Los Angeles: parents stormed school board meetings because it ordered school curriculum promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, pre-marital sex, and

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All well and good except the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. If I truly love something, how can I not hate things opposed to it?
Well said. I wish the English language was a bit more dynamic when it comes to expressing emotions like love and hate. Clearly, hating people (of which God loves all endlessly and we ourselves are commanded to love one another) and hating things opposed to God’s perfection and justice are not the same. When I learned about the four words for love in Greek I realized just how limited human knowledge and ability to understand is. We can’t even figure out semantics many times, especially with non-Catholics who don’t have the same frame of reference lol.
If the State had it’s way, no. My mother is an elementary school teacher and every year or so they keep adding curriculum in school about ethics which is fine but many of the things I see in the curriculum I think “Uh, shouldn’t the parents be telling their kids about this?”.
That’s a “life lesson” I think a lot of girls would gladly live without.
I’m sure. The flaw in your theory of a graduation dance is the presumption that everyone would go, or more specifically, that every student would attend a prom if a date were available. I’m not sure that is so.
I guess, then, that I am once again dating myself (no pun intended), and looking at it from the standpoint of 40+ years ago, in a school where everyone knew who got asked, knew who didn’t get asked, and knew pretty much what the reasons were — normally girls who, putting it as kindly as I know how, didn’t win the aesthetic birth lottery and weren’t willing to give up their virtue to attract boys.

I take it from your profile that you’re a male, is that right? It’s different for girls. If a boy doesn’t go to the prom, doesn’t ask anyone, it carries no stigma. Nobody really cares. If a girl doesn’t get asked, that’s usually an unspoken commentary on her attractiveness. Not good.

No-escort group proms eliminate all of this, and allow everyone to have a nice time.
If a boy doesn’t go to the prom, doesn’t ask anyone, it carries no stigma.
Very true. I myself was very over high school by my senior year and made it a point to not be involved in any school activities that wasn’t required. Although looking back I remember talking to a girl who didn’t have a date asking if I was going and I said “Nah, Prom is lame. F this school.” Looking back I can’t help but wonder if maybe she was hinting at maybe going together because no one ended up asking her. My lack of awareness was not good, plus there is always that Prom Night “implication” at the end of the night that I wanted no part of or being pressured in to.
If a boy doesn’t go to the prom, doesn’t ask anyone, it carries no stigma.
She was absolutely hinting for you to take her.

If the “implication” you refer to was a good-night kiss, a peck on the cheek never hurt anyone. If it was more than a good-night kiss, you were right not to want that. If she would have been “pressuring”, then that’s not someone you should be taking to the prom in the first place. If it was the peer group, well, then, **** that — “that”, too, is lame. Mortal sin is lame.
She was absolutely hinting for you to take her.
Yeah I figure but that is now 6 years later with more wisdom then I had back then. I often realize the context of situations, especially with women, years after the fact. Not my strong suit picking up signals lol.
If the “implication” you refer to was a good-night kiss, a peck on the cheek never hurt anyone. If it was more than a good-night kiss, you were right not to want that. If she would have been “pressuring”, then that’s not someone you should be taking to the prom in the first place. If it was the peer group, well, then, **** that — “that”, too, is lame. Mortal sin is lame.
She wasn’t the type of girl (I think) that would have pressured me into anything. But I was an athlete and would of definitely poked fun at me if I didn’t “go far” with someone especially if the girl was open to it. At the first University I attended I even lied that I wasn’t a virgin just to not feel like a loser. I definitely was not the most confident and secure kid.
She wasn’t the type of girl (I think) that would have pressured me into anything. But I was an athlete and would of definitely poked fun at me if I didn’t “go far” with someone especially if the girl was open to it. At the first University I attended I even lied that I wasn’t a virgin just to not feel like a loser. I definitely was not the most confident and secure kid.
I made no secret of my abstinence in college, and nobody thought the less of me for it. However, when I entered the secular “real world”, my faith gradually diminished, I was enticed by the spirit of the world, and I went through much dissembling to deflect suspicions that I might be a male virgin — never actually lying, just “beating around the bush” and, unlike Steve Carell’s character in The 40-Year-Old Virgin, never got caught up in it. This was very wrong, but thankfully, in spite of all odds, I was able to remain a virgin until marriage.
She was absolutely hinting for you to take her.
Was she a nice, decent girl? Any likelihood of looking her up, apologizing for not asking her, and offering to make it up to her with a nice dinner date? Maybe something to consider after this CV thing blows over?
Was she a nice, decent girl? Any likelihood of looking her up, apologizing for not asking her, and offering to make it up to her with a nice dinner date? Maybe something to consider after this CV thing blows over?
Funny enough I did look her up about a year ago and she was already married lol. She was kind of a free-spirit (her parents were hippies) so I wasn’t surprised that she got married very quickly. Plus, she isn’t Catholic so it would never have worked
Was she a nice, decent girl? Any likelihood of looking her up, apologizing for not asking her, and offering to make it up to her with a nice dinner date? Maybe something to consider after this CV thing blows over?
Well, at least you gave it a shot. Best you could do. You’re young and there will be many others.

