Louisiana Priest-Forced To Testify

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Two prior looooong threads about this. No one has produced an actual canon law commentary or whatever that specifically forbids a penitent from revealing his own confession.

In the cases cited, more or less, by Marty E, it does not seem to me adequately supported that “all others” includes the penitent. It seems that would be a logical thing to specify.

IIRC from those threads, Ed Peters’ blog had something on whether the penitent is bound not to reveal the confession, but a) it indicated there were differing opinions and no consensus and b) as it was not addressing this specific case, no rationale for the position pro or con was advanced.
No one has produced an actual canon law commentary or whatever that specifically forbids a penitent from revealing his own confession.
This sentence appears to equivocate two related but different matters.

A pentitent clearly can reveal what he or she confessed without reference to the confession itself. I provided a hypothetical.

Revealing the confession - what the priest said, advice, penance - is a different act. While only the priest is bound by the seal, all are bound by an obligation to secrecy.

Doing so with the intention of causing the priest to be forced to violate the seal, which is what is happening here, raises even further issues. This is not simply a matter where someone went to an authority to confess a crime, but one where - knowing the priest is bound by the seal - allegedly Catholic parents have litigated to remove the priest’s protection under Louisiana law.

Can. 1375 Those who hinder the freedom of the ministry or of an election or of the exercise of ecclesiastical power, or the lawful use of sacred or other ecclesiastical goods, or who intimidate either an elector or one who is elected or one who exercises ecclesiastical power or ministry, may be punished with a just penalty.

@Marty E: OK, fair enough, for the sake of argument you can discuss the contents of your own confession, without revealing what the priest said.

However, we are only dealing with the second part, i.e., what did the priest say to the penitent. You have made the assertion that certain sections of canon law oblige the penitent to secrecy w/r/t what the priest says to the penitent.

Are you asserting that Can. 1375 means that by attempting to bring up the substance of the advice given in confession, the girl is hindering the freedom of the exercise of a ministry? Is the administration of the sacrament of penance a ministry within the meaning of canon law? Same question regarding ecclesiastical power - - are these terms of art within canon law?

W/r/t Canon 983, Section 1 references the confessor and the penitent, and by it the confessor may not reveal the confession. Section 2 then deals with an interpreter, first, and then, “all others” Since the confessor and the penitent were specifically referenced in Sec. 1, and an interpreter and all others in Sec. 2, I would suggest that the penitent is neither referenced by Sec. 2 nor meant to be covered by it; further, Sec. 2 deals with revealing of sins learned about through confession - - obviously the penitent knew of the sins prior to and without the confession (leaving aside whether good spiritual advice may give the penitent more insight into conduct that could be sinful). I am not convinced by the mere language of the section that it in any way applies to the penitent, and if it does, there will be a specific citation somewhere.

I am not sure what you mean by the “intention of causing the priest to be forced to violate the seal”. The girl’s lawyer has said he did not intend the priest to testify, and I can see why he would not. Now, if you mean, the priest is put in a difficult situation, i.e., he cannot rebut the testimony of the plaintiff due to the seal, I agree, but that is not the same as being forced to testify. Second, as part of the case involves liability under the La. mandatory reporter law, I wonder whether he wouldn’t take the 5th anyway, not sure if he could still be liable criminally.

I have posted at length both here and other places that there are two competing interests here. More later as time allows.
You have made the assertion that certain sections of canon law oblige the penitent to secrecy w/r/t what the priest says to the penitent.
The Canon appears to prohibit revealing the contents of the confession for all involved under an obligation of secrecy, except the priest who is prohibited under the seal of confession. Contents are contents. All means all.
Are you asserting that Can. 1375 means that by attempting to bring up the substance of the advice given in confession, the girl is hindering the freedom of the exercise of a ministry?
Canon 1375 falls into the section dealing with offenses against the Church and religion. These canons are not as expansive as they were under the 1917 Code, but the general rule is that Catholics do not have recourse to the civil courts and authorities without first exhausting the remedies within the Church under Canon Law, and even then there are limits. I am have not had time to do the research, but for a Catholic to attempt to force a priest by the authority of a civil court to violate the seal of confession is an attack on the Sacrament of Penance itself and on the priest’s obligations under Canon Law.

