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BLB Oregon, I don’t doubt there is a small minority of children who need medication.
However there is a study that came out yesterday, which states children with ADD benefit from playing outdoors.
That is a total no brainer, when children are allowed to be children their ADD, SOMEHOW,
I “love” the Strattera add next to the article.
Would some children–even many children–benefit from some more time outdoors and a re-assessment of the expectations placed on them? Sure. Do you or I know how frustrating it is, how miserable it is, for a kid who has ADD to try to learn in a normal school environment? To try to socialize and fit in with the other kids? I have seem kids with ADD try to cope, and it is heartbreaking. I loved school. I can’t imagine what their experience must be like.

A person with ADD has an inability to focus that makes learning to read extremely difficult. It makes socialization extremely difficult. It is not something that they should be expected to get over by mere force of will. When a person really has ADD, it is callous to expect that. They need understanding, they need accomodation, and yes, sometimes, they need some medication.
have seem kids with ADD try to cope, and it is heartbreaking. I loved school. I can’t imagine what their experience must be like.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I hated almost every minute of school. Should I have been medicated into liking it? Should a child be medicated into being acceptable to other children? If I remember school correctly the so called “normal” children would pick on “different” children.
I have two very good friends, one aged forty-one and the other in her fifties. Both have been diagnosed with ADD, and both are also what I what call “genius”-caliber intellects. I think Lilyofthevalley’s comment about being medicated “into liking” school is right on the money. I myself(though I’m nowhere near a genius)remember suffering through the slow pace and mickey mouse teaching methods of my public school. I’ve an idea that, more often than not, these ADD kids are actually children of higher intellect whose better instincts rebel against the mediocre education they’re being fed, and they end up acting out and being misdiagnosed as “hyperactive” or “disruptive.” This is a real problem and that government commission should be immediately dismantled.

By the way, psychological screening in the public school system is nothing new; it’s been going on for decades. I well remember when I entered the fourth grade in 1972, a very nice man at the school building had me in to his office and asked me to tell him all about my summer, my favorite books, etc., then showed me out and I never saw him again. I didn’t realise it at the time(what nine-year old would?), but in retrospect I can see that he was obviously a psychologist who was trained to identify and “weed out” the “problem” kids.
This is a case where I expect drugs are being used to compensate for lack of parental control. Even 8-year olds need to learn to wait their turn and to think of others before themselves.
I have several relatives who are grade school teachers (more than several, actually). I really put my foot in it at Christmas when I suggested there is too much medication going on. They all felt there was too little. They basically cited that some students cannot pay attention or learn in class.

I guess I came away from that conversation feeling that the problem could be managed better if the parents weren’t working full time, the parents were more involved, the parents knew how to discipline, the class sizes were smaller, the teaching were more individualized, etc. But the fact that my relatives deal with is a child who will be better off if they get an education, and the only way that realistically will happen is with meds.

It was heartbreaking to listen to the circumstances of some of their students. It is clear the students are overcoming a lot in order to learn and succeed. So I suspect pressure to medicate is coming from teachers like my relatives, whom, BTW, I deem reasonable individuals. The whole thing just made me sad 😦
the best kid’s magazine I have seen lately is Magnificat for kids.
BLB Oregon, I don’t doubt there is a small minority of children who need medication.
However there is a study that came out yesterday, which states children with ADD benefit from playing outdoors.
That is a total no brainer, when children are allowed to be children their ADD, SOMEHOW,
I “love” the Strattera add next to the article.
You don’t want to see kids medicated at all. That is admirable. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 40. It was a problem for me in school and is a problem for me as a mother and wife.

To think that ADHD is just bad parenting haunted my mother for years. When I called her to tell her of my astronomical BADS score, she cried. She didn’t cry because I had ADHD, but because she blamed herself for not raising me right.

My BADS was 204. BADS - a grouping of tests and scores that indicate how affected by ADHD a person is. Ask any elementary school principal what a 204 BADS score is. I am a 9.5 out of 10 for being affected by the disorder.

I have an unusually high IQ – but my knowledge isn’t in alphabetical order. I was given many negative helps to make my brain secrete the right chemicals, but none of them worked. Isolation, extra work, and ridicule did nothing to make up for the for the chemicals that my brain doesn’t produce.

