Locked husband out!

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I’m sure this goes without saying, but on a practical note…because he could certainly find a way inside even if he has a key or not…

Island Oak:

I know you’re in a bit of a holding pattern through the holidays due to legal advice…but the emotions you are investing in this relationship are something you can start working on now.

IF you KNOW your marital relationship with this man who has made a complete mockery his commitment to you is at an end…then start withdrawing and protecting your emotions even if legally you are still married and may share the same space/home. Be civil, but brief and reserved in your interactions with him. Do not open yourself up to further abuse by interacting with him any more than you absolutely have to. Avoid retaliation, fights, arguments, confrontations. They will accomplish nothing at this point. Your marriage has been destroyed by his selfish pursuit of his own purient desires, and he doesn’t care. Don’t pour out and waste your precious emotional energy fighting a losing battle.

Don’t think I don’t realize this will be very difficult. This man has fractured your heart and trampled your every hope for marital happiness in a most vile and cruel way. The sooner you are done with him the better. He truly sounds like one of the most selfish, sadistic people I have ever heard of. You and your children will be infinitely better off without him.

p.s. I really am sorry you had such a miserable Christmas.
I’ve been sooooo trying to do this, I’ve been doing okay…when he doesn’t come home there are no fights, no quesitons, nothing. I act like it’s just another day or night, I try to live my life as if I were a single mother already. I hate it because I know I’m not, because he should share in the responsibility of the marriage and children. When I go to mass with my baby I feel embarrased, I see couples with their children all around me, I feel out of place like I’m marked somehow, like everyone who sees me knows…I don’t know what I think they know…but they know. It’s wierd, maybe someone else knows what I’m talking about. I will continue to try and not let his behavior affect me and not engage in anything with him…thanks.
My prayers are with you, it appears that you have some serious choices to make, and soon for the sake of the children.

If everything you have stated is true, then he is a real lout.

Were you right to lock him out though? Probably not. If he has had a history of adultry I am guessing the adultry will occur anyway. It might even bring him closer to a near occasion of sin if he is forced to seek shelter at some other womans home.

My wife of 16 years cheated on me through our marriage. I told myself that if I ever got proof, I would divorce her. I brought her to counseling with our priest and he confided to me that I should do what ever I needed to do, because a leopard does not change his spots.

As soon as possible get into counseling with him. Confront him with everything, and ask him if it is going to change. If you and the counselor do not believe his answers, then you probably need to look into a seperation. I would look for a lawyer while your at it.

I pray for you though, I hope that something good can come of this.
Well I know that the adultery has continued which is why I know this has to end, the only thing I was trying to do is not have the adultery go on in my home like it had before. I can’t stop him from doing anything, I can, however keep it from happening in my house. As far as the counseling goes…he was not interested, he refused all available help…he doesn’t think he needs it. He does need it, badly and not just marital…but personal, he is really screwed up, but if he doesn’t see it it doesn’t matter if everyone around him does, we can’t do counseling for him. I do believe your priest was correct…a leapord doesn’t change it’s spots, thanks for your words.
Sounds like you need to make a decision if you are going to honor the marriage convenant you made with your husband. And whatever decision you make it also involves a child. My suggestion is two fold…go to God with prayer…and then go to talk to someone beginning with your priest…family ministries office etc.for counseling, and not just divorce counseling. Since he isn’t ready for counseling personally, go alone but definitely go

Here’s a link which will direct you to several others worth exploring. With all things, pray on it. Your marriage is waving all kinds of red flags that need your attention, pronto. But with all hard things, it takes one step. Hopefully, it’s forward!
Sounds like you need to make a decision if you are going to honor the marriage convenant you made with your husband. And whatever decision you make it also involves a child. My suggestion is two fold…go to God with prayer…and then go to talk to someone beginning with your priest…family ministries office etc.for counseling, and not just divorce counseling. Since he isn’t ready for counseling personally, go alone but definitely go

Here’s a link which will direct you to several others worth exploring. With all things, pray on it. Your marriage is waving all kinds of red flags that need your attention, pronto. But with all hard things, it takes one step. Hopefully, it’s forward!
Yes. Living in a situation where you fully expect your husband to cheat on you in your own home if you leave town is not a viable option. Either be married, meaning get past what’s in the past and give the man keys to all you have and an actual chance to make amends, or put the past in the past, meaning recognize that you’re not in a marriage and probably never have been and get started on a legal separation with the expectation that that may well be followed by a civil divorce and annulment.