It is not clear to me who is pursuing this matter. The girl was a minor when the events took place. A check with the Louisiana Supreme Docket does not provide the names of counsel for either party. I assume that the girl’s parents began the lawsuit which would make them responsible.
W/r/t Canon 983, Section 1 references the confessor and the penitent, and by it the confessor may not reveal the confession. Section 2 then deals with an interpreter, first, and then, “all others” Since the confessor and the penitent were specifically referenced in Sec. 1, and an interpreter and all others in Sec. 2, I would suggest that the penitent is neither referenced by Sec. 2 nor meant to be covered by it;
Among those not mentioned specifically are individuals near the confessional who happen to overhear the confession, who are neither the confessor, the penitent, nor the interpreter. Yet it is well-settled that if they are Catholic they are bound as well. There is no particular reason to assume that “all” does not mean “all”, nor any reason to believe that if the Canon meant the priest and interpreter only it would not have stated that.
further, Sec. 2 deals with revealing of sins learned about through confession - - obviously the penitent knew of the sins prior to and without the confession (leaving aside whether good spiritual advice may give the penitent more insight into conduct that could be sinful). I am not convinced by the mere language of the section that it in any way applies to the penitent, and if it does, there will be a specific citation somewhere.
Fair enough.
I am not sure what you mean by the “intention of causing the priest to be forced to violate the seal”. The girl’s lawyer has said he did not intend the priest to testify, and I can see why he would not.
What the girl’s attorney said is not relevant. What the LSC ruled based on the record of the case is that privilege belongs to the penitent, not the confessor, and that the confessor cannot assert privilege if the penitent has waived privilege. If the priest’s testimony was not an issue, and the plaintiff had no intention of questioning the confessor, perhaps you can explain why there was a question as to whether the confessor could assert privilege.
Second, as part of the case involves liability under the La. mandatory reporter law, I wonder whether he wouldn’t take the 5th anyway, not sure if he could still be liable criminally.
As I previously suggested, this case appears to be about extracting funds from someone. The funeral home director has expired and I really not familiar with Louisiana law as to whether that extinguishes any civil action against him through his estate. In some states it does, but Louisiana law is like nothing anywhere else in the US.

The simple course, then, for plaintiff’s attorney is to seek immunity for the confessor on the mandatory reporter issue, and then use his testimony to impugn the deceased (assuming that course is open) and involve the priest and through him the Diocese.

If the deceased is immune by death, that is really the only target left with money.

Last-ish point first: If the priest’s testimony was not an issue: the way this came up procedurally was that the diocese attempted, through a motion in limine, to exclude the girl’s testimony. The trial court did not grant the motion, and the diocese appealed. the intermediate court reversed the trial court, and took the additional step of dismissing the case, reasoning, I think, that the only way the priest knew of the abuser’s conduct was through the confessional, and the La. statute excluded that from mandatory reporting. The girl appealed to the LA SC, and the SC is the court that ultimately a) denied the motion in limine and b) reinstated the case, to determine how the priest came to know of the abuse.

I think it was on Register that the girl’s lawyer said he did not intend to call the priest. It is relevant because he is not being forced to testify, it is just weakening his defense because he, presumably, will not violate the seal.

Gotta run, have a good evening. Check out the other threads if you have a chance.
I think it was on Register that the girl’s lawyer said he did not intend to call the priest. It is relevant because he is not being forced to testify, it is just weakening his defense because he, presumably, will not violate the seal.
I do believe at its root this is an attempt to get a nice check from the diocese.

The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that he could not cite privilege in order to not testify, which seems odd if your recitation of the case record is accurate.

Generally relief is granted only when requested.

And apparently now, the plaintiff’s lawyer has confirmed he does not want the priest to testify. I thought so, since that leaves no defense to the plaintiff’s claim.

See: ncregister.com/dail… to wit: “Brian Abels, who is representing the girl and her parents, told a local news station he had no intentions of forcing Father Bayhi to testify. He said he only wanted the girl to be able to relate to the court her description of the confessions, where Father Bayhi’s alleged advice was to “sweep it under the floor and get rid of it.”

“Her testimony has been it [the confession] was more of a plea for help, counseling, and that plea, according to her, went unheeded,” Abels said.

BTW, if that is the only way the priest knew, it seems to me that existing La. law, cited in the La. SC’s opinion, would exempt the priest from being a mandatory reporter, as the exemptions to mandatory reporting are not limited to Catholic clergy, but rather any communications intended, IIRC, to be confidential and with a clergyman. It would then seem that, as jroberts noted below, that perhaps an objection on grounds of relevance or other inadmissibility would proper, but that was not the subject of the appeal.

That’s the civil law take. By canon law, the priest would not be able to testify in his own defense on his side of the civil case. Ed Peters’ blog mentioned in passing once that there is some question as to whether the penitent can in fact release a priest from the seal, but did not really get into the rationales pro and con: canonlawblog.wordpress

FYI. Above is my post to the combox on Mark Shea’s personal blog at Patheos.

