So, I know Im new to the forum, so let me start by saying I’m sorry if the conduct of this post is incorrect and thank you to all willing to answer my question.
I’m torn by a certain situation Im in and trying to stay within the lines of following God. I recently started taking my faith seriously, and its caused a bit of upheaval in my home, most because of me. Ever since I started reading sacred scripture and studying catholic teachings on sin, Ive been in a bit of shock because of all the sin I’ve let myself fall victim to over the years. I have been giving it my all to repent and have made progress, but now I also bear witness to the sins my family members commit. We are all apart of the same faith (Catholic obviously), but we were always kind of lukewarm. When I let my parents know of sin in a attemptively loving way, they either try to justify it or refuse to repent.
They haven’t taken kindly to it and I have grown considerably distant from them, despite the fact that we live under the same roof, because i refuse to take part in sinful behavior and let my soul suffer. They see what Im doing as me taking the faith “to close to heart”. My question is, while still keeping with the commandment to not only love those around us but also to honor thy mother and father (I still do all that they ask of me so long as it isn’t sinful), would it be better for me to remain distant to silently show them Im unwilling to live in sin despite my love for them (they know this brings great sorrow to me), or better to re-engage them and try to weave the faith into what we do despite that it may come across as irritating?
Thank you all, and God bless.
So, I know Im new to the forum, so let me start by saying I’m sorry if the conduct of this post is incorrect and thank you to all willing to answer my question.
I’m torn by a certain situation Im in and trying to stay within the lines of following God. I recently started taking my faith seriously, and its caused a bit of upheaval in my home, most because of me. Ever since I started reading sacred scripture and studying catholic teachings on sin, Ive been in a bit of shock because of all the sin I’ve let myself fall victim to over the years. I have been giving it my all to repent and have made progress, but now I also bear witness to the sins my family members commit. We are all apart of the same faith (Catholic obviously), but we were always kind of lukewarm. When I let my parents know of sin in a attemptively loving way, they either try to justify it or refuse to repent.
They haven’t taken kindly to it and I have grown considerably distant from them, despite the fact that we live under the same roof, because i refuse to take part in sinful behavior and let my soul suffer. They see what Im doing as me taking the faith “to close to heart”. My question is, while still keeping with the commandment to not only love those around us but also to honor thy mother and father (I still do all that they ask of me so long as it isn’t sinful), would it be better for me to remain distant to silently show them Im unwilling to live in sin despite my love for them (they know this brings great sorrow to me), or better to re-engage them and try to weave the faith into what we do despite that it may come across as irritating?
Thank you all, and God bless.