If you don’t know which description fits you, it ought to be your first priority to find out, whether from him or from yourself, as the case may be. That’s option c.

Whichever of these three fits you, steep yourself in prayer and get yourself support (with skin on, not just us) and counselling, so you can come out of these rapids with your boat right side up. Good luck to you.
I guess I don’t get what is going on? Are you planning on staying or getting a divorce? If you are planning on divorce, you simply must move out until the lawyers sort through all this and the house will either be sold or one of you will live in the house or if you want to stay in the home then get a restraining order and then your husband can’t come into the house until the divorce is settled. He needs to be a father to the children but if the marriage is over, don’t expect there to be anymore in the marriage, when the marriage is over that is it, he will always be the father of your kids but he is not going to be anymore to you and even when divorce is civil it usually takes many, many years for the ex hubby and wife to be able to get along half way decently.

I would never let him live in the home or I would stay with my parents or sister or brother, this is so totally unhealthy for your pregnancy, the stress is downright dangerous and you can’t afford to keep putting yourself through this, my best friend was in a awful marriage and pregnant and she started going into early labor at 5 months and had to be on total bed rest the rest of her pregnancy, stress is very hard on your body when you are not pregnant but when your pregnant you need to think of that baby.
My prayers are with you, I know I could Never stay in a house with someone like that as you are doing, I would sooner live with my parents or siblings, no matter how inconvienet, I would not put up with it or I would kick him out and you do have a right to do that until your divorce goes through, if he wants to see your child he can set something up.
Praying for your awful situation.
Yes. Living in a situation where you fully expect your husband to cheat on you in your own home if you leave town is not a viable option. Either be married, meaning get past what’s in the past and give the man keys to all you have and an actual chance to make amends, or put the past in the past, meaning recognize that you’re not in a marriage and probably never have been and get started on a legal separation with the expectation that that may well be followed by a civil divorce and annulment.
I forgave him and have given him the chance to make ammends, to repent and try to live a familial life, which is why I haven’t asked him to leave. As with most married women who have children I have wanted more than anything for things to change, for him to want to change and be a better man, which I know he is capable of being. His ghosts won’t allow him to and I have to cut my losses, which is why I’ve made my decision to move on with my life without him in it. I truely don’t believe I was ever in a real marriage, his addictions have a real hold on him and considering we weren’t even married a year when he started cheating I don’t think he ever had a real intention to carry on the life of a married man. I have finally come to terms with that, as much as it hurts and it hurts more because I had every intention to be married until death.
Whichever of these three fits you, steep yourself in prayer and get yourself support (with skin on, not just us) and counselling, so you can come out of these rapids with your boat right side up. Good luck to you.
I do have some support and I have been going to a Catholic Charities counselor since I found about his affairs. I have recently contacted someone for some spiritual direction…I will also continue to look for a SD if this one isn’t a fit for me. Other than that I am alone, I don’t have any family near me and only have a couple of friends that I’ve made here. It’s a hard situation.
I guess I don’t get what is going on? Are you planning on staying or getting a divorce? If you are planning on divorce, you simply must move out until the lawyers sort through all this and the house will either be sold or one of you will live in the house or if you want to stay in the home then get a restraining order and then your husband can’t come into the house until the divorce is settled. He needs to be a father to the children but if the marriage is over, don’t expect there to be anymore in the marriage, when the marriage is over that is it, he will always be the father of your kids but he is not going to be anymore to you and even when divorce is civil it usually takes many, many years for the ex hubby and wife to be able to get along half way decently.
Moving out is not an option for me, it’s easier for him to leave the house. Considering that he spends days and nights away from the house I would assume that he has a place to stay…he has money and plenty of friends to help him out if he needs it. I don’t expect anymore of the marriage, I don’t expect him to be a husband or a father…he doesn’t do any of those things now…I’m sure he won’t do them afterwards.
