Loving a married man

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As someone who did what you’re doing and much much worse during my 1st (I was 100% ignorant of Catholic teaching at the time) marriage, let me assure you I do know what you’re going thru; been there and done that more times with more people and caused more harm than I want to recall.

My advice? Use the good common sense God gave you and see your priest. Take weekend retreats at a convent. Deny yourself the occasion to think sinful thoughts and let God back into your life.

Ask Our Lady to pray for you!

God Bless
Skyflower Sweetie,

You are worth more than this. You are better than this. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be asking these questions in public.

Whatever else this man has to offer you, he does not have himself. He’s not his own, and hasn’t been since he took vows with his wife.

You don’t have to move home, assume a humbler income, etc., unless that’s what you want to do.

YinYanMom is right in every aspect but one: Stay away from this guy!!! This is probably a bad analogy, but if you were an alcoholic, you’d have to quit drinking alcohol for life. This guy is infinitely more dangerous to you than alcohol!!! Change your phone number, get a different job if you currently have to work with him, change the email you use, block him from your email at work, and CUT IT CLEAN. If he persists in pursuing you and doesn’t take the hint, call the cops and get a restraining order. Threaten to tell his wife everything if he doesn’t leave you alone. But you need to leave him alone, period.

I wish you the best and will pray for you.
…Whatever else this man has to offer you, he does not have himself. He’s not his own, and hasn’t been since he took vows with his wife…
…but what a deal he has…the romance and intrigue of the emotional relationship with you right along side the intimacy, comfort and companionship of his wife in bed next to him every night. If I were “in love” with someone and yet had to manage the thought of them sleeping with someone else every night, I don’t think my starry-eyed romantic thoughts would sustain me for long.

Pardon me for being a bit of a cynic, but I think this man has be using you emotionally for far too long. As someone else observed–you deserve better than this. Please cut off all contact and start opening yourself up to ***real ***relationship opportunities. You may not “feel” like it now, but wasting another minute on a fantasy life instead of creating a genuine, mature and morally solid existence for youself would be a real shame. You sound like you have a big heart and much warmth to offer a man who mature, honest and loyal enough to earn it. Best wishes.
I know you must be in pain from allowing yourself to go this far with this man, and I admire your courage for asking for guidance on this forum. I feel compassion for your pain and will pray that you make the right choices for your own good and the good of the man and his family. But, I need to say this, and know I will probably come under fire:I have never understood how people can allow themselves to fall in love with someone when it is morally wrong to do so. Attraction or not, it seems like our heads would or should take over for our hearts in that instance, and not allow ourselves to entertain the thought of an illicit relationship.
I have never been able to understand how we give ourselves permission to nurse those kinds of feelings and relationships. My first husband left me and our son for a single woman who knew that he was married. That did terrible things to me and my son. I never could understand how they could allow themselves to do that. I pray that you overcome this.

sherilo said:
:I have never understood how people can allow themselves to fall in love with someone when it is morally wrong to do so. Attraction or not, it seems like our heads would or should take over for our hearts in that instance, and not allow ourselves to entertain the thought of an illicit relationship.
I have never been able to understand how we give ourselves permission to nurse those kinds of feelings and relationships. Sherilo

I might be wrong in assuming this, but from what I got from reading the first post was that they fell in love before he was married with children, but never did anything about it. Now the problem is they havn’t been able to let go of the love they shared for each other several years before. From my experience letting go of love, is much more painful, and sacrificial then keeping yourself from falling in love.
Now, after all these years of efforts, he is exhausted (and so am I) and he is starting to wonder if it makes any sense to continue like this. For the first time, we are both tempted to give up and embrace our mutual feelings instead of suppressing them, in the hope that God will make something good out of this. I am torn, because I want to live in justice and not ruin a family, but at the same time I can not go this way. My health is has been declining due to the stress and the feelings of guilt.

