Lots of basic catholic questions, if anyone would like to help me?

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also even after you repent you need to cleanse yourself from the damage you did by sinning with performing a type of penance. Fasting, praying, giving alms. Or by spending time in Purgatory after you die.

Purgatory and doing Penance will be something new to you.

I think doing a penance is a good way to humble yourself to God and is pleasing to the Lord especially if you give alms.
OMG THANK YOU this is what i meant when i asked a question about it like two weeks ago! I thought there was some…step by step process that i was unfamiliar with but i didn’t know how to word my question.

Its certainly something i’m interested in. I would love to learn more about penance in Catholicism. I don’t remember the verse it is but i about cried last night reading my bible when i found a verse (i don’t remember its citation) where jesus tells dead believers that they gave him food and water and clothing and shelter when he was needy and that in doing so they gave to him. It was an answer to a prayer, because i feel like i can’t possibly do anything good for the Lord or the Kingdom here in my situation. But i can certainly pray for and give to the needy as i am able. It goes hand in hand with what God admonished the Jews for through the Prophets in the OT sometimes and with what i remember of what Jesus would say to people. Its very important to him for us to help one another.

I"m learning to take the authority of the Lord and obedience to him seriously. I admit sad to say its a new concept. Catholics certainly take this aspect/theme more seriously than the church i grew up in did. I love it, and it feels right so far, though of course i intend to (actually!) read my bible as well.
1-A mortal sin is an act of reason, its when you make the decision of abandoning God by doing something of grave matter, read https://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s1c1a8.htm

2-yes, also be sure to figth against the temptation of doing it again.

3-If your sin is venial then no you will not go to hell, but if you have a mortal sin that you do not repent and you would totally do it again then yes, if you die before confession or before praying it will depend on your regret, if you regret your sins truly then you wont go to hell but if dont repent you will go to hell.
1 - Mortal sin is the willful and direct contradiction of the will of God in a matter which relates to charity… This relates well with and helps explain other definitions offered.

2 - There are normal ways to receive pardon for venial sins - such as acts of contrition (like you mention), which can sometimes be expressed outwardly by certain signs or sacramentals, and also the reception of the Eucharist. Of course, one can also go to Confession.

3 - Mortal sin means one has set his or her last end as something other than God (in supernatural friendship)… If we die without desiring God as Friend, we are not made to be with Him. We get the response: “Thy will be done.” Venial sin, if not sufficiently made up for by penance or by grace (through indulgences), then one’s soul requires, in justice, purgation before entering Heaven. This process is painful and is without merit.

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I am interested in your interpretation. I do have other scriptures that have to do with my thoughts on purgatory. Matthew 5:20 I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Also Matthew 5:48 So be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect Matthew 5:48. Add to this Revelations Revelation 12:27 but nothing unclean will enter it, nor any (one) who does abominable things or tells lies. Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Purgatory, which means to purge, is a blessing from God. It is like when I had second degree burns. They had to take off the burnt skin in order to heal the skin underneath. Similarly, We have to be purged of our attraction to sins in order to be perfect. Both are painful processes. I look forward to discussing these and the other scripture with you.
…Lutherans, etc… That you are so worthless and incapable of good -
Sorry not to start any argument or anything… but that’s not true.

Lutherans believe in the power of the Holy Spirit with in us, when you are baptized, that helps us to live by God’s will similar to how Catholics believe in the power of the Holy Spirit with in us.

Its is not us doing good but the power if the Holy Spirit with-in us that helps us to guide to do the good by God’s will. Doing good for others is a way to show you have God’s Spirit with in you.

Lutherans do not believe you are never good enough or worthless for God… God love for you is what makes you perfect for Him.

Sorry if any Luthern made you believe that… as for the other churches you mentioned I personally doubt any if them makes a child of God feel worhless.
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Well I am glad you don’t believe what Luther taught… you are right to reject his grotesque doctrine on depravity.

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Well I am glad you don’t believe what Luther taught
didnt say that, I said what you posted wasnt true about the Lutherans.

I agree with a lot of what Lutherans teach. Just as I agree with what a lot of what Catholics teach
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I’m glad you don’t believe in total depravity - but if you think that it’s not a teaching of Luther (and other reformers), that’s just not the case, and maybe it’s a good occasion to investigate how wrongheaded the rest of Luther’s teaching was. Here’s a small piece from this website on the matter, with some other links: The Doctrine of Total Depravity | Catholic Answers
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