Saying a Protestant is a heretic and schismatic is implied. Everyone knows all Protestants are heretics and schismatics. That doesn’t need to be proven, it is already proven.
And everyone knows that the Orthodox are out side of the Catholic Church, but crying schismatic does nothing.
The Schismatic " orthodox:" are schismatic becuase they reject
the dogma of “filioque”
The Immacualte Conception of Mary
the authority of the Pope
and refusal of submission to the Pope.
Well now, I think this shows some misunderstandings of not only Catholic Teaching but also Orthodox Teachings.
The filoque is not dogma, the Holy Father frequently omits it from the Creed.
The Byzantine Catholic Churches have mostly removed it from our recitation of the Creed as we have been directed to by the Holy Father.
The Byzantine Catholic Churches, as well as the Orthodox Churches, do not celebrate the Immaculate Conception, you will not find it on our liturgical calendars. We celebrate the Conception of Saint Ann.
For the Orthodox and the Byzantine Catholics, the Immaculate Conception proclimation was not necessary as our view of Original Sin differs from the Augustinian view of it. When Orthodox say that they do not believe in the “Immaculate Conception” they are usually speaking about the proclimation, as it is full of western theological language and puts forward the Agustinian view of Original Sin, which is just one view of it and it not dogma. The current Catechism has stepped away from that view somewhat.
We, Byzantine Catholics as well as the Orthodox, believe that Mary was born sinless and remained sinless.
You are correct on the part about the pope. The some of the Orthodox do consider the pope to be first among equals but they do not submit and deny his authority.
That is the main reason I am a Byzantine Catholic.