The LA SC did not state that “he could not cite privilege in order to not testify”; that issue was not before it.

Again, we are talking about two different things, a civil law privilege against being called to testify in favor of the person who is speaking to a clergyman, that is, the person speaking to the clergyman can invoke a privilege against having the clergyman testify as to what the person said to the clergyman, and the canonical seal (which the civil courts do not really recognize).

In this case, the clergyman tried to use the privilege to prevent the person who spoke to him from testifying about what was said to him. Usually it would be the other way around, i.e., the clergy would be called to state what the penitent said to him. LA SC said the privilege was for the penitent to invoke, to keep the clergy from speaking, not the other way around. It does not work to prevent the penitent’s testimony. I think that is a correct reading of civil law, as far as it goes.

Second: it’s just an attempt to get a nice check from the Diocese. Sigh. OK. should we not approach this in charity from the viewpoint of the parents, whose daughter was being at least molested - - anyone would be upset and angry.

Third: Could you expand on the need by lay Catholics to use ecclesiastical processes before resorting to civil law? I suspect there is a remedy for, essentially, ‘bad’ or ‘negligent’ advice given in spritual counseling or the sacrament

Fourth: more of my take on the issues, from a post at the (bad) NCR:

It appears to me that the most favorable interpretation of what the diocese did, in moving to attempt to preclude the girl’s testimony, is that the diocese is claiming, that by allowing her to testify, the priest (and pretty much by extension the diocese) is put in the position of it being impossible to defend himself without breaking the seal of the confessional; again, that is, I think, the absolutely best face that can be put on the diocese’s statement, and that’s giving them the benefit of every doubt. I wonder if the diocese’s brief is available online anywhere?

Anyway, I think jroberts and joshua decuir below in the comments have more or less identified the competing interests. Jroberts has correctly pointed out, to the diocese’s argument, so what? LA civil law is not concerned with canon law. beyond the limited privilege it provides, and which the plaintiff is not even contesting. If the priest’s case is harder to defend, too bad, the argument goes. You make your choices, diocese and priest.

Mr. Decuir alludes to, I think, a fairness argument, i.e., if the priest cannot testify as what the girl said, what he said, or even that he saw her in confession (for which there are various and sundry good reasons), it is not fair to allow her to testify to what he said, etc.

Either way there is an injustice. Either the victim cannot offer evidence to prove her case, or the priest cannot offer evidence in his defense. Realistically though, it probably takes less than a minute to come to the conclusion that the scales are going to tip in favor of the victim, and rightly so, I think, at least at first pass. I mean, civil law is not going to care at all, but as to the justice of the situation.

All that being said, I still don’t think the LA SC should be looking into whether something was :“really” a confession, again at least in these circumstances as I understand them. The only inquiry on the remand should be if the priest knew from some other source, from which he then had a duty to report.
And apparently now, the plaintiff’s lawyer has confirmed he does not want the priest to testify. I thought so, since that leaves no defense to the plaintiff’s claim.
Various ex parte communications of the lawyer mean basically nothing at all.
Ed Peters’ blog mentioned in passing once that there is some question as to whether the penitent can in fact release a priest from the seal, but did not really get into the rationales pro and con:
Canon Law does not provide an exception to the seal, and the seal arises from the Sacrament, not the penitent.
In this case, the clergyman tried to use the privilege to prevent the person who spoke to him from testifying about what was said to him.
More accurately, the cleric cited the privilege to raise an objection to the testimony which would lead to his being compelled to break the seal.
Second: it’s just an attempt to get a nice check from the Diocese. Sigh. OK. should we not approach this in charity from the viewpoint of the parents, whose daughter was being at least molested - - anyone would be upset and angry.
Justice would require that, if the priest did something wrong, he apologize. And if there were actual damages - counseling costs, special schooling - the parents be reimbursed.

Any bishop will grant these sorts of remedies without a lawsuit.

There is no moral obligation in either justice or charity to cough up large sums of money, and I do not get the impression that plaintiff’s counsel is working pro bono. Upset and angry and suing are two different matters.
Third: Could you expand on the need by lay Catholics to use ecclesiastical processes before resorting to civil law? I suspect there is a remedy for, essentially, ‘bad’ or ‘negligent’ advice given in spritual counseling or the sacrament
I do not believe there is a complete copy of the 1917 Code of Canon Law on-line in English translation, but the relevant Canon was:
  • All cases against clerics, both civil and criminal, must be brought into the ecclesiastical court, unless for some countries other provisions have been made.
Cardinals, Legates of the Holy See, bishops, even titular ones, abbots and prelates nullius, the supreme heads of religious bodies approved by Rome, the major officials of the Roman Curia in reference to business belonging to their office, cannot be sued in the secular courts without permission of the Holy See. All others, clerics and religious, who enjoy the privilege of the forum, cannot be sued in a civil court without permission of the Ordinary of the place where the case is to be tried. The Ordinary, however, should not refuse such permission, if the suitor be a lay person, especially after his attempts to effect an agreement have failed. …

Which was, I believe, 120. I find it does not have a direct counterpart in the 1983 Code.

