London Invites Castro to Visit

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London Mayor to Celebrate Castro

London’s mayor Ken Livingstone, who calls President George W. Bush "the greatest threat to life on this planet,” wants to celebrate Cuba’s communist revolution by inviting Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to visit his city.

The visit would take place on the 50th anniversary of Castro’s return to Cuba to launch the guerrilla war that led to his communist takeover in 1959.

Once known as “Red Ken” when a member of England’s loony left and leader of the Greater London Council, Livingstone is a great admirer of Cuba and has praised its health and educational systems, which he compares favorably to those of the United States.

According to The Times of London, Livingstone outlined his plans to celebrate the Cuban revolution to union officials last week. A Livingstone aide revealed that the mayor intends to invite the 78-year-old Cuban leader to visit London next year.
The best way to bring freedom to Cuba is to offer free trade. Blockades are great for short term results only. If you want the Cubans to get freedom, then let them see what we have from trade. When they see what they can buy they will want freedom and the Government will be forced to change.

Free Trade. It’s the best way to end dictators.
Whatever reason that he is doing it, it may have a good outcome like the last poster said. I can’t see what good the blockade that Kennedy set up has done for us or for the poor people of Cuba. Kennedy set a lot of bad things into motion, like the Vietnam War.

A few yers back Illinois had a Governor (presently indicted) Ryan that went to visit Cuba, and was trying to get some trade deals I think. I never heard the outcome of that.
Ken is that rarest of things- a politician who actually seems to care about the people!
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