theoretical model), merely to help me attack theism. That’s the type of thing theists do to each other; and it starts to look like a game theory model. One group of theists attack the validity of another group, the other group reacts to that attack (and it throws them down a track they wouldn’t have otherwise gone down), then a counter-attack, and on and on it goes. People get hardened into their respective positions, more in reaction to attacks from the opposing side than any particular doctrine. Sometimes charges by an opponent, even if in inaccurate (if aggressive and consistent enough) can become self-fulfilling.
I try and keep that sort of clouded reasoning out of my brain. I may be occasionally wrong, but I’m not willing to do the same thing theists do, which is to create (or buy into, which is to enable) wild theories to rationalize its beliefs, merely to help “my side” win its argument. It’s not that I’m trying to say I’m holier than thou, I just think it’s harmful to invent or enable false arguments, or baseless theories (and help create a possibility that a bunch of really smart people, who could be spending their lives on productive endeavors, will waste their time trying to validate or debunk a theory that was a load of garbage to begin with).
When false assumptions enter into anything, it pollutes everything that follows, and creates inefficiency.