Island Oak:
Island Oak:
All i am looking for is some text that goes down, point by point the claims made in the book. That way I can be fully informed without having to read it. However if I cannot find anything like that I probably will just have to read it.
Agreed, that is why I was looking into reading it.You are ill-equipped to argue one way or another about something you have never read in its entirety because you lack detail and context;
Island Oak:
I don’t know all of what it says, but I do know some of what is said. Based on all that I know of the claims made in the book, I deem it to be wrong, which is why I want to be able to defend my opinion if it should ever come into question.I’m curious how you’ve arrived at a decision to argue it with anyone if you don’t know what it says…
All i am looking for is some text that goes down, point by point the claims made in the book. That way I can be fully informed without having to read it. However if I cannot find anything like that I probably will just have to read it.