Any advice? What can I do?
I agree with the other posters who recommend to cease and desist this emotional liason. There is a reason why over the years why the path of you and this married fellow keep crossing. But, I certainly would not give God any credit for this recurring contact that keeps the flame of attraction lighted. You are fooling yourself to believe that God will bring something good out of this most sinful decision. This would be an utmost selfish decision (thinking only of your own satisfaction) to rip apart the family that God has planted these children into. Any further contact/correspondence with this married man can only reap a harvest of bad fruit for all parties affected. Be mature, be a woman, move on, zero contact, get about the buisness of creating a life apart from the fantasy of having this married man part of it.
Skyflower - I wonder if you have considered this? That it is quite possible that part of the attraction to this man is precisely because he is ‘unavailable.’ He is SAFE. He can’t really HURT you because he has not (and cannot) ‘commit’ to you.
So you settle for the leftovers. He gives his wife the meal - and you get the leftovers. Leftovers that are rightfully hers.

This is not uncommon. But, especially in light of your home life growing up I think it is prudent to consider that this scenario may be part of your situation.
I suspect that if this man WERE to leave his wife for you - you would not want him any longer. Not only would it be too scary for you (fear of him leaving you too) but the “thrill” of the clandestine “relationship” you have been carrying on with - will be changed and gone.

I think it’s also important to remember that real Love is NOT a “feeling” - it is a DECISION.

Pray and ask God to really show you what is deep inside you that is willing to “settle” with this kind of treatment from a man. And ask Him to HEAL that part of you so that you can move on and truly see yourself as God sees you - as having a dignity worth so much more than you are now feeling you deserve.
He is faithful and He loves you more than you can know.
God Bless

My parents divorced after 21 yrs of marriage. I was 20. It has been a heartbreaking journey not only for my mom **(she was totally devestated- to the point of trying to commit suicide- he left her for another woman that apparently he had been infatuated with since high school) but for me and my siblings. The physical and emotional fallout, even with us being older, was, and is to this day (10 yrs later) ** horrible. Not only will continuing this relationship devistate his wife, but their children will suffer long term, perminent damage as well. If you can’t stop this based on damage to his wife, think of their poor, innocent children who will suffer the worst of this.

Can you live the rest of your life being “the other woman” to these kids? Will you be able to face his wife at joint family gatherings, such as graduations, 1st communions, and weddings ? Are you prepared to live the rest of your life with this guilt? He may be able to divorce his wife, but he cannot divorce his kids. These are things you WILL have to deal with for the rest of your life.

PLEASE reflect on this before allowing contact to continue.

Thank you, and God Bless.
I need compassionate advice about a situation that may be similar to that of “I am in love and that is the problem”.
I am a single (never married) catholic woman. I love a man whom I met at work (we were colleagues working on a common project) and he loves me. Our mutual feelings started several years ago. Since then, we both have been struggling to suppress them, and really tried everything we could think of: ignore each other, prentend that we hated each other and argue, quit jobs, relocate many time zones away, move on with life in many ways (dating for me and parenting for him).

I prayed a lot to be liberated from this.
So far, nothing has helped and the feelings are still there (there has never been physical relation). We still communicate, because we do not have the strenght not to.

Now, after all these years of efforts, he is exhausted (and so am I) and he is starting to wonder if it makes any sense to continue like this. For the first time, we are both tempted to give up and embrace our mutual feelings instead of suppressing them, in the hope that God will make something good out of this. I am torn, because I want to live in justice and not ruin a family, but at the same time I can not go this way. My health is has been declining due to the stress and the feelings of guilt.