This Canon has a history dating back to Apostolic times as members of the Christian community were prohibited from suing each other or the Church in the civil courts, instead having recourse to the Church authorities in civil matters. After a long and tumultuous battle between secular authority and Church authority on a variety of matters dealing with jurisdiction over Christians and Church matters, the result was the modern prohibition against suing clerics without permission of the Ordinary, and a general prohibition against suits which would bring the Church and Religion into disrepute.

In looking at the current Code of Canon Law the intent of Canon 1375 appears to be to accomplish more or less the same thing, not only dealing with civil courts, but more generally any coercion or hindering of clerics in the exercise of their ministery in the Church.

There are a number of websites dealing with Canon Law. I have found the following:


which is that of Cathy Caridi, J.C.L., an American canon lawyer who practices law and teaches in Rome. She takes questions on-line and this strikes me as the kind of thing that she could be very helpful on since she will probably be current on the application of the current Code, particularly given the number of lawsuits over the last decade or two against priests and dioceses.

Other sources of interest:


It appears to me that the most favorable interpretation of what the diocese did, in moving to attempt to preclude the girl’s testimony, is that the diocese is claiming, that by allowing her to testify, the priest (and pretty much by extension the diocese) is put in the position of it being impossible to defend himself without breaking the seal of the confessional; again, that is, I think, the absolutely best face that can be put on the diocese’s statement, and that’s giving them the benefit of every doubt.
The Church will never agree to the priest testifying and there is really, therefore, no issue of putting a face of any kind, let alone best, on it.
Mr. Decuir alludes to, I think, a fairness argument, i.e., if the priest cannot testify as what the girl said, what he said, or even that he saw her in confession (for which there are various and sundry good reasons), it is not fair to allow her to testify to what he said, etc.
Uncorroborated testimony is given all the time.

So if I am understanding this correctly…a child was abused. She turned to the Church for advise and council. That council was, essentially, “Suck it up, Buttercup.” Furthermore, the priest, knowing that a child was being abused, did nothing and allowed this child to be victimized because of a rule.

Does the doctrine of “Ox in the ditch” come into play? Jesus was more than willing to make exceptions when times called for it.

I’m sorry…but this is the reason so many priests and dioceses are being sued. I’m sorry to be offensive here, but a person refuses to protect the innocent, then what is their worth?

If my understanding is off base on the facts of the case (I will let others debate Canon Law)…PLEASE forgive my outburst.
So if I am understanding this correctly…a child was abused. She turned to the Church for advise and council. That council was, essentially, “Suck it up, Buttercup.” Furthermore, the priest, knowing that a child was being abused, did nothing and allowed this child to be victimized because of a rule.

Does the doctrine of “Ox in the ditch” come into play? Jesus was more than willing to make exceptions when times called for it.

I’m sorry…but this is the reason so many priests and dioceses are being sued. I’m sorry to be offensive here, but a person refuses to protect the innocent, then what is their worth?

If my understanding is off base on the facts of the case (I will let others debate Canon Law)…PLEASE forgive my outburst.
I agree completely with your take on this. My jaw dropped as I read through the comments on this thread.

In particular, Marty E’s, “Justice would require that, if the priest did something wrong, he apologize. And if there were actual damages - counseling costs, special schooling - the parents be reimbursed.”

If the priest did something wrong? If the allegations are correct, and I believe they are for a number of reasons, the priest covered up sexual abuse. An apology just doesn’t cut it. Quibbling over rules for a priest’s benefit when he has contributed to damaging a child’s life, not to mention her perception of God Himself, is beyond offensive.

I personally hope these people win their lawsuit. Since more than a few priests are unwilling to do what needs to be done to stop predators, let the Church compensate those who are hurt while under her “protection.”
This is a huge reason my wife left the Catholic Church. The gym teacher at her catholic Jr. High outside New Orleans was abusing boys like it was his job at his previous school. The priests knew it and did nothing at his previous job, but helped him transfer to her Catholic school where of course he continued…for years.

Again, nothing was done. There is a parish west of the city that has a massive influx of young men that are drug addicts, alcoholics, and her cousin committed suicide as a result of the priests following their rules and allowing this abuser to continue. It came out that a few of the boys went to the priests for help and were told the same thing this girl was told.