It is like telling a diabetic to make a decision to start producing insulin just like everyone else. Gee, if you are the only diabetic in this school then you must not be trying hard enough to make insulin.

So what that ADHD is less consistent in how much it affects different people, we still can’t make our brains work like normal people.

I have struggled and beat myself up. But with tested and quantified progress with medication, I can say that I have a better chande of listening at Mass without having to close my eyes to shut out extra stimuli.

It is not a sin to be ADHD. I am how God made me. Sometimes I ask God if I am just comic relief for Him, but I not lazy, crazy or stupid. I am highly creative and valued by members of my parish and my son’s school.


PS my kid isn’t medicated. I am using the skills I have learned to cope with being a space case.
I have struggled and beat myself up. But with tested and quantified progress with medication, I can say that I have a better chande of listening at Mass without having to close my eyes to shut out extra stimuli.

It is not a sin to be ADHD. I am how God made me. Sometimes I ask God if I am just comic relief for Him, but I not lazy, crazy or stupid. I am highly creative and valued by members of my parish and my son’s school.


PS my kid isn’t medicated. I am using the skills I have learned to cope with being a space case.
One of the reasons I believe ADHD is real is the times I have seen one set of parents treat all their kids the same, but still have one who tries and tries and still doesn’t get with the program.

I’m uncomfortable calling ADHD a “disorder” in the same way that diabetes is a disorder–it seems rather to be a different gift. Those with ADHD should still be offered help in coping with life as a squirrel in a turtle world. Not to give them oblivion, but to give them some peace amid all the stimulation and certainly to give them access to the world of books–if they need it. (If not, why risk burying the gift?)

The turtles of the world have caffeine, and nobody shakes their fingers at them. Maybe it’s just because there are so many turtles. The way you describe coping with your situation is inspiring. You should be proud of yourself. You weren’t given an easy part in this story to play. Hang in there and thank you for sharing your story.

I think the best case would be a world where turtles can be turtles, squirrels can be squirrels, and owls can be owls. That takes a lot of love and understanding. I’m glad your child has a Mom who understands and values what God made him(or her).
Wow, “Parents” has a reputation!??! It looked harmless. I usually read “Family Fun” magazine.
I finally canceled my subscription when they had an article about in-vitro and the mother was taking her son to meet the in-vitro doctor and she told her son that today was the day he was going to “meet his maker”.
I guess I came away from that conversation feeling that the problem could be managed better if the parents weren’t working full time, the parents were more involved, the parents knew how to discipline, the class sizes were smaller, the teaching were more individualized, etc. But the fact that my relatives deal with is a child who will be better off if they get an education, and the only way that realistically will happen is with meds.
I think part of the problem is that medication is seen as the sole solution. My niece were diagnosed a few years ago and My mother has been instrumental in many of the strategies used to cope with ADD. My niece is responding very well to medication, I believe that her twice weekly tutoring, weekly visits to a counselor and my mother paying very close attention to her homework and getting her involved in many activities plays a large part in the huge leap in her grades this past year. It takes a multi-prong approach.

Many of us who are diagnosed in adulthood or who eventually reach adulthood after years on medication eventually decide to forego prescriptions for dealing with ADD because we dont’ consider it a disability. It is a different way of thinking that has its drawbacks in a culture that prizes and rewards orderliness and linear thinking, but there are many coping strategies for dealing with how to fit in. My palm pilot is my best friend. 🙂
we dont’ consider it a disability. It is a different way of thinking that has its drawbacks in a culture that prizes and rewards orderliness and linear thinking, but there are many coping strategies for dealing with how to fit in. My palm pilot is my best friend. 🙂
Great attitude. Culture often doesn’t prize what it should. I wish the world of education could mold itself to the child and not vice versa. But it looks as if that won’t happen.
Mamamull, bless your heart. I hope no one got the impression that I believe ADD and ADHD is a sin. No WAY! What I DO think, is it is OVER diagnosed, childis behavior is labeled as needing to be “medicated” or there is something “wrong” with the child.
Medication is needed in SOME cases, but I don’t think it’s needed like it’s being pushed today.
I thumbed through the latest “Parents” magazine and there is a 4 page article about ADD and how drugs for malady is UNDERprescribed and ADD is UNDERdiagnosed.
Then I read this
What is going on in this country?
BLB_Oregon… My post is responding to this Article from… The article itself upset me…NOT ADD/ADHD…which I have been diagnoised myself with…I am sorry you misinturpeted my post on the subject… I would rather people not PM with attacking messages… I am sorry I have to clarify myself.

