Local yahoo AGAIN

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the news on local yahoo is translated by me. I failed to find corresponding news on US yahoo.

Friday NY US, homosexual marriage made a step forward towards legalization

According to foreign news agancy Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan ruled on 4th Feb that homosexuals had the right to marry and asked marriage certificates be granted to 5 homosexual couples. If no one appeals, the sentence will take effect after 30 days

This ruling is based on NY constitution not US constition and is only valid in NY

Judge ruled “husband and wife” “fiance and fiancee” should apply equally to males and females. she says the marriage of homosexuals should be acknowledged and homosexuals should obtain the benefit of marriage.

4 of 5 couples expressed their rapture(sorry don’t have a better word) and determination of victory in a press conference held on friday afternoon. Jo-Ann, 49, said, “When I met Mary 25 years ago, I never believe this day will come”

President Bush explictly expressed in State of the Union that he supported constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage

NY meyor Michael Bloomberg’s spokesman hasn’t yet decided to appeal the ruling.

Last year Massachusetts decided to lift the ban on homosexual marriage. In US more than 10 states have modified the law which originally bans homosexual marriage. Other states besides Massachusetts include Oregon, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia etc
It’s obvious local yahoo supports gay marriage and this report also tries to deceit readers that Bush supports it considering not many of my contrymen know Bush’s stance on it nor do they know anything about State of the Union

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Do you really think that Yahoo! employs enough staff to specifically add every single news story to their site at the volume of news they carry? I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous. Yahoo!, as with most large volume portal sites, gets direct feed from several (in their case, more than twelve) providers. Any article going out on the wire (in this case, the Associated Press feed) will be included in Yahoo!'s news automatically. There’s no ulterior motives about the content–if you’re going to accuse anyone of being pro-gay marriage and anti-Bush, take it up with the AP reporter who wrote the article.

If you want filtered news, might I highly recommend Catholic Exchange? I know for a fact that they find news articles that are of interest to Catholics, and add links to those stories in their news section. I believe they also try to link to as unbiased an article on a particular topic as well. I think you might find it more to your liking than a secular source.
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