Would it be too off topic to post your favorite economical meal ideas? The grocery bill is one place I know we can save money. Thanks in advance.
When I was growing up my mom made tuna-mato bake. All we kids loved it! I ate a lot of it in college because it’s cheap to make.Would it be too off topic to post your favorite economical meal ideas? The grocery bill is one place I know we can save money. Thanks in advance.
Organic, unprocessed foods are more expensive, but that is somewhat counterbalanced by the fact that you don’t need to eat as much. They have more nutrients and are more satisfying to eat.Anyone else concerned with the nutritional value of what you’re putting in your kids mouth, yet shocked again and again at the high cost of organic foods? It’s sad that it is an option probably far out of reach for many families–those most in need of avoiding unnecessary hormones and antibiotics in food being fed to young children-- esp. organic meat, poultry and dairy which are very expensive.
Why didn’t you know? Organic foods are for the well-educated “Blue State” people who went to Ivy League universities and had the sense to wait until they were old enough to afford in vitro fertilization to have their two children. It’s mouth-breathers like us who eat the bug spray who have lots and lots of kids.Anyone else concerned with the nutritional value of what you’re putting in your kids mouth, yet shocked again and again at the high cost of organic foods? It’s sad that it is an option probably far out of reach for many families–those most in need of avoiding unnecessary hormones and antibiotics in food being fed to young children-- esp. organic meat, poultry and dairy which are very expensive.
I wasn’t being snide.Katybird–a little more of a snide reply than the question merited. Just looking for suggestions from those who may have found a better way to get what they want.
p.s. last I checked an Ivy League education was something to aspire to, not deride.
I was actually talking more about things like chicken breasts, salmon filets, hamburgers, etc. Not to mention, lunchmeats like turkey breast, ham, and chicken breast are pound for pound the best price at Sams.As far as shopping at Sam’s, Costco I do it for cleaning/paper products, but am frustrated at times because they package stuff you want with stuff you don’t–and you can’t break it up. They also excel at peddling lots of processed/junk food.