Long list of media, Democrats threaten retribution against Trump supporters, Republicans

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November 9th, 2020

Long list of media, Democrats threaten retribution against Trump supporters, Republicans​

Both wildly inappropriate and unsurprising

Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Sarah Taylor

Journalist Drew Holden shared a lengthy — and alarming — list of media outlets, fellow journalists, and members of the Democratic Party who are threatening retribution against Republicans supporting President Donald Trump and his allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and more.

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Holden concluded the lengthy list — which you can read in its entirety herewriting, “At the end of the day, I can’t imagine these folks will be shipping conservatives off to the gulags in a divided government, much as they would like to. But it fundamentally cuts against the spirit of America to suggest someone should be punished for their political views.”

“We are not some post-genocide society,” he added. “The suggestion that we need a Rwandan-styled Truth and Reconciliation Commission is preposterous. And free societies don’t develop political hit lists. This champagne fascism from the Left needs to stop. Now would be a good time.”

What are the details?​

Holden on Saturday tweeted, “With Biden having been declared the winner (for now) by major media outlets, I figured it would be a good time to share some of the people who’ve threatened retribution against Trump supporters.”

“The list,” he added, “is a lot longer than I had anticipated it would be.”
:thread:Thread:thread: With Biden having been declared the winner (for now) by major media outlets, I figured it would be a good… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1325141308659232768

— Drew Holden (@Drew Holden)1604773282.0
Those on the list included former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, who wrote, “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”. . .

Washington Post Columnist Jennifer Rubin: ‘We Have to Collectively Burn Down the Republican Party’​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Last Thursday The Atlantic’s Russell Berman wrote a piece titled “Trump Moves Into the Burn-It-Down Phase.”

Berman was using the “burn it down” meme figuratively to characterize Donald Trump’s “shocking” claims that “the media had deliberately released ‘phony polls’ to suppress Republican turnout.”

But it still seemed a curious observation coming on the heels of five straight months of riots by the Left in which one of their chief M.O.s was literally setting fires to large swaths of several American cities.

In fact, Macy’s flagship store and other businesses across the country preemptively boarded up their windows ahead of the election against the advent that Donald Trump might pull off another “upset.”

Will you support Joe Biden as president?

Yes, he has earned the title and is to be respected

No, he did not earn the title and stole the election

Over the weekend, the Washington Post’s “former conservative” columnist Jennifer Rubin reprised the “burn it down” meme, but this time it was issued as a directive to her fellow progressives. In her role as a commentator on MSNBC, Rubin said:
It’s not only that Trump has to lose, his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively burn down the Republican Party. We have to level them. Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will [elect a president] again.
What the future holds: “It’s not only that Trump has to lose, his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively BURN DOWN the Republican Party. We have to LEVEL THEM. Because if there are SURVIVORS, if there are people who weather this storm, they will [elect a president] again” pic.twitter.com/8By7OBrJ69

— Игор (@SonOfMacedon_) November 7, 2020
God forbid the Republicans will ever elect another president!

It’s not clear how Rubin envisions “leveling” the Republican Party, but she has company in the likes of socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who on Friday threw in with an outfit that calls itself the Trump Accountability Project whose mission is never to “forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.”

Where is New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to lecture his own party about their lack of civility. . . .
November 09, 2020

Antifa militants gang up on Trump fans, pummel women to ground — and pro-Trump group responds by singing national anthem​

Decidedly stark contrasts

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @KatieDaviscourt

Dave Urbanski

It was a sometimes violent study in contrasts Saturday when a large group of supporters of President Donald Trump faced off with Antifa militants in Olympia, Washington, after numerous media outlets declared former Vice President Joe Biden the 2020 election victor.

Break free of our abusive relationship with our government

What happened?​

As chronicled on video by reporter Katie Daviscourt, Trump backers lined streets and even gathered on the steps of the state capitol to wave American and pro-Trump flags and chant “back the blue!” — a pro-police rallying cry:
Crowd is chanting Back the Blue to show support for Law Enforcement. https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1325208158084587521/video/1

— Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸)1604789220.0
And while chants of “USA! USA! USA!” rang out, black-clad Antifa militants managed several cries of “#$%& the USA!” “#$%& America,” and stomped on Old Glory. ( Content warning: Language ):
President Trump supporters are chanting “USA - USA - USA.” https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1325200586430578688/video/1

— Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸)1604787415.0
The pro-Trump crowd told them off with chants of “get a job!” and “#$%& Antifa!” ( Content warning: Language ): . . .

. . . . A fitting response

In another clip, two pro-Trump women described the Antifa attack. One said she was punched from behind as a leftist militant tried to steal her pro-Trump flag, and the second woman said a gang of Antifa thugs jumped her.

But soon a distinct sound was heard in the background.

It was singing. A bit off-key, a tad haggard — but singing nonetheless. It was the national anthem.

That’s right. The pro-Trump crowd answered the cowardice and destruction that have become Antifa’s trademark with a statement of hard-won freedom and liberty — even for the likes of those who’d rather stomp all over it.

Anything else?​

Should Biden take office in January, he may have to contend with more than he may have bargained for. Also on Saturday, anarchists busted windows at the Multnomah County Democrats building in Portland and, , , ,
Minor obvious editing by me.

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CNN’s Jake Tapper Tweets at White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: ‘Bye Felisha’​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Katherine Rodriguez

7 Nov 2020

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was defending top Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller against partisan attacks on Twitter Saturday afternoon, when CNN’s Jake Tapper had a snarky reply.

McEnany unveiled a tweet scolding “leftist partisan hacks” for slamming Miller.

“Stephen Miller is one of the most talented, intelligent & kindest people to work in President Donald Trump’s administration!” McEnany tweeted. “The attacks on him are outrageous, unfounded & engendered by leftist partisan hacks who know how invaluable he is to the administration!”
Stephen Miller is one of the most talented, intelligent & kindest people to work in President @realDonaldTrump’s administration!

The attacks on him are outrageous, unfounded & engendered by leftist partisan hacks who know how invaluable he is to the administration!

— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) November 6, 2020
In a separate tweet, McEnany had referenced one of Tapper’s prior tweets on Miller where he said a “senior White House source” told him he pushed “child separation” at the border and was “regarded by his White House colleagues as a straight-up racist.”

“Jake Tapper of CNN was humiliated by Stephen Miller on live television. He hasn’t forgotten it!” McEnany tweeted.

“‘Reporter’ @jaketapper was also unable to get a single source on the record. Stephen is a class act, a bold leader in the conservative movement & Jake knows it!” . . .

. . . . Tapper responded with a misspelled meme.
“Bye, Felisha,” Tapper responded, with “Felicia” misspelled.
See also some posts here . . .
Can we stop arguing and support each other? World News
This week has been stressful to say the least. The arrogance and pride of both parties has shown through. I have been short tempered and rude to my fellow countryman who do not see the same way as I do. I need to take a breather and fix this. I have deleted my social media accounts, except this one, because of the posts and attacks on our current President and whom may be our new President. The stories of fraud coming out with no empathy from Democrats has me short tempered and uncharitable. Ca…
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