Any advice? What can I do?
Go ahead if you want to make his kids hate him and refuse him from their lives. Thats what happened when my “father” did the same thing to my mom. what gives you the right to tear up a family?? NOTHING!! what did his kids ever do to you to make you destroy their family? to make them become the children of divorce? to make them decided between loyalty to their mother or their father? to make them shuttle back and forth to mom and dads without having their family as a whole? to make them only see their father on holidays and a couple of times in the summer? and when they get old enough to realize what a SCUZZ their father is to cut him out of their lives forever, costing them their father, their kids their grandfather? costing him his children? his grandchildren and his wife? NOTHING!! nothing good could come out of this ever. be the bigger person. the Catholic you are and walk away. dont be so selfish to assume that your needs come over his kids needs. or his WIFE’S needs for that matter. you have no right to come into her home and steal her husband, the father of her children away! Pray hard, discipline yourself. SEVER ALL TIES with him. take it as your cross to bear in life and realize that you are doing the right thing for his children and their lives and essentually your own because if he will do it with you, he will do it to you! what goes around comes around. lets assume you two did get “married” (would never be a valid or blessed marriage as it started as an affair) could you stand to look into the eyes of your step children (the few times they actually got to see their daddy) and see the hatred and pain you put in their innocent little eyes because you were selfish? Im sorry if i come across harsh. But i lost all respect for my “father”(sperm donor as i call him) after he did that. once a cheat always a cheat and you would forever be labeled a home wrecker. im trying to speak with compassion, but you have to understand i lost the man every little girl is supposed to look up to because the other woman wasnt woman enough to walk away. i despised him being at my wedding and making a toast. on my wedding day i actually had to be angry at him because what the heck does he know about love and comitment and marriage and respect?? NOTHING! i married a man the complete opposite of my father on purpose. im not sure how much i will allow him to be involved in my childrens lives when i have them. All because that other woman wouldnt walk away and neither would he. if you “loved” him you wouldnt hurt him, his wife or his kids like that. you will ruin the lives of many. and in the end he will leave you for another woman when the “new” wares off of you. I will pray for you. im sorry if i was harsh or unkind or uncharitable, i just dont want another child to have to go through what i went through.
YING YANG MOM! i wish i could have spoken as eloquently and as charitably and as spiritually as you did. while i dont agree that she should be giving him marriage advice (i dont think you can fix a marriage by turning outside a marriage) i do absolutely agree with her doing the right thing for him and herself and eventually finding her own Mr. Right. God Bless you for the Holy Spirit really is alive in you sister.

Carol Marie,

I am hurt by your hateful reply. I am suffering and I need help, that’s all. I am not a devil, just a human being trying to live her life at her best. If stealing husbands was my favorite sport, I would not be torn as I am, and I would not have written what I have in my post. To love the wrong person can happen to anybody, I can assure you.

Be grateful to God for your happy family, and that the temptation I am going through has not happened to you. And pray for me, if you can.
Read the story of David, Uriah, Bathsheba, and Nathan and leave this family alone. That is the most compassionate answer possible. Get acquainted with God and leave this family alone. God has others for you but you will never find them while wasting time with thie fantasy. You will only find heartache and only cause heartache.


My story is a lot like Siena’s. My parents divorced after 25 years of marriage. One of my father’s reasons for leaving was that he wanted to date other people. He had, for several years, been flirting with a woman online. My mom, my brother and I all knew about it, and my mom tried to work through this obvious emotional adultery. In the end he left her anyway. My mom was devastated, my younger brother was in denial and soon immersed himself in hanging out with friends and I was left with helping my mom get through everyday activities as she was severely depressed.

The burden was incredibly hard on me. Although I accepted it at the time as the only choice, I am still feeling the effects of that difficult period. I was not on speaking terms with my father, and as a result of our poor and at times non-existent relationship, I can now see that I made poor dating choices. It has taken me a long time to learn to forgive him.

Years later, my mom is still emotionally damaged, and I know she will never completely heal. I know despite how bad things were before my parents’ divorce, I will always wish it never happened.

I tell you all of this because I want you to know what emotional adultry can do to a marriage and a family. The effects of it never go away, and if it results in divorce, those effects are multiplied.

God bless.
My Father in law was a serial adulterer for years. He has eleven children. He feigned great religious belief but eventually ran off with a younger woman. He has gained for himself the eternal dislike of his entire family…so is the loose woman (I’m trying to be kind) who attracted him away. Do you really wish to gain the everlasting dislike of people for the rest of your life?

catsrus said:
Skyflower, take this advice from someone who once was in your situation and made the WRONG decision.
Put as much space between yourself and this other person as possible. Change jobs, move away, whatever it takes!
I did not do that and caused incredible pain to many people - not just the wife. It has been 29 years and some of the wounds I inflicted on others have not healed and most probably never will.
Further, the “love” did not last through all the emotional grief.
Only bitter ashes are left.
I know, the hard way, that happiness can not be found at the expense of others.
I will be repenting my terrible, reckless decision for the rest of my life and, surely, in the hereafter as well.
I will be praying for you.

