Lost my faith, but I miss it

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Hi, I was born and raised Catholic, and was well cathecized, adhered to all the sacraments, attended faithfully, it was a genuine part of my life - I know all the intellectual reasons for being caholic, but I’ve fallen away. Let me explain: I live in Australia, and we’ve been rocked by so many sex and child abuse scandals. So many priests, bishops and even our Cardinal have been convicted of child abuse. I can’t reconcile that with the Faith I grew up with and practised until about 3 years ago. I miss being Catholic and believing in a good God, but I cant help but feel there isn’t a God, no evidence for Jesus, and that my trust and belief was misplaced in the Church and the hierarchy. Before you tell me to have faith in Jesus and not the church hierarchy - remember that Catholics have always believed that the Magisterieum and the hierarchy have teaching authority - so if they were lying and covering up the abuse, how can I trust that ANYTHING they say is legitimate or true? How can I take moral direction from a hierarchy that is morally bankrupt? I wish I could “just believe” as I once did, but I feel that my prayers are a waste of time. I’ve even cut off my regular contributions and redirected them to secular charities. I wish I could get my faith back, but it is so very hard when I feel betrayed. Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening! Jared.
Pray the rosary everyday and you will regain your love for God once again. I hope you find your way back home. God love you.
if Peter could deny Christ with what he saw Christ do, why do you think any present-day man could live a perfect life? Priests are human, they sin.

the church has teaching authority but the truth is universal. It is God’s truth.

what have they changed that you have issues with?

talk out your issues with a priest
So many priests, bishops and even our Cardinal have been convicted of child abuse. I can’t reconcile that with the Faith I grew up with and practised until about 3 years ago. I miss being Catholic and believing in a good God, but I cant help but feel there isn’t a God, no evidence for Jesus, and that my trust and belief was misplaced in the Church and the hierarchy. Before you tell me to have faith in Jesus and not the church hierarchy - remember that Catholics have always believed that the Magisterieum
I hear you. I can only tell you what’s helped me. The prayer of Azariah.

While in exile he prayed for God’s mercy for his people. Recognizing the fault of Israel, even though it wasn’t his own.

This is what we are expected to do, I believe, as the body of Christ. This is what Christ did. Not like the pious men who yelled at him, “If you are the Son of God, come down from that cross.”
if Peter could deny Christ with what he saw Christ do, why do you think any present-day man could live a perfect life? Priests are human, they sin.
The reminds me of valuable wisdom from the then Cardinal Ratzinger in 1998.

“Human errors and even serious failings can be found in the history of the papacy: Peter himself acknowledged he was a sinner.48 Peter, a weak man, was chosen as the rock precisely so that everyone could see that victory belongs to Christ alone and is not the result of human efforts. Down the ages the Lord has wished to put his treasure in fragile vessels:49 human frailty has thus become a sign of the truth of God’s promises.”

Teaching authority means that those people will teach the right thing, without error, not that they’ll do the right thing.
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Here across the pond in New Zealand, a bishop in the neighboring diocese has resigned because of a non abusive but still adulterous relationship with a female.

I’m a teenager and I understand how you feel. But I’m not leaving the Church of Jesus Christ, which is the Catholic Church, just because of Satan.

Are you?
You need to speak to someone you do trust.

I just mentioned this in class today… how do you trust the church you go too. They said its not the church you’re putting your trust into but God. Trust in God’s love for you, God’s will for you and He will lead you to a church you can trust to do as He commands. They also said trusting the church takes time.

They also said that people in charge are human, and sometimes human’s with power can become corrupt. It happens, it happens with everyone in one point in time. The teacher also mentioned that the new Vatican II is suppose to be clean up the Catholic church… I think. I don’t know for sure, but that’s what my teacher said.

My point is, please don’t let the mistake of some people take you away from God, talk to Him… God I mean, just talk to Him. Let Him, God help you with your unbelief. Let Him help you find someone you can trust to help you with the church… Don’t give up, He will answer you.

Please if you do anything, don’t turn away from God.
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We should never base our faith in Christ on sinful clergy. Of course we only know about Jesus because of the church: scripture, tradition, and the magisterium; but corrupt and evil priests and bishops are nothing new. The revelation we have is not from those failed clerics, but from God, and the holy saints are the witnesses of its truth.

The crisis the church is in now is devastating, a catastrophic effect of too many Catholics, including priests, bishops and cardinals, giving in to the world, the flesh and the devil. Praying for everyone who has lost their faith (especially victims of abuse) because of it, which is completely understandable, but not completely without hope. I think it was G.K. Chesterton who said the church has died several times, but — like her divine founder —knows how to come back from the dead.
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It is both a human desire and a human failing to look left and right at others and become disappointed, disillusioned, distracted and even despondent. This is a trick of the evil one. Many have lost their faith because of a mean priest, a too stern religious sister, or relentless negative media coverage.

But, what of Jesus Christ? How else to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him except by remaining faithful to His Church? How else to be filled - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, except by returning to full communion? Your spirit has become emptied by this world. This is why you miss the faith.

Stop!…looking left and right. Remember that they too are looking left and right, seeing you and I, and also becoming disappointed. Just as Saint Peter sank in the water only when he allowed wind and waves to take his eyes off the Lord, we too sink when we are distracted by this world and look away.

No, look up! Up to the perfection of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Go and spend time with your Savior Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Either at Adoration, or even before the Tabernacle whenever the building is unlocked.

Go. Sit in silence. Tell Him - even without words - of your doubts and disappointments. This is crucial: Be as patient with Him as He has been with you. This may take some time, but isn’t eternal bliss worth a few hours?

And, when you receive your consolation; when you become aware that He is there

you will be changed.

You are one heartfelt confession away from being filled anew.

Just go.

He is waiting for you.
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Mmm I don’t know how I can be of help, but I’ll let the Holy Spirit give me wisdom.

Think of the Catholic Church as a boat and we are the passengers. Jesus is the captain of the ship. As we travel the ocean, we also come across many treacherous waves.

Who is affected here?

Well both the boat and us, the passengers.

Jesus, being the wiseful captain, will lead us out of that wave as quickly and smoothly as possible. As the boat is being rocked back and forth, we too feel the effects. Some of us get motion sickness. Others who aren’t affected by the motion sickness, will help others who are sick.

What I’m trying to say is this: The Catholic Church may be “rocked back and forth” sometimes in our life. Some may get sick and may want to get off but the destination is far away. Others who are not “sick” , will try to help them feel better and make them persevere till the end.
Jesus , “being the captain”, he will check on his passengers, even the ones who are not sick, and check on them to see if they are all right.

Jesus will still be there for us, even if the “boat” is rocked harder. He will not abandon ship. That’s why Jesus can always be trusted. Because he will never leave us.
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