Parents is not a magazine for children to read, it is for parents to read, thus the title. ADD, when correctly diagnosed is something that needs to be dealt with before a child suffers anymore socially and in school. However, what does bother me more about Parents magazine are the two page birth control ads. Here we have a magazine with great ideas and news alerts for and about children, and then a two page spread for Ortho Evra. Seems to me like they want to limit their readership. Lets promote the responsibility and then . . . . . . not? I don’t get it. I have discontinued my subscription to this magazine and others because of their birth-control ads.
"I have struggled and beat myself up. But with tested and quantified progress with medication, I can say that I have a better chande of listening at Mass without having to close my eyes to shut out extra stimuli.

It is not a sin to be ADHD. I am how God made me. Sometimes I ask God if I am just comic relief for Him, but I not lazy, crazy or stupid. I am highly creative and valued by members of my parish and my son’s school. "


My heart goes out to you Mamamull… I have to do the same thing at mass. I was never “officially” tested for ADHD or ADD but was pre-diagnoised from a Psychiatrist (sp)… I tend to believe that I am “something”…

In elementry school, I had to be in “special” reading and math…That’s what they called it. Anyway, I always have had a problems with comprehension (sp) (I am not great with spelling either :o )

I am keeping an eye on this issue and collecting as much info as I can…I am a little worried my oldest daughter might have a bit of a problem… She is starting pre-school this year 2x’s a week. I am anxious to see how she does. I know her social behavior skills need a lot of work. But as you mention, she is highly intellegent for her age… I would love to have her IQ tested for curiosity sake…

My 1st post on this subject was only in regards to the article Lillyofthevalley submitted the link too… I was also outraged from the point of the article…

I Also, Do tend to think that too many “Physicans” jump to conclusion and over diagnoise ADHD and ADD… I think there should be addequate(sp) testing to make this conclusion… and the use of drugs to treat…ONLY when properly diagnoised. I also agree with more “Natural” approaches when it comes to dealing with those whom have ADHD/ADD… JMO…

I do definently want to educate myself more on this subject, so I do appreciate the links given.

I finally canceled my subscription when they had an article about in-vitro and the mother was taking her son to meet the in-vitro doctor and she told her son that today was the day he was going to “meet his maker”.
What a comment to make to a child!
I have several relatives who are grade school teachers (more than several, actually). I really put my foot in it at Christmas when I suggested there is too much medication going on. They all felt there was too little. They basically cited that some students cannot pay attention or learn in class.
I’m sure I would have been diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid, but I don’t think that diagnosis even existed back then (in the 50s and early 60s). I was always getting in trouble for not paying attention and distracting other class members. I remember one time being put in a desk that butted right up against the teacher’s desk. My mother pleaded with me to just settle down and behave – why couldn’t I be a “good girl” like my sister?

Well, in about 5th or 6th grade, I did just settle down. I think it coincided with the onset of puberty. I got good grades in high school (but didn’t like it), but dropped out of college and then finished as an adult in a “untraditional” program. I’m an excellent student in small groups and in independent study, and I’ve been gainfully employed my entire adult life. Some people – I suspect a lot of people – just are not cut out for the constraints of public education.

I agree that children as a population are being over-medicated, but there was one child in my son’s co-op preschool who was truly hyperactive. He literally “bounced off the walls.” For those children, I’m sure medication can be a blessing.

Tricia Frances
I’m sure I would have been diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid, but I don’t think that diagnosis even existed back then (in the 50s and early 60s). I was always getting in trouble for not paying attention and distracting other class members. I remember one time being put in a desk that butted right up against the teacher’s desk. My mother pleaded with me to just settle down and behave – why couldn’t I be a “good girl” like my sister?

