Well I think your question goes to the deeper meaning of the Communion of Saints.
What I do affects you, either directly, indirectly or supernaturally.
It’s easy to forget that there is a whole other “plane of action”: the supernatural life.
I may not be able see so and so cheat on his wife half way across the world…and so I may conclude that his “giving in to sin” doesn’t really affect me…but it does. Or my own defects and giving in to this or that sin affect you. But they do.
We are all part of the Body of Christ. What goes on in one member affects another.
So I am responsible to some extent for a priest who abuses children, perhaps not directly…I didn’t materially contribute to the act, but perhaps my confession to him one day, helped him conclude that “no one is struggling to be holy any more…just listen to this fellow and his half-hearted confession, poorly thought out. He hasn’t done any savage examination of his motives!!”.
Or maybe my effect on this priest only occurs at the supernatural plane…contributing to a lower of grace in the world, and he is affected by a lack of graces running through souls.
So we can make matters better principally by praying well, perhaps offering small fasts or sacrifices (for all the souls in this or that country!!). Make it bold!
We can perform reparations for others too. A Memorare for instance. Or a quiet prayer at dessert…Lord, this is not really much of a sacrifice but I offer “no dessert” tonight up for all sins of drug pushers, or bad businessmen, etc.