Please consider CatholicMatch. Sure do wish there had been something like CM when I was your age! They offer a “7 of 7” option, meaning that anyone who selects all seven key doctrines has basically affirmed that they are a totally faithful, doctrinally orthodox Catholic. Can’t ask for any more than that.
Yeah I am actually talking with a girl I met on Catholic Match. She’s really cool but it is kind of long distance. I hope it works out.
Yeah I am actually talking with a girl I met on Catholic Match. She’s really cool but it is kind of long distance. I hope it works out.
I hope so too.

But all dating services have been having a pretty extensive scammer problem these days. Do your due diligence before traveling to meet someone, and above all else, don’t send them any money.
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We already agreed to make sure to phone and video chat a couple times before we even think about meeting. And if I am ever asked for money I’m blocking her number ASAP lol.
I’ve been one who didn’t get asked for prom. Yes it is hurtful. High school can suck
What was it?
Lessons: Be more assertive, plan ahead and don’t fear failure. Carpe diem. Two women told me afterwards that they wanted to attend the prom with me but could not ask.
Well, from this comment I can see that you are indeed a male. As I said above, boys not going to the prom isn’t such a big deal, among other reasons, boys don’t have to worry about how it looks and feels not to be invited to the prom. With girls, it’s totally different.

It always hurt me to see girls not get to go to their prom. I heard about one young man who took all of the girls in his class to the prom who didn’t have dates — rented a limousine and everything. If he could afford it, more power to him! (Somehow that idea doesn’t quite work the other way around.)
{A]mong other reasons, boys don’t have to worry about how it looks and feels not to be invited to the prom. With girls, it’s totally different.
It is probably not as bad for boys, but there certainly is a taint to those who could not get it together to attend a prom.

But you never addressed my main point: These are young adults who are probably old enough to marry. Relegating them to what is a junior mixer with fancy clothes is belittling and inappropriate. Would you address them as “Boys and girls”? That has been almost universally panned.
But nobody knows what a “mixer” is anymore. Even archaic old me doesn’t even really know – just a vague idea.
I think it’s a great idea not to have dates at prom.
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But you never addressed my main point: These are young adults who are probably old enough to marry. Relegating them to what is a junior mixer with fancy clothes is belittling and inappropriate. Would you address them as “Boys and girls”? That has been almost universally panned.
“Boys and girls” is just a common way of describing high school students. You will hear all the time of “boys’ basketball”, “girls’ volleyball”. the “boys’ (or girls’) locker room”, and so on, and nobody gives it a second thought, nor is that seen as belittling. In addressing them, of course I would refer to them as young men (or gentlemen) and women (or ladies). I don’t think it’s at all inappropriate for a teacher to refer to students in class as “Mr. Jones” or “Miss Smith”. If I were teaching high school, I’d probably do that. Adds a layer of dignity.

I would strongly discourage young men and women of that age from marrying. In our time, that is rather uncommon, and is more the province of young women, barely 18, who basically short-circuit any opportunity to prepare for a job beyond menial labor. The men are usually a bit older, but I would discourage that too, as they need to prepare for, at the very least, some kind of trade, and to get themselves established in life to some extent. I am no fan of delaying marriage into one’s thirties and beyond, but neither am I a fan of couples marrying a month after they get out of high school. In today’s world, in our culture, that’s just too young. And if college or professional school are on the horizon, that really needs to be completed first, especially undergraduate school.

You raise an interesting point about the prom becoming a “junior mixer”. It might be better to encourage one’s best dress, but not necessarily formal wear. When I was in high school, some young men simply wore nice suits — their “Sunday best” — not rented tuxedos. Nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has that kind of money. But keep in mind that young women want to look glamorous and beautiful. Just the differences in temperament and culturally-conditioned expectations for the sexes. The other day at Goodwill, I saw a whole rack of very nice prom dresses at bargain prices. I have to think they could be retrofitted for young women of modest means, and nobody has to know they got it from Goodwill.
What was it?
Lessons: Be more assertive, plan ahead and don’t fear failure. Carpe diem. Two women told me afterwards that they wanted to attend the prom with me but could not ask.
Well, from this comment I can see that you are indeed a male. As I said above, boys not going to the prom isn’t such a big deal, among other reasons, boys don’t have to worry about how it looks and feels not to be invited to the prom. With girls, it’s totally different.

It always hurt me to see girls not get to go to their prom. I heard about one young man who took all of the girls in his class to the prom who didn’t have dates — rented a limousine and everything. If he could afford it, more power to him! (Somehow that idea doesn’t quite work the other way around.)
I’m not American.

At my end.of.high school formal we had some students with dates. Some.without (including the school captain - elected leader of the student body - who was obviously very popular.)

Personally I.went with someone I didn’t know.well, felt prrssured by my parents to take someone, and would much rather have gone alone.

Why are Amerixan teenagers so obsessed with pairing up at such a young age? Why not just go stag, hang out with your friends and have a good time?
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