I agree that children as a population are being over-medicated, but there was one child in my son’s co-op preschool who was truly hyperactive. He literally “bounced off the walls.” For those children, I’m sure medication can be a blessing.

Tricia Frances
Just a question, why is this happening NOW? IOW I went to grade school and we had LARGE classes, 30-36 per class. This was in the 1960s. Certainly there were always kids that were a bit hard to contain, but not out of control. Could it be that kids don’t feel they need to respect teachers and/or teachers are afraid to reprimand? Could it be our speeded up society (although I’ve heard this is the society that ADD kids THRIVE in.)

I was a fidgety kid who had a hard time settling down too Tricia, so I hear you. But let’s say while I wasn’t a good little girl like my sister, I never created a huge problem because I certainly respected my teacher’s authority. If she said “Lisa quit writing around like that!” I would…eventually. My teachers basically dealt with a variety of kids with a variety of abilities and a variety of personalities. I never felt we were expect to be robotic.

I hear so many reasons that this diagnosis is real and I am no expert on child psychology. But given that children have been going to school for hundreds of years, why are we needing to drug them now?

Lisa N
BLB_Oregon… My post is responding to this Article from… The article itself upset me…NOT ADD/ADHD…which I have been diagnoised myself with…I am sorry you misinturpeted my post on the subject… I would rather people not PM with attacking messages… I am sorry I have to clarify myself.

Um… I didn’t mean my PM to be an attacking message, but to tell you that someone might take your post as an attack. I totally misunderstood your post as possibly making fun of people with ADHD, which I have heard many people do.

Your post was a little vague as to its meaning. I was uncertain enough about it that I thought it best to ask you about it privately, rather than to confront you publicly. That way, if I’m wrong (which I was) I don’t start a huge cross-fire over a misunderstanding.

I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way.
Girls usually don’t have the hyperactivity porton of ADD, which means that they usually girls don’t get diagnosed until the teen years. some of the posters saying they weren’t major problems doesn’t mean that all kids with ADD were major problems. I wasn’t a real trouble maker, I was just fun to make the butt of jokes.

Have you seen the commercials for adult ADD? The business meeting where the ADD’er misses the dialogue and then is called on? I had teachers that would catch me spacing out because I was sooooo bored, they would then decide I needed to be brought down a notch. I didn’t create a problem, except upsetting the teacher by not finding her fascinating.

In fact for girls the primary traits are being detatched and in their own little world. Sometimes they are treated for depression without having had the ADD part recognized. I guess that is how people noticed that Wellbutrin was very helpful for some young women and their ADD and not just depression.

People who aren’t medicated for ADHD tend to “self medicate” many illicit drugs are used by those who are seeking to slow a hyperactive mind or body. In my mispent youth, I would refer to smoking dope as “smoking myself into submission” obviously that wasn’t the best path.

But when I did finally gain treatment for my ADHD, I remember sitting out on my front stoop after seeing our Bible study group off. It was so unusual that my husband and my neighbors had to ask if I was having a problem. I realized that I never just sit. I sit and read or weed or multi-task somehow.

Now I can actually find peace in my heart and mind. Sometimes my brain still races out of control and I just have to pray all twenty decades of the Rosary to maybe find some slowing. If not, I plead with Our Lady of the Rosary to please slow my mind so that I can sleep. She frequently helps. Insomnia still happens sometimes, though.

Mamamull… It sounds as if you are describing me to a tee… I catch myself in “dreamland” quite often…Even when I am driving, which is extremely scary… I am on Wellbutrin (sp) now too… It took awhile for it too work, and I am still not conviced it does much, except that it takes the edge off so to speak… My Dr. put me on it for more of a “mood” stabalizer. No one, yet has said anything about “Adult ADD”… I don’t think I have the Hyperactivity part…But who knows… Very interesting reading…

BLB_Oregon… I have to apologize a bit too…I take things extremely personally… But after reading my initial post, I should have been more carefull with the icons I use… All is well…It took me some time to figure out what in the world you were talking about… But I think I got it…🙂

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