The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse, after hearing massive amounts of evidence from and about Catholic and other institutions, made these recommendations. You can find their reasoning, and details of all the evidence, on the excellent Royal Commission site.
Recommendation 16.18
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference should request the Holy See to consider introducing voluntary celibacy for diocesan clergy.
Recommendation 16.19
All Catholic religious ins tutes in Australia, in consulta on with their interna onal leadership and the Holy See as required, should implement measures to address the risks of harm to children and the poten al psychological and sexual dysfunc on associated with a celibate rule of religious life. This should include considera on of whether and how exis ng models of religious life could be modi ed to facilitate alterna ve forms of associa on, shorter terms of celibate commitment, and/or voluntary celibacy (where that is consistent with the form of associa on that has been chosen).
Recommendation 16.20
In order to promote healthy lives for those who choose to be celibate, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and all Catholic religious ins tutes in Australia should further develop, regularly evaluate and con nually improve, their processes for selec ng, screening and training of candidates for the clergy and religious life, and their processes of ongoing forma on, support and supervision of clergy and religious.