I have always been shy, quite reserved, pacifistic, very slow to condemn someone, and always feeling sorry for people- who hate my guts. On the other hand, perhaps you could say that I’m cold hearted, aloof, and distant. In any case my take on what I was hearing about the Bible, when I was little, was that God took a dimmer view of a sexual thought than of an act of murder. And I also got the impression, in my old southern family, that all women were basically of the same status as Nuns; pure, virtuous, untouchable, supra-humanly perfect.You should stay on the opposite side of the room from women out of respect - and so that they won’t get the wrong idea about your intentions, and that if it was unavoidable to address one of them, I had this powerful urge to genuflect. Now that I am much older, and have long since been introduced to the real world, I am still confused, and, honestly, I MISS and I PREFER that BEAUTIFULLY ROMANTIC perspective and context of my childhood.
So I have lived a celibate life.
- I have no intention of entering the religious life, obligations to my parents preclude that.
I am constantly being disgusted, frustrated, and depressed that most people obviously assume right off the bat that I must be homosexual, or worse deviant, or physically defective.
Come on now! Is celibacy-chastity REALLY that unusual or rare? And what of this implied notion- if not stated outright- that ALL males are potential rapists or sexual monsters or homosexuals? ( and where does that leave the pope for example?) What might the potential long-term corrosive effect of that notion be if it goes unquestioned and unchallenged?
I have this theory that the western world is so given over to sexual excess that in self-defense / self-justification it must foster the notion that chastity is peculiar.
The lack of self-restraint is so EMBARASSINGLY ubiquitous that semantic gymnastics must be employed to prop it up, like, for example , to argue that dressing women up in peter pan collars and knee length skirts and idealizing them is objectifieing them and demeaning them. ( but if we dress them in bikinis and drape them over chevrolets we have made them our republican equals! )
I know how protestants see it these days; chastity is strictly for the under-18 crowd .( and to tell the truth, the reasons for that are not theological, philosophical, or idealogical; we don’t want pregnant 13 year old girls, we don’t want 15 year old boys in hospital with AIDS. ) Otherwise, you should get married 5 times, you should leave your heirs with hopelessly confused geneologies, but NEVER should you ELECT TO REFRAIN because you think it’s noble and romantic!
Do Catholics in general feal that way too?
Any other old maids out there? what do you think?