Liturgical experiments forced bishop's resignation, theologian says (CWN)

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Vienna, May. 27 ( - The resignation of an Austrian bishop was caused, at least in part, by the unauthorized liturgical experiments conducted by diocesan personnel, a prominent theologian has reported.

In an interview with the Linzer Kirchenzeitung (LKZ, the newspaper of the Linz diocese), Paul Zulehner provocatively suggested that parish personnel in Linz who enjoyed a period of liturgical experimentation should now ask themselves what role they played in the resignation of Bishop Maximillian Aichern. The interview, which was reported by the German-language web site, indirectly confirmed that widespread liturgical irregularities had led to Bishop Aichern’s removal.

:confused: I find it incomprehensible. Outgoing bishop sacked for liturgical abuse which his successor then perpetrates.
The links are hard to believe! How can this happen? There was obviously no attempt to hide what was going on.
Praying for the souls that are being “served” by this bishop and others.

This situation leaves me speechless.

I think we should all package that and e-mail it to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI: (English) (Italian)

Pope Benedict XVI really needs to see that so he knows that he needs to replace this Bishop before he does any more damage or leads any more sheep astray.

This is that important!

Let’s all do this NOW!

In Christ, Michael
Brothers and Sisters:

Here is what I just sent the Holy Father:

His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI

Dear Pope Benedict XVI:

Your Holiness, I saw this on the Catholic answers Forum and thought that you should know that the NEW Bishop of Linz, Austria, Bishop Ludwig Schwarz, has stated that he intends to become like his predecessor, Bishop Maximillian Aichern, who was removed for liturgical and doctrinal irregularities:

I believe you will find the above articles to be upsetting, as they present a picture that can’t be described as orthodox or consistent with the Catholic Faith and practice. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I have a duty to inform Your Holiness so that you can take whatever actions are appropriate to eliminate the heresy and apostasy on display in the the Diocese of Linz.

Thank you for your time and consideration. May God bless and Enrich your Papacy with converts and Unity with other Christians.

In Christ,
Name & Address on Original
More ammunition for the SSPX and Sedevacantist people…:banghead:

I hope the Pope removes this new guy as well. But if the heterodox liturgical practices are too widespread, I think Benedict XVI should excommunicate the current bishop and diocesan administration and let them have their little neo-pagan party, then re-establish the local Church from the ground up.

But pray for their return to the truth, as well as we should for Gerry Matatics (Though I’m certain even he doesn’t in any way identify with the theology of these people).:gopray2:
This looks like New Age Worship. One of the central lies of the New Age movement is that it encompasses all beliefs and can be incorporated into any worship and belief system. These folks appear to have swalled the bait, hook, line and sinker.
One of the abuses included a deacon breaking bread with a female protestant minister? Does this count as desecreation of the Eucharist, which incurs excommunication latae sententiae?
Fidei Defensor:
One of the abuses included a deacon breaking bread with a female protestant minister? Does this count as desecreation of the Eucharist, which incurs excommunication latae sententiae?
Fidei Defensor:

I don’t know, but I still suggest sending the entire packet to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. He has a right to know, and we have a duty to tell.

We just have to remember who has the Authority and the Keys when we’re doing the telling: (English) (Italian)

In Christ, Michael

PS: I need to get ready for a late All Saint’s Day Mass. May God bless you all!
Fidei Defensor:
One of the abuses included a deacon breaking bread with a female protestant minister? Does this count as desecreation of the Eucharist, which incurs excommunication latae sententiae?
I saw the photos and the captions but had no idea what they were doing until I read

Oh, my.

On the basis of what I understood from the Catholic World News . . . the deacon could not desecrate the Eucharist in the situation described there because he did not have the priestly power to consecrate it in the first place, and neither did the female Lutheran minister.

** However**, canon 1378 §2, 1º addresses “a person who attempts the liturgical action of the Eucharistic sacrifice though not promoted to the sacerdotal order.” (This is sometimes called “simulating the Eucharist.”)

If he did what it looks like he did, then according to canon 1378 §1, since this deacon is a cleric, a latae sententiae penalty of suspension rather than excommunication is imposed on him. (The effects of suspension are treated in canon 1333. )

There are other possibilities in law for the imposition of expiatory penalties though. Excommunication could be added according to canon 1378 §3.

This kind of offense is reserved for examination, the declaration of penalty and any remission to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith according to Graviora delicta.
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