Lutheran to Catholic

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Not of the “Roman” variety, that is true.
Why would God have your heart long for a hypothetical Catholic church that doesn’t exist when he has put a real Catholic church in front of you?
Do you believe that the Lutheran denomination (which synod?) is the church that Jesus intended?
Do you believe that the Lutheran denomination (which synod?) is the church that Jesus intended?
I believe the Christ meant what He said, that we should all be one. Humans have messed that up pretty well, and there is blame enough to go around.
Despite our divisions, Christ true Church is found where people of faith are gathered around word and sacrament.
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Not of the “Roman” variety, that is true.
Why would God have your heart long for a hypothetical Catholic church that doesn’t exist when he has put a real Catholic church in front of you?
That’s a rhetorical question which doesn’t deserve an answer.
For my education, what is it about the Pope that you can’t accept. He is Bishop of Rome and first among equals. In rare cases where there is a need he can speak infallibly.
For my education, what is it about the Pope that you can’t accept. He is Bishop of Rome and first among equals. In rare cases where there is a need he can speak infallibly.
He is the Bishop of Rome and first among equals. He is often a solid voice for all of Christendom.
But primacy is not supremacy, first among equals is not universal jurisdiction, and infallibility ex cathedra lacks support from scripture or the early Church.
Ive discussed this a lot here at CAF, and I don’t want this to be the focus of the thread.
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