Losing my faith :(

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Hello everyone. I’m a catholic teenager struggling with his faith. I’m confused about multiple things. For instance, science says that the Earth is billions of years old and most Catholics agree. Most Catholics also agree with the theory of evolution. These things have caused doubts in my mind regarding things such as Adam and Eve and the flood. If the Earth is old and we evolved from monkeys, were Adam and Eve real? Was there death before Adam and Eve? I thought that death and suffering came from eating the apple? Honestly I feel so depressed I want to believe but now these questions are causing doubts. Not only these questions but more. If anyone could help me, or if anyone went through a time like this please tell me.
Adam and Eve and the flood
Noah and the flood were real. Jesus said so:
‘As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of man. They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all’ - Luke 17:26-27
As for the flood having been a regional or global event, that is open to debate.
OP, may I ask what any of that has to do with losing your faith? In the day to day Catholic experience, that is what is making you lose your faith? 😳

I don’t know what your background is, if you are confirmed or not, if you attend mass regularly or not, do you receive communion, or go to confession, because those are things that should matter in your faith life.
We aren’t under obligation to understand Genesis literalistically. We must believe that our first ancestors (who would be a man and a woman) sinned against God, and that their decision has left the rest of us in a broken state (original sin), but we don’t necessarily need to believe that Satan tempted them as a serpent, etc.

As for the question of death- it’s possible that Adam and Eve were made immortal, and that their mortality came because of the Fall. What’s known for sure is that their sin brought spiritual death into the world, which didn’t exist until then. When God told them that they would die if they ate the fruit (it’s simply referred to as a fruit, not necessarily an apple), we aren’t obligated to believe that He meant physical death. They didn’t physically die immediately after eating the fruit, but they did suffer from spiritual death after the act.

This is the beauty of Genesis. Even if you don’t understand any of it literalistically (this is different from understanding something literally), you retain the spiritual truths that are ultimately far more important to us.
No I’m going to be confirmed in April. And I guess that these questions are causing me to doubt my faith
But why? Why do those matter so much?
Why not ask your teacher in your confirmation class to help you understand.
I did ask my teacher today about his opinion on evolution he said he would get back to me next week.
Please speak to a Catholic priest on person. Continue to pray, ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and God bless!
Hello everyone. I’m a catholic teenager struggling with his faith. I’m confused about multiple things. For instance, science says that the Earth is billions of years old and most Catholics agree. Most Catholics also agree with the theory of evolution.
You can believe whether it is 6 days or thousands years human day’s or God days since both are mentioned the Bible Genesis 1: 31 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.2 Peter 3:8 8 But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.
These things have caused doubts in my mind regarding things such as Adam and Eve and the flood. If the Earth is old
were Adam and Eve real?
You can believe because the Word of God is truth John 17:17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
we evolved from monkeys
No this is false ,and just speculation ,humans bodies did change a bit because of the climatic changes ,according to the place they lived.
Was there death before Adam and Eve? I thought that death and suffering came from eating the apple? Honestly I feel so depressed I want to believe but now these questions are causing doubts.
Your right death came because of the sin of Adam and Eve, the dino’s and other creatures died before man could spread to other parts of the world Genesis 1:22 God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.”
Honestly I feel so depressed I want to believe but now these questions are causing doubts. Not only these questions but more. If anyone could help me, or if anyone went through a time like this please tell me.
Your welcome to ask questions.you study to gain knowledge according to world standers ,but dont loose your faith .James 1:7 7, 8 for the doubter, being double-minded and unstable in every way, must not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by its cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 4 For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you submit to it readily enough.
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Thank you for answering each of my questions and giving me advice
Genesis does not mention an apple but rather a fruit–the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As for evolution, Genesis states that God made man out of the dust/slime of the earth–interpret that as you will–but to go from slime/dust to rational human being implies some form of evolution.

God’s existence is grounded in reason. The fact that the universe itself is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is a big clue that there’s reason behind the cosmos. So realize that there are plenty of intellectual proofs of God’s existence. Reason itself demands a creator.

And modern science itself makes the case for God; do realize that The Big Bang Theory , which is the foundation of modern astronomy, confirms a reality outside of time and matter itself. Scientists today teach that Time and Matter came into existence with the “Big Bang”; thus the cause of Time is outside of time itself—in other words eternal , and the cause of Matter is outside of matter itself—in other words Spiritual …The concepts of eternity and spirit sound like A foreign language to anyone unfamiliar with the language of theology and philosophy. The good news is that the cosmos did not bubble up accidentally and there is a real purpose for your existence. God is Truth, Goodness and Love itself; thus we were made for God.

Here are some short clip you will appreciate:

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We humans are top of the food chain and we don’[t come from monkeys ,as God has put us in command and to take care of his creation ,like care takers or sons and daughters of God.

Wisdom 9:2 2 and by your wisdom have formed humankind to have dominion over the creatures you have made

Psalms 8:3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have established;4 what are human beings that you are mindful of them,mortals that you care for them?5 Yet you have made them a little lower than God,and crowned them with glory and honor.6 You have given them dominion over the works of your hands;you have put all things under their feet,7 all sheep and oxen,and also the beasts of the field,8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,whatever passes along the paths of the seas.

Wisdom 19:18 For the elements changed places with one another,as on a harp the notes vary the nature of the rhythm,while each note remains the same.This may be clearly inferred from the sight of what took place.19 For land animals were transformed into water creatures,and creatures that swim moved over to the land.20 Fire even in water retained its normal power,
and water forgot its fire-quenching nature.21 Flames, on the contrary, failed to consume
the flesh of perishable creatures that walked among them,nor did they melt the crystalline, quick-melting kind of heavenly food.

22 For in everything, O Lord, you have exalted and glorified your people,
and you have not neglected to help them at all times and in all places.
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You are probably very young. Rest assured there are a lot of rigorous intellectual defenses for the Faith.
These things shouldn’t bother you.
You are about to be confirmed. Perhaps the evil one wants to stop your from growing in your faith, but it can be to his shame. Catholic Answers (maybe stay away from the forums) has a lot of, well, answers. Check their official answers first.
You’re in a position I wish I were in. Not the whole losing faith thing, but being born into a Catholic family. Some advice I would give are to live your faith in every aspect of life.

Fun Fact: We didn’t evolve from monkeys. We are apes that share a common ancestor with most primates.
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