Wow, what an honest post!

God Bless you Catsrus.

Adultery is a very, very serious sin. Jesus tells us that we break these vows at our own peril. I don’t doubt you and this maried man have strong feeling for each other. He had no right tofoster those feelings and you should not have encouraged his advances or even acknowledged his interest.

My advice is to run and run like your soul depends on it. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to remain in this situation. Get another job, leave the city but get away from it as fast as you can. You can NEVER be happy with this man. Even IF he leaves his family and hooks up with you, you will have committed a grevious sin against his wife and family.

How can you ever be happy knowing that you totally ruined someone else’s life ??? That is a totally unforgiveable offense. The amount of hatred and hurt that you would cause would be incalculable.

You sound like a decent person, so I really feel compassion for you. But the heel that is allowing this to happen to his wife and family I have absolutely zero respect for. He should never have put himself into this position and he should never have pulled you into this conspiracy to commit a very egreious sin.

I’m sorry but if you allow yourself to continue in this sham and break up a marriage and family, you will have committed a sin that warrants eternal damnation and rightly so. Break off whatever relationship that you think you have, fortunately it sounds like you have not acted out on any of these impulses, but the fact that you feel compelled to give into the temptation is a sure sign that things have already gone too far.

You should never ever foster any sort of strong fellings for a married person. And it is the responsibility of all married folks to carefully guard their feelings toward only their spouse. For Catholics, marriage is forever, until death do us part. It is sacriligeous to break apart a marriage. It would be like spitting on the Holy Eucharist. You do so at the risk of your immortal soul. Run and run like H***.
It sounds like you are on the right track here. One of the operant things is “Know thyself”, and CLEARLY, your inner self is causing you to be torn. If this was a legitimate affair, you would only be mildly unsure, as are most people, not tied in knots and emotionally exhausted. God and Satan are fighting a mighty battle on your behalf, and you would to well to choose the right thing over passion.
It isn’t an uncommon thing, look at all the posters here with a story. I have one, too. After my husband married someone else, a number of men married to friends of mine started to come around. It’s as if I had the word VULNERABLE written on my forehead. One man, who happened to be helping me to build a new house began to constantly make advances that became very hard to pass up. I was, of course, succumbing to flattery and addressing only my own neediness, but the thought of my friend, his wife, who had instigated the generous offer from her husband to help build me a house, was nagging at me constantly. I came within a hairs’ breadth of making the biggest mistake of my life.
I decided to do the following things: first tell everyone what is happening. I knew I wouldn’t want to look like an idiot if I went back on people’s advise, which is the same as you’re getting here. Also, this kind of thing is accomplished much easier in secret.
Secondly, when it came time to thank them for their generosity, I had my diamond engagement ring made into a necklace and gave it to HER- as a sign of my fidelity to our friendship. This became my own, secret seal, my word, my promise.
Third, I broke off any communication with him as soon as I could, and replaced his “friendship” with people from my faith community and prayer. God will never abandon you if you do the right thing, be assured of that. He will surround you with good.
I never remarried, even though I was only 34 at the time, but I do not regret not being pulled into terrible sin. He found another neighbor in my new area, and had an illegitimate child with her- ruining not only his marriage and family, but also, hers. To this day, no one in town says anything nice about them, and they are very alone in their “love”.
Thank God for giving you a conscience, you will later be able to pat yourself on the back for listening to it and possibly saving your soul.
Skyflower dear!

Everyone, even those that sound harsh, has given you good advice! (Especially YinYangMom!)

I have one experience that hasn’t been mentioned…

It’s possible that this man is subconsciously using you as an excuse to get out of his marraige. He may not have the courage, or even the conscious knowledge, to realize on his own that he wants out. So he allows himself to “fall in love” with you, so that he can have a “noble” reason to leave his wife and family. After all, nothing should stand in the way of true love, right? :banghead:

If this is true, he will lose all interest in you as soon as he separates from his family. I did… I still, after all these years, can’t see what was so attactive about him…

I’ll say a Rosary for you.

