I’m in a situation in which I feel as if my faith is slowly diminishing. I was born Catholic but I didn’t start practicing my faith until I was 15. I’ve never had any serious doubts about what believed in. However, a few weeks ago, this horrible feeling came over me. For some reason, I find it very hard to believe in God and in the promises that He has made to us, including the promise of Eternal Life. I’ve become obsessed with the idea that this life could be all there is and it causes me much pain. All I can think about is death. I’ve become more depressed and I can’t enjoy life. Inspite of all this, I still continue to go to Mass, Confession, and I pray the rosary every day. I still find myself talking about Our Lord with others more often than before. I still believe. It’s just that my mind is telling me that everything I believe and hope for is a lie. I was wondering if anyone on here have ever gone through something similar or if anyone could just pray for me.