Low Morale

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May 3, 2005 Release Number: 05-05-02



BAGHDAD, Iraq – During an April 28 raid in Baghdad, forces from Multi-National Forces - Iraq seized a letter written by Abu Asim al-Qusaymi al-Yemeni, a member of Qa’idat al-Jihad Fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn, or QJBR, addressed to “the Sheik.” Analysts believe the letter, dated April 27, 2005, was meant for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, because many of his close followers refer to him as “the Sheik.”

While the letter advocates Jihad and praises “the Sheik” for being “a thorn in the mouth of the Americans,” the main purpose of the letter is to address low morale, weakening support for the Jihad, and the incompetence of many of the Mujahideen leaders. The author also admonishes the “the Sheik” for abandoning his followers since Fallujah. The letter written by Abu Asim al-Qusaymi al-Yemeni is attached.

Along with the letter, an undated document was found listing targeting information and sketch maps for kidnappings and bombings.

Due to the continuous pressure by Iraqi and Coalition forces, Zarqawi relies on his cell leaders to conduct operations while he is forced to evade being killed or captured.

During the raid, MNF-I forces also killed five terrorists and captured three. Abu Rayyan, one of the five terrorists killed by Coalition forces, was the Saudi leader of a Baghdad-based vehicle borne improvised explosive device cell. Abu Rayyan also served as the lieutenant to the terrorist, Abu al Abbas, who is allegedly responsible for planning the attack on Abu Ghraib in early April.

Documents, weapons, ammunition and fake identification cards were found in the possession of the cell members as well as inside the buildings in which the terrorists were operating. Those captured in this raid are providing information on the composition and intentions of a significant support and operations cell associated with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

No Coalition forces were injured or killed during this raid.

The English translation of this letter can be viewed at:


The PDF of the letter in Arabic can be viewed at: centcom.mil\CentcomNews\Reports\Zarqawi Arabic.pdf
Translation of a letter from Abu Asim al-Qusaymi al Yemeni to “the Sheik.”
Date: April 27, 2005

In the name of God the most merciful, the most compassionate.

A special message to the Sheik Abu Ahmad, may God protect and save him.

Thank God, God of the Universe who stated in his generous book I assure the believers a guaranteed victory; he who honors those who obey him and he who disgraces those who disobey him until the judgment day; may peace be upon the messenger that was sent as a mercy to the world, the prophet who had submitted the message and had struggled for the sake of God until the last moment of his life. So may God bless him with peace on his family, friends and followers until the judgment day; thereafter.

The Almighty God said “those who are believers beware of God and do not die unless you are Moslem.” And, the Prophet had stated “the religion is an advice, we asked him, to how may it be? He replied, for the sake of God, the Prophet, the Holy Book, the Moslem Imams and the public.” He said “if you leave Jihad then God will take away the mercy from you.”

I advise myself firstly then I advise you [Sheik] to beware of God in secret and in the open. Do not be afraid of anybody. I advise you not to be stopped by anything from practicing Jihad for the sake of God and that is by depending absolutely on God. Whoever satisfies God rather than people, God will satisfy. All the Moslem nation is waiting to have an Islamic state implementing the rules of God, and are waiting for those men who are going to protect their dignity that are being abused everyday.

What has happened between myself and my brothers is a crime that cannot be forgiven, but God will eventually punish the oppressor. I could swear by God that you are asking about us and our situation in here; the morale has weakened and lines of the Mujahidin have become separated due to some leaders’ actions, God does not accept such actions, and that will delay the victory. We do have big mistakes where some of us have been discarded.

To conclude what has happened with us, he said either you carry out a martyr operation or go back to your family. After, we were told this was an order from the Sheik. Indeed, some of the brothers had returned back, some were recorded as martyred and the rest were hanging around and did not know what to do, besides they were humiliated and immorally treated. Who is to blame, should it be the oppressor or the oppressed? We have brothers that were tortured and jailed. They are harmless and nobody is meeting with them or asks about them. It is unlike the case in Fallujah where you used to come and visit us, and we enjoyed your party. The situation has changed dramatically and that is not acceptable to God. The most important thing Sheik, is your existence is a thorn in the mouth of the Americans as well as the traitors, and may God protect you.

The most important issue here is, do not hear from just one side, even if that person was close to you. But hear from all sides so the facts will become clear to you.

We have leaders that are not capable of being good leaders. We are not accusing them without reason but we have tested them and found them incapable.

Thank God, Sheik, please test those who are underneath you. Some of them are in a rush, some are unfair and some have other issues.

My last request to you Sheik is that I need to meet with you to share a lot of unknown issues. And, to be honest with you, I really do not trust anyone anymore that says he is coming from your side. We have suffered a lot, but thank God. I ask the Great God to make the religion victorious and to bless the Mujahidin anywhere in the world and to disgrace the infidels, destroy America and its allies soon without any delay.

May grace be upon Mohammed and his family and friends until the judgment day. I attest that there is one God and I ask for his forgiveness.

Signed by
Abu ‘Asim al-Yamani, al Qusaymi
Al-Qaida Organization, Iraq Division
From Major K:

Things have picked up a little bit here, but not much. We are still at a comparatively low level of terrorist activity. The only IED’s that we have had in the last two days are the ones that we have discovered before detonation. It would be nice if they could all be found like that rather than the hard way. As for Dan’s question on my most recent post, I have my hands full here in Baghdad. I don’t usually track the goings on in Ramadi. That is over 60 miles west of here. Baghdad and Ramadi make up the two lower corners in the “Sunni Triangle” where most of the trouble is in the country. The top corner is in Samarra about 75 miles or so northwest of Baghdad. While this “insurgency” is not dead yet, it does seem to be weakening. This little note backs up some things that we are beginning to see here. The most important thing is the will of the Iraqi people. The overwhelming majority here hate the terrorists, and their hatred grows with every IED.

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