I have great sympathy for you. I know how tremendously hard this has been for you. I too am in love with a married man. My situation is different enough from yours though that maybe I can offer you a little bit of new perspective.

I am not single. My life is not on hold hoping that I can somehow be with this man. I know that I can never be more to him than a sister, and he knows that as well. I worry for you that you are sacrificing your whole life for something that not only can not be but should not be.

You love this man, and that is a good thing:

1 John 4:7-9*

*** 7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son[a] into the world that we might live through him.

You need to be sure that you love him as God loves him and as God wants you to love him. If you truly love him, you will love his wife and his family that God gave him. You would not want to weaken or destroy such a thing. Try taking all of that love that you feel, thank God for the gift of such love, and channel it into prayer. Pray that God renews the love that this man has for his wife. Pray that their marriage is reenergized and that this man and his wife might enjoy all that you could dream of if you were married to this man. Pray that his wife gives him everything that you long to give him. Pray to Jesus in thanksgiving for allowing you to suffer with him. Thank Him for the sacrifices that He has made for us. Pray to the saints. Ask them to intercede on your behalf. Ask for the strength to want only what God wants. Pray to the Holy Spirit:

O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten me. Guide me. Strengthen me. Console me. Tell me what I should do. Give me your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me and accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know your will.

Let your suffering be an inviatation to faith. Maybe God has brought you together with this man for a purpose, to draw you closer to Him. Do not give into temptation. Trust in the promise of eternity, God’s mercy and His grace, and above all trust in God.
Prayers offered up for you. It is a struggle indeed. To be human is always a struggle. I recommend to you this book and I am serious when I say it is important reading and it is also from a catholic. Very reliable stuff. It is called Feeling and Healing your Emotions by Dr. Conrad Baars. You can find it at www.amazon.com or some catholic book sellers online. In it they explain about this and it is very in depth.

Basically I would say I know you are a woman and that it is true that this man is married. Therefore try to remember that God has brought them together and still so long as there is no seeking of an annulment or finalized annulment he nor you can make one another any promises of anything because anullments are granted and they are not granted at times. If his marriage is indeed not a marriage then it is not a marriage only by the final say of the granting of an anullment. I don’t mean to get any hopes down, but this is the reality of this situation. That you may love him and never be together. Not as a punishment but because a marriage is a marriage forever. Therefore only the anullment granted clears that up, never before that. Meanwhile we as humans are free to have feelings of love, in fact you can love him in a way which is called “love of self-restraint” which basically means you acknowledge you love him in ways of feeling love and desiring physical love such as sexual love but you know that and respect that, but you do not act out on it. We are judged on our actions not our feelings. If you read the book I recommend it explains very well. Do not fear. In my own opinion you can still be where you are at and both act like rational human beings. Acknowledge your pain and frustration when it is there. Feelings by the way dissapate and leave. But a true desire to love and will the best for another only grows. I hope this made sense. By the way, a hug is a hug but as adults we know full well what other types of gestures clearly are and in that again, it is actions that indeed are judged. I would also recommend a therapist who is helpful and can perhaps be a catholic therapist who understands this concept about feelings and how they are naturally human. You need to know the truth and not let others put guilt upon you when there is none. Including you putting unnecessary guilt on you and this man. God bless you.
i understand what the previous poster is saying about feelings. i agree. Feelings are neither right nor wrong, but you still do NOT have the right to destroy a family and a marriage. you would never receive any kind of blessings in a relationship for destroying someone elses. There is someone out there for you, but you are wasting your time on a man who you CAN NOT have and should not have. go out and find your soulmate, a good man that you can marry and have a relationship which God will bless many times over. Dont hurt these children, this wife or that HUSBAND over your own needs, you would never forgive yourself, the kids would never forgive you and even the man would blame you for his kids hating him (which they would do). dont do this to them or to yourself. i have been praying for you since i first read this thread and will continue my prayers for you.
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