Those are the only two choices you could imagine?Simple answer. The one claiming that is either deceived into believing that or is lying.
Through this dark purgation, the soul is being prepared marvelously for union. In this state “the soul must love God with all her strength and all her sensory and spiritual appetites.” It is a powerful enkindling of love since “God shackles all the strength, faculties, and appetites of the soul, spiritual and sensory alike, so that the energy and power of this whole harmonious composite may be employed in this love. Consequently, the soul arrives at the true fulfillment of the first commandment (Dt 6:5).1 When the soul becomes aware of the fire and wound of this love but remains in darkness and doubt, not getting any satisfaction from it, there awakens in her an urgent desire that makes her pine for God with all eagerness.” “In all her thoughts and in all her business and in all events, the soul loves in many ways and desires, and also suffers in her desire . . . at all times and in many places and finds rest in nothing.” “Everything becomes narrow for this soul. She cannot bear to be by herself and cannot find room for herself in heaven or on earth. She is filled with sorrows unto darkness . . . that is, she suffers without the comfort of certain hope for some light or spiritual good. Her anxiety and affliction grow steadily, on the one hand through the spiritual darkness in which she sees herself engulfed and on the other, through the love of God that inflames her. Nonetheless, in the midst of these afflictions she feels a certain interior strength that decreases as soon as the burden of darkness is lifted from her. This is because this strength of the soul that was bestowed on her passively to support her in the assault of darkness is now dissipated by the dark fire of love that assails her. So when the inflammation of love comes to an end, the darkness, strength and warmth of love also diminish.”2 The purgation of the soul by this loving, dark, spiritual fire corresponds to the purgation of the spirit in the next life by a dark material fire. In this way she attains to purity of heart, nothing other than divine grace and love. It is divine wisdom that purifies and illumines the soul in dark contemplation. It is the same wisdom that illumines the angels on matters of which they are ignorant. This wisdom descends from God through the first hierarchies unto the last and from these last finally passes over to humans. But humans must receive this loving contemplation “in a mode corresponding to their state, in a very limited and painful way. For God’s light, which illumines the angels by clarifying and giving them the sweetness of love—for they are pure spirits prepared for this inflow—illumines humans, as we said, by darkening them and giving them pain and anguish, since naturally they are impure and feeble. The communication affects them as sunlight affects a sick eye, irritating it and filling it with pain. This lasts until it spiritualizes and refines the soul and she becomes capable, as are all the angels, of receiving this (name removed by moderator)ouring of loving influence in tranquillity.”
Stein, Edith (2011-03-17). The Science of the Cross (The Collected Works of Edith Stein Vol. 6) (Kindle Locations 2393-2400). ICS Publications. Kindle Edition.