Liturgical feminsm

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Rome in effect over ruled the American Bishops in the attempt to “ban” kneeling for communion with 3 letters from the Council of Divine worship to American Bishops and the latest liturgical guidlines from Rome. Also, it is not defiant at all to avoid EMHCs, it is your right to switch communion lines.
Yes, it is sad that most parishes, and even religious orders are stuck in the late 60’s and 70’s as far as liturgy is concerned. Yet, these are the very people who rant and rave about traditionalist who are stuck in the 50’s. They don’t want to change. Its a shame. There are some traditional religious orders: The Legionares of Christ, the Mercedarians, and a few others. There is a Benedictine community in Cold Creek, OK which I understand is very traditional. I think the Cistercians in Spring Bank, WI too.

The reason why the church has a feminist agenda is that most Extra Ordinary ministers of the Eucharist, and memebers of the Liturgy Committee are women, they drive the men (most of whom are traditional) away.
The Church has authorized EM’s. For you to go out of your way to avoid them, seems defiant.
You’re right that the Church has authorized EM’s, but only in certain circumstances. People might want to check the GIRM (cf GIRM, 285 I think) for specifics. My understanding is that they are allowed when there are insufficient OM’s for a given situation. So if there’s only one priest, no deacon or acolyte, and a layperson is holding the chalice, that’s fine (if I understand correctly). But if there’s a concelebrant sitting down, a deacon doing nothing, etc, yet there are 5 EM’s, something’s wrong, and I’m not sure I disagree with people who cross over to the priest’s line in a case like that.
The Church has authorized EM’s. For you to go out of your way to avoid them, seems defiant.
No, hopefully it does not “seem” defiant, it actually is. I make it my intention, as due my family and friends to ONLY go to the priests line.
OK, I’m reading s-l-o-w-l-y lest I make a nasty error in logic. You are saying that you hop between lines with the intention of showing defiance for the legitimate teaching authority of the church? Not just because of a personal preference? You really want to “make a statement” that the Church is wrong? If I have misunderstood, please correct me.
Andreas Hofer:
I am also an occasional perpetrator of liturgical abuse; if there’s a communion rail I kneel at it, even though the new Roman Missal actually forbids reception of the Eucharist while kneeling (which I find ludicrous). So go ahead and be a little defiant as long as it’s respectful and well-intentioned.
Actually Andreas, the Missal does not forbid you from reception while kneeling, Rome has been quite clear about that. But the US Norms say that the priest is suppose to “pastorally counsel you” about the reason for the norm. Has anyone done that? I am sincerely curious.
And, I don’t think Mass - and especially not Communion reception - should be used as an occasion to show defiance of any form. We should do things the way the local Church wants them done - not the way we think they should be done.
No one has to go to EMHC for the Holy Communion, it not a sin to avoid EMHC since they are not ordained people nor is it disobidient.
No one has to go to EMHC for the Holy Communion, it not a sin to avoid EMHC since they are not ordained people nor is it disobidient.
I agree with you. But I was speaking to someone who (unless I completely misunderstood) was saying that they hop out of the EMHC line and into the priest’s line as a sign of defiance.

(I’m also wondering why this thread came back to life after being dead for almost a month.)
I agree with you. But I was speaking to someone who (unless I completely misunderstood) was saying that they hop out of the EMHC line and into the priest’s line as a sign of defiance.

(I’m also wondering why this thread came back to life after being dead for almost a month.)
Actually to receive Communion from the hands of a priest and on the TONGUE is my Right, and hey, why not, if I choose to kneel I COULD because the VATICAN has given us that right! YES, ONE of the reason I do intentionally go to the priests line as do most of my friends and is TO BE DEFIANT towards those in my parish who say that it is the Same thing: the priest or the EXTRAORDINARY minister of the Eucharist. When the Pope or the official magisterium declares through DOGMA that I cannot CHOOSE to go to the priests line, I won’t. In the meantime, here I come father, on your line. Though I guess i really won’t worry much about this, after all I have decided to attend MOSTLY the Latin Tridentine Mass (archbishop’s stamp of approval, but more importantly, the Pope’s: “Motu Propio Ecclesia Dei”(1988). I won’t have to worry about christian merengue, the macarena, electric guitars, drums, banjoes, whistles, are plain people just banging on the pew when they feel like dancing.
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