Looking for ideas on how to evangelize Catholics

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Thankyou for your reply and for suggesting the link i am looking at it roght now its very informative please keep me in your prayers.
Hi holly 3278 i cant get a copy of the book im in the uk and its only available in the usa.
I accidentally found that my biggest opportunity for evangelism happens each year on Ash Wednesday. I typically don’t have time to get to a Mass after work, so I went before work and then had to show up at the office with a big ash cross on my forehead. This starts a LOT of conversations that wouldn’t normally happen. 😃

The practicing Catholics asked what parish I was from, the lapsed Catholics were like “Oh! Ash Wednesday! I wonder if the local church will be having Mass this evening?” And non-Catholics, after the initial attempt to be helpful “Oh! you have something on your head…” will usually ask what it means when I explain that it’s for Ash Wednesday.

After that happened, I was a lot less shy about bringing up my church involvement in every day conversation with my co-workers. For example: “How was your weekend?” “I ran a retreat for young adults in my parish” etc.
And one person knew I was the one to come to with questions about getting married in the church 🙂

Especially since my company has a policy against proselytizing, the best way to evangelize is simply to make friends, be genuine with them, and be available when they inevitably have questions.

Going through RCIA, I realized that most people, including myself, were there because they were influenced by a relationship with someone important in their lives (friend, relative, significant other). And I think the same is true for fallen-away Catholics coming back.
i dont know if this is the right place to put this. As i have said before im very drawn to the catholic faith so i plucked up the courage to go to mass on saturday at a catholic church in our nearest town. Noone smiled at me or asked if i had been before. After mass the priest came towards me and said i looked puzzled i explained that i wasnt a catholic but i said i was drawn to the faith he didnt listen to what i said he just said oh youre looking round are you gave me a leaflet about the church and then left. I dont really know what to think i came home rather despondent. I may try mass at my most local church sometime.
I understand your disappointment with not being greeted or talked to at the first Catholic mass you went to. Also, I don’t buy the standard answer or excuse that will be given that the people are there to worship God not talk or be friendly with others. It’s neither convincing nor compelling.

When I first attended church I always found it confusing that there was all this talk about loving your neighbor and yet many Catholics seem downright smug and unfriendly. There is a lot that we can learn from Protestants when it concerns social graces.

I’m going to see if we can get a CD rack with audio talks by Catholics. These CD’s are by Lighthouse Catholic Media

I used to belong to the CD of the Month club. I would order several copies with intention of giving them away if I thought they were good, and I think they are all excellent!

I am considering being a distributor for this co. in my area.

Also; I had the idea of buying a regular place in the Personal Classifieds in our local papers with the Catholics Come Home web site. Wouldn’t cost much, and lots of people would be likely to see it. Don’t think I’d need permission from our pastor, but suppose it would be nice to ask anyway.

We started a parish library, and I’ve taken it as my missin to help stock it with (orthodox) books, CD’s, and DVD’s. I see the influence of heterodoxy in our parish and it pains me to see people being led astray. We even had a mini-retreat with Joan Chittister on video! The leaders claimed they didn’t know she was a dissident. Lord help us!

God bless,
The point earlier about little e verses Big E hits home with me. I came into the Catholic Church Easter 2006. I had grown up in a fundamental evangelical Southern Baptist tradition. The little e is a way to get members to stick around. I think I read that only about 11% of the Billy Graham converts stick around more than a certain period of time.

Burdock, I am sorry you were not “welcomed” like some Protestent denominations do. I can tell you it happened to me also. I just recognized finally it is not that the people aren’t friendly, it is just against what “Catholics” do. They tend to be more “reserved” and don’t go around putting their arms around you and giving you a big handshake and a “big fat howdy”. I miss that some from what I grew up in, I think a greeter and ushers that actually make you feel welcome are a nice touch. We are in God’s house and I think He wants us all to get along and be friendly. Fortunately, now I go to a very friendly Catholic Church now and they have those kinds of reception type positions / vocations. Maybe that’s why they are 14,000 families strong.
I feel like I am being called to do more to help evangelize fallen away Catholics. I have been making Rosaries and giving them away at my church festival along with other Catholic info, but once a year doesn’t feel like enough. I feel like The Holy Spirit is giving me lots ideas but how do I know what I should be doing?

What do you do to help your fellow Catholics fall in love with their faith again?
One of the things my prior parish in PA did to ‘welcome’ fallen away Catholics, was it started a ministry for them. It was somewhat like a FAQ session the first night, from what I heard, mized with Bible study, and then each session would involve a different topic. Almost like a Catechism class for adults, but with the caveat that people who came, could share their pains, grievances, etc for why they left/are leaving the faith. It was a great thing–you could consider starting something like that, and advertise it in the bulletin, where parishioners could tell their loved ones, and friends who they know to be falling away, about it. Might be a good idea.🙂
Our parish is currently using a parish based evangelization process entitled “Light of the World” with great success. The process includes an Evangelizing Retreat where the Kerygma is proclaimed and an invitation is made to those attending to personally renew their sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Small faith sharing communities are formed after the retreat for ongoing prayer, catechesis, faith sharing and outreach.

