
Thank you for these great arguments! As a current Episcopalian, beginning RCIA, I whole-heartedly agree!For the most part, I agree. I wouldn’t say “mental disorder” since it will motivate opponents of your perspective to accuse you of hating gays, then they’ll just insult you instead of making intellectual arguments.
Here is my arguments against gay marriage:
People often say “oh, that’s just a slippery slope argument” to discredit us, but the sad thing is that it really is a slippery slope.
- Children do much better with mother’s and fathers. This is undeniable. Gay marriage would deprive children of a mother or father. There are many reasons people end up without a mother or without a father, but gay marriage would guarantee it by design.
- Society would announce (even more than its already has) that fathers are unnecessary, since two mothers are equivalent to a mother and father. Fatherlessness has been a disaster this past generation–do we really want to encourage it more?
- Society would announce that mothers are unnecessary, since two fathers are equivalent to a father and mother. Fatherlessness has been a disaster this past generation–do we really want to experiment with motherlessness too?
- Gay relations spread disease much greater than heterosexual relationships. We can concede that this may argue in favor of gay marriage–after all, if gays are more faithfully committed, they may not have as many partners to spread disease. That conceded, we must acknowledge that it may actually increase gay promiscuity–after all, societies that esteem gay relations have more of it, more children will grow up considering the same sex as partners (after all, it’s equal, they’re married), and consequently have more premarital gay sex than societies that did not hold gay relations on the same level as heterosexual ones.
- Once we break the “man-woman” definition that is as old as the earth, the number of people is what is important rather than the specialness of the man-woman bond. That number would be 2, for now–on what moral grounds could it be left at 2 if we cross that line?
- As with #5, if it is a personal decision and attraction, and not the specialness of man-woman relations, what about incest? If that disgusts you, they would answer “Well, then don’t do it but don’t impose your will on others?” like they do now.
Gay marriage is a pandora’s box we don’t want to open.
With that said, though–I must say with great sadness that before we blame gays for trying to ruin marriage, we must acknowledge the damage done to marriage by heterosexuals. The marriage situation won’t improve unless we have a spiritual renewal.