That’s kind of the crux of the issue though; most of what we do together is sinful.
Unless your parents are some sort of outlaw gang, I highly doubt this is the case.
It sounds more like you have an overzealous idea of what constitutes sinful behavior.
It is not a sin to spend leisure time in front of the TV. “Unwholesome content” is highly subjective and it’s likely your parents can handle shows where the characters don’t live the lives of saints and enjoy them as a story or as human nature, without somehow being tempted to go imitate the behavior of the characters. If you don’t like the shows then you can occupy yourself doing something else, like reading a book.
As for discussing bad things or other people, the family unit is generally considered a safe and private place to vent and discuss. Gossip generally involves spreading stories publicly, not just chatting with your immediate family in your home. If I thought my friend was having an affair, I might discuss it with my husband, privately, and it doesn’t leave the house. That’s not gossip. I don’t go tell the neighbors what I think my friend is doing. That is gossip.
The Church allows families to eat out on Sundays as part of spending time together. We don’t have to refrain for fear of creating unnecessary work for restaurant staff.
About the only sinful things you’ve mentioned are taking the Lord’s name in vain and your mom’s church habits. Re church habits, you can invite your mom to go to church with you, without pushing, and who knows maybe one day she will, but pushing or calling her a sinner is not going to do it. Regarding taking the Lord’s name in vain, don’t do it yourself and maybe just say “Have mercy on us” when they do it, but also understand that when such things become a habit it’s harder for people to just stop.
I really think you need to discuss this with your priest because the way you are coming off in this thread, I can understand why your family is not responding well to your criticisms. It is not uncommon for some young person who has all of a sudden discovered their faith to get a bit overzealous and take it too far. This is not good for you or your family. Talk to your priest.