We’ve done 15 retreats (in both English and Spanish) and have now reached over 600 people from our parish. We’ve done outreach missions and have formed many small communities.🙂

Check out their website for more info: www.LOTWEM.org or contact me I’d be glad to tell you about our parish experience.

Below is an excerpt from the “Light of the World Evangelization Process” mission statement:

“First, we must hear the Gospel in such a way that compels us to make a decision to accept God’s gift of Salvation in our own lives. When we choose to believe and receive this gift, God takes action in a way that we will recognize. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Father will work in us, making us a New Creation in Christ.
Second, we must support those who have chosen to follow Jesus. We must have a parish plan using a continuum of faith development for those who have just begun the journey and those who are well along on their walk with Jesus.
Third, our parish must reach out to those who have not yet fully accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord. Respectfully, we must embrace them wherever they are in their journey. Lovingly, we must invite them to the fullness of truth and joy.”
i dont know if this is the right place to put this. As i have said before im very drawn to the catholic faith so i plucked up the courage to go to mass on saturday at a catholic church in our nearest town. Noone smiled at me or asked if i had been before. After mass the priest came towards me and said i looked puzzled i explained that i wasnt a catholic but i said i was drawn to the faith he didnt listen to what i said he just said oh youre looking round are you gave me a leaflet about the church and then left. I dont really know what to think i came home rather despondent. I may try mass at my most local church sometime.
Welcome Burdock, please don’t give up on your strong calling to the Catholic faith based on one experience. I am so sorry that was your first encounter. Please consider either trying another parish or even the same parish again - perhaps picking up a bulletin and scheduling an appointment to speak with the person who handles the RCIA program there, or even one of the priests. They should be happy to spend time with you to discuss our faith and more importantly, your own personal calling to our faith. Good luck and peace to you.
i dont know if this is the right place to put this. As i have said before im very drawn to the catholic faith so i plucked up the courage to go to mass on saturday at a catholic church in our nearest town. Noone smiled at me or asked if i had been before. After mass the priest came towards me and said i looked puzzled i explained that i wasnt a catholic but i said i was drawn to the faith he didnt listen to what i said he just said oh youre looking round are you gave me a leaflet about the church and then left. I dont really know what to think i came home rather despondent. I may try mass at my most local church sometime.
I remember long ago the Cardinal concelebrated Mass at the parish I was living in at the time. He recounted a story similar to your’s. A young man got in a conversation with him and said “I have been to Mass 4 times and you are the first person who has talked to me.” This particular high level clergyman did not condone the impersonal atmosphere that the newcomer had experienced nor did he make an excuse for it.

One opportunity for evangelizing to Catholics, though in a more specific sense, is FOCUS - the Fellowship Of Catholic University Students.

You can find out more at www.focusonline.org - basically we are a lay missionary organization of recent college graduates and young adults who are trained and then sent back on to college campuses across the U.S. to reach out to students of all faiths. We work primarily with Catholic students who are equipped to then go and share their love of all things Catholic with their peers, many of whom are not practicing when they first become involved. Along with our student leaders, we lead Catholic Bible studies, do one-on-one mentoring, and share life together on campus while pursuing Christ in His Church. We go to our respective campuses at the invitation of the local bishop and the campus minister or chaplain, and we are dedicated to dynamic orthodoxy. If you have questions or would like to get involved, shoot me an email at jhunt@focusonline.org. Please pray for our students and us! Peace and God bless!

FOCUS Mission Statement: “To know Christ Jesus, and to fulfill His Great Commission, by first living and then communicating the fullness of life within the Family of God, the Church.”
First, I want to comment on the original thread, How to evangelize to fallen away Catholics? There were two very good ideas that I think you should consider. The first was the mention of Cursillo. The person that should be attending a Cursillo is,you Kermit. Cursillo will give you the tools and the support to evangelize with confidence.Also a wonderful Christ centered group to meet with.
I think your idea of giving rosaries is very sweet, but the misunderstanding of the Rosary itself and other misunderstandings of the Church is what has driven many Catholics away from the Church. Having a solid foundation of the Church,and it’s History is one of the Keys to being able to answer the"Hard questions" and “misunderstandings of our Faith”.There is a series of workbooks on “Apologetics” that is also helpful.
The next suggestion about the “Welcome Home” website couldn’t ring more true!! I almost fell out of my chair when I first visited it. It was so well done, I could have sworn that I had found a Protestant website by mistake!! This would be the website to suggest to a fallen away Catholic to visit. Although, it would be a great suggestion only if you have the support from your local parish to follow up. So many Catholics feel unwelcome and this website does wonders to make people feel Welcome. Just follow up with them.
Getting back to the idea of Cursillo, make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Jesus!! If making a Rosary is all you can do, then Jesus will bless you for that. Just make sure you pray on every bead you make, before you give it away. But if you hunger to do more, the opportunities await you. You can do all things with Christ who strengthens you!!
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