I would never let him live in the home or I would stay with my parents or sister or brother, this is so totally unhealthy for your pregnancy, the stress is downright dangerous and you can’t afford to keep putting yourself through this, my best friend was in a awful marriage and pregnant and she started going into early labor at 5 months and had to be on total bed rest the rest of her pregnancy, stress is very hard on your body when you are not pregnant but when your pregnant you need to think of that baby.
My prayers are with you, I know I could Never stay in a house with someone like that as you are doing, I would sooner live with my parents or siblings, no matter how inconvienet, I would not put up with it or I would kick him out and you do have a right to do that until your divorce goes through, if he wants to see your child he can set something up.
Praying for your awful situation.
I also don’t have an option of going to stay with family, all my family lives in California and so do my friends. The friends I’ve made here are great, but I don’t feel comfortable intruding on them. I have a home, a home that I have respected so I don’t see why I should leave it until I have to legally. And yes, this is very stressful on a pregnancy. With my last pregnancy he was acting like such a jerk…of course I didn’t know then that he has girlfriends, but he did. I took it so hard, my first pregnancy and I had no support from the person who should have been as excited as I was, if anything he was a total a******. I ended up in the hospital for three days at 28 weeks pregnant, it took about 15 bags of IV fluid and 3 bags of potassium to rehydrate me and assure that I wouldn’t suffer heart failure. He came to see me once in that whole time…he only dropped me off at the hospital emergency room a 4am and took off to work…what a gentleman huh? I swore that I would NEVER let anyone affect my health or the health of my child again, I could have lost my child or my own life…that’s what the doctors said. By the grace of God I came through okay and had an uneventful pregnancy after that. I will not let his behavior affect my health or the health of this next child…he can come and go as he pleases…when he doesn’t come home it doesn’t bother me anymore, I don’t lose any sleep, if anything I sleep better because I know he isn’t around. Sad, but we have to do what we have to do to survive.
Moving out is not an option for me, it’s easier for him to leave the house. Considering that he spends days and nights away from the house I would assume that he has a place to stay…he has money and plenty of friends to help him out if he needs it. I don’t expect anymore of the marriage, I don’t expect him to be a husband or a father…he doesn’t do any of those things now…I’m sure he won’t do them afterwards.

I also don’t have an option of going to stay with family, all my family lives in California and so do my friends. The friends I’ve made here are great, but I don’t feel comfortable intruding on them. I have a home, a home that I have respected so I don’t see why I should leave it until I have to legally. And yes, this is very stressful on a pregnancy. With my last pregnancy he was acting like such a jerk…of course I didn’t know then that he has girlfriends, but he did. I took it so hard, my first pregnancy and I had no support from the person who should have been as excited as I was, if anything he was a total a******. I ended up in the hospital for three days at 28 weeks pregnant, it took about 15 bags of IV fluid and 3 bags of potassium to rehydrate me and assure that I wouldn’t suffer heart failure. He came to see me once in that whole time…he only dropped me off at the hospital emergency room a 4am and took off to work…what a gentleman huh? I swore that I would NEVER let anyone affect my health or the health of my child again, I could have lost my child or my own life…that’s what the doctors said. By the grace of God I came through okay and had an uneventful pregnancy after that. I will not let his behavior affect my health or the health of this next child…he can come and go as he pleases…when he doesn’t come home it doesn’t bother me anymore, I don’t lose any sleep, if anything I sleep better because I know he isn’t around. Sad, but we have to do what we have to do to survive.
What I have found is that with my Faith, I thrive, not just survive. It may take a lot of talking to the Priest, praying before the Blessed Sacrament, and going to Mass as frequently as possible, but you and yours can do it with the Lord’s help. Remember, HE came to help the sinners, not the righteous. The Lord will reach down and pull you out of the muck and mire and put a new song on your lips. Grab hold of the graces that surround you and be greatful!!The Lord has chosen you to carry a BEAUTIFUL BABY, and to raise your children to be children of God. How blessed we are. Your new motto “THRIVE, NOT JUST SURVIVE” 👍
Sorry for your pain.

