It sounds to me like a “he said, she said”. Even if the plaintiffs alleged privileged communication to the priest is allowed in court, the priest will likely not testify under the first and fifth ammendments. And if the priest did testify, damages would accrue to him; the court will recognize this. It is preponderance of the evidence in a civil action, and the plaintiffs don’t have the preponderance on their side.
What is the minor child parents’ motive and what lawyer in right mind would advise the client to take this to the Louisiana Supreme Court? This is a waste of plaintiff’s money.
Here, IMHO, is what this case is about.
An allegation has been made that a child was in some way injured by a prominent member of a Catholic parish who had the discourtesy to die suddenly before he could be indicted for a crime and/or sued for money.
The parents of the child, who is now 20 or so, looked around with their counsel to see how they could get out of a “he said, she said” situation and reap financial benefits.
Besides the child, only the parish priest was privy to any information directly from the alleged perpetrator. Involving the priest would bolster the allegation AND provide yet another potential deep pocket - the Diocese - from which to extract money.
Knowing that the priest is bound by the seal of confession, but believing that the child’s “release” could be used to torpedo his citing of the seal, the parents through counsel released the priest from confidentiality.
I think that makes it clear that the parents’ religious sensibilities are nil and that this about getting money out of somebody, anybody.
The Supreme Court of Louisiana has opened the door since the priest can no longer cite the seal in defense of not testifying. He can cite the fifth amendment under civil law, and that can be overcome by granting him immunity. I would assume that if the parents and their counsel believe that would open the door to getting money out of the Diocese, that’s the approach they would take.
In any event, at the moment this matter is all about getting money from someone, not justice.