I understand the secrecy of confession and the reluctance of a priest to break that (a thief, adulterer, etc sins and confesses, no one is continuing to be hurt). At some point, however, I feel that everyone must ask themselves not what are the rules of my church, but instead what are the rules of my God? Would Jesus have stood for this nonsense? Would Peter? Then why is this even a question?

The pedophile was eventually arrested a few years ago when someone went to the local police and is now serving many years in prison, but the priests that helped cover up his misdeeds face no punishment.
For those knowledgeable about catholic matters:
Can an exemption be made for example as in child sex abuse? Usually in the case of children and minors we err on the side of caution.
Is there no way a priest can “force” the person confessing to turn himself in if he is molesting a child?😦 Although I’m not sure how he could go about doing so.
This is a really sad story.😦
the priest, knowing that a child was being abused, did nothing and allowed this child to be victimized because of a rule.
What makes you say he did “nothing”?

Also, I would like to point out that U.S. laws like lawyer-client privilege or patient-doctor privileges are, although not exactly, similar to this rule. It is a sanctuary for personal information. Certainly in this Louisiana case, if the child was competent enough to communicate ongoing victimization, it would indeed be negligent on the part of a priest not to advise that child accordingly to prevent further damage. That being said, we do not know all the facts of what transpired and it seems reckless to me to hold strong opinions on the matter without such information.
I hope your wife did not leave because her faith was founded not on Christ’s truth but on the sins of members of the Church.
We can never truly say what motivates someone and I will not speak for her but only relate what she has said and actions I have seen.

She left because her faith WAS founded on Christ - not rules, canon, and tradition. She began feeding her faith in her bible, not Mass. Her belief is that anything beyond a childlike faith in Christ is just rules, traditions, canon, phrases, and accepted shared practices. If these fail and those that make these fail, then the institution of the church has failed.

This situation was part of it. She took it, rightly or wrongly, as endemic of corruption and as a sign that the church itself had strayed given how high and excepted the cover-ups went (this was right after Law in Boston was made a cardinal and thus exempt from prosecution etc). The cover up by the Phoenix diocese of the molestation by a priest of our friend’s elementary school age daughter also did not sit well with her.

What started it was when she looked at her heart after sitting down to read the bible on her own with multiple translations and an eye towards history - she questioned everything and looked for answers within the bible. She found many of them and what she found didn’t correspond with what she had been taught. She couldn’t see where the Church and the Church’s dogma/rules/views/canon were in synch with her studies of the bible.

I believe that God speaks to us in His own way and guides each of to him in our own way. Thus why I rarely judge someone’s faith and I have encouraged her to follow the path her heart tells her is right (cults, new age crystal folks, scientologists, etc). If someone finds that path through Mass, then I am happy and encouraging of them

Her path has been a good one for her as she is closer to God than ever before and has a much stronger faith than before, but it has not been without personal cost (her mom boycotted our wedding at the “alleged” urging of her priest because we married in a Baptist church - I say alleged because I didn’t hear him say it and I never met the man).

I have attended mass several times with friends and family and have studied the church and its teachings in historical contexts, but I do not pretend to fully understand its faith and workings. Many of the postings on this board have given me insight that being condemned as a heterodoxical heretic by my mother in law at thanksgiving dinner never can and I thank everyone for their openness.

As for my wife’s journey, that is her own personal journey and I can never know what is completely in her heart (no person can know fully another - only God can), but that is the parts of which I have witnessed. I relate her story not as a condemnation or challenge, but merely as a response as to why she decided to leave the church.
I have attended mass several times with friends and family and have studied the church and its teachings in historical contexts, but I do not pretend to fully understand its faith and workings.
Well, good for you for learning more. I have studied the faith much and do not believe in any dichotomy between Christ and anything liturgical. I think to truly appreciate Catholicism, one must grasp typology and the Old Testament and the human condition. One of my best online “friends” on another forum was a Methodist and there was quite a bit of agreement between us. I think he practiced a “high” liturgy himself.
And all this took place in a town that has Masonic signs mounted on the speed limit sign posts as you enter and exit the town.
Teeboy, can you please clarify why Masonic signs at the entrances/exits of the town have any bearing on this?


This is a huge reason my wife left the Catholic Church.
This is sad and I am aware others left as well. But it was they who do not fully understand that the Church comprises both elements human and Divine. That the priest can never negate the sanctifying grace present in the sacraments when the correct matter, form and intent are present, nor does he cause the Mass to be invalid by his personal sins. It is the action of Christ, you see, and neither sin nor scandal can nullify that or the* faith.*
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