DO you work outside the home? If not then its time for you to move to California…or at least get your kids there. When you obtain for civil dviorce make sure that YOU are on the good end of the deal and make sure that this creep has very limited custody children.

WE all make mistakes in life offer your suffering up… Turn to the Lord…I feel very sorry for you but YOU MUST do somthing about this… You are likely a good person who made the mistake of Marrying a very bad bad egg.

I do have a question…did you complete a marriage prep program? IF so was it one of those go through the motions program?
Sorry for your pain.

DO you work outside the home? If not then its time for you to move to California…or at least get your kids there. When you obtain for civil dviorce make sure that YOU are on the good end of the deal and make sure that this creep has very limited custody children.

WE all make mistakes in life offer your suffering up… Turn to the Lord…I feel very sorry for you but YOU MUST do somthing about this… You are likely a good person who made the mistake of Marrying a very bad bad egg.

I do have a question…did you complete a marriage prep program? IF so was it one of those go through the motions program?
I would like to move to California, but since moving to Illinois I’ve realized how Catholic it is and I love it. California is far from being a Catholic state and much less a traditional Catholic state. Churches are very liberal, there aren’t many, the schools are very expensive and so on. My family is actually considering moving to Illinois to be near me and my children. I also feel very uncomfortable going back to California and having to answer a million questions about my divorce and so on, I’d rather not have to go through that. And as far as the marriage prep program…we did, we had to, but it left much to be desired. I don’t think my husband ever really understood the committment of marriage, oh well, not much that can be done now.
Well, I finally spoke to my husband on new year’s eve…actually I called because I have a feeling that he has purchased another house and has been fixing it up, that’s why he refused to go back to California with me. I asked him about it…he, of course, denied that it was his house, he said it belonged to the brother of a friend of his and was just helping him fix it up…I then asked why he was spending money on it…he claimed that he owed him money and that was how he was repaying him…lies I’m sure. I don’t think the house is actually in his name, he can’t do it without my consent, but I wouldn’t doubt that someone got it for him. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter anymore.

He was furious because he couldn’t get in the house…he said he looked bad having a house and not being able to stay in it. I asked him how could I be sure that he wouldn’t bring his girlfriends over, and he said just cause he wouldn’t and how could I think that he would…of course I laughed and reminded him him how he’d done it already. He said not to worry that I wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore that he would move his things out when I got back. He then continued to say that if it made me feel better to blame him for everything then to go ahead, and I said I didn’t blame him for everything I told him I knew that I made my share of mistakes but I was willing to ammend those mistakes and do things differently, which I did. I then told him that the only person blaming here was him, that he blamed me for everything that went wrong which is why he made the decision to turn outside the marriage and get what he wanted, had he put some blame on himself he would have stuck around with patience, understanding and love to try and make things work but he didn’t. Therefore, it’s obvious that it was all my fault, I was what was wrong with his relationship and I was also dispensable and replacable. So I told him to do what made him happy after all that’s all that matters, that he is happy no matter at who’s expense. I went on to tell him how selfish I think he is and how he doesn’t know what real love is, that I know that he doesn’t know the meaning of sacrifice because the only thing that matters is what is good for him. I am now back and waiting to talk to him so that he can come and get his things. I guess I knew all along that locking him out would push things to the limit, and I really didn’t see any change in him, any desire to be a family man so what else is there to do?
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