Is it so horrible to go to a Lutheran service?
How much do you love God? Is God the center of your life? How much blood did Jesus shed for you? Enough that you would drive a half-hour to be in His true presence? English or not? Not putting any particular denomination down, but a trip to Wal Mart counts as much as consciously missing mass and attending a non-Catholic “service.”
commanded us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are living, breathing parts of His Body. You cannot do that anywhere but a Catholic mass (or under certain circumstances an Orthodox Divine Liturgy).
Primarily, we do not attend mass for fellowship.
We do not attend for the beauty of the “service.”
We do not attend for stirring homilies.
We do not attend for uplifting choir music.
We do not
necessarily attend to receive the Eucharist.
(CRITICS, please note the qualifiers).
We attend out of
obedience to Christ and to
offer ourselves as a living sacrifice in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
Lutherans do not -
do not - gather for that purpose. Their founder specifically rejected the mass as any form of sacrifice.
Since you are dealing with multiple problems, I urge you to contact your archdiocese regarding the apparently untenable situation.
F.Y.I. For 2-3 years, we drove
45 minutes to mass. Was it a bit of a hassle? Of course? But, God took note of it.