Madness in Massachusetts

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Sometimes I feel like a tiny island in a sea of secular, liberal thought. I’m born and bred in the state of Massachusetts and in many ways I love living here. However, in recent years this state seems to be coming off the rails when it comes to promoting a liberal agenda, particularly on issues of morality. Case in point: I work for a human service organization and love my job but a few months ago our company calendars came out with each month being assigned a theme. June was designated “Gay and Lesbian Pride” month with a picture of a gentleman that I work with as the poster boy. He’s a great guy and a real professional but he (among many others in the organization) will often push the gay agenda as if it is the only way - any dissention (even in charity) on my part would likely be met with swift condemnation and labeling as a “homophobe”. The major newspaper here is “The Boston Globe”. This paper in my opinion is the most liberally biased, (dare I say) anti-Catholic paper around. Every day there is an article promoting the gay agenda, contraceptive use, women’s “reproductive rights”, and embryonic stem cell research. An article today about children first going to college in a section called “Life at Home” overtly supports contraceptive use and sexual freedom within the bounds of a responsible relationship - abstinence is mentioned only in passing and is framed as an unrealistic goal. It seems that everyone I know is basking in the glow of the DNC and there is high praise and admiration for such people as Ron Reagan, Jr. and his speech about embryonic stem cell research and cloning - most people I talk to here believe it is unthinkable that someone would have an opposing view. The Catholic Church is frequently attacked in the media (the Globe) regarding the priest scandal and more recently some church closings that needed to occur. The same paper spotlights and praises dissident priests who revel in challenging the hierarchy here about the above-mentioned matters. We are the state where the dissident group Voice of the Faithful first got its’ start and they are still making noise about changing the church. Finally, we are the state that has approved and sanctioned same-sex marriages - it’s nuts! I’m curious - what do other faithful Catholics from outside of Massachusetts think of us and the craziness going on here?
Hi Riley,

Nice to hear from someone else who shares my feelings!
It’s a real embarassment to live here at times…I too was born and bred and wouldn’t leave it for anything… I love MA!
For what it’s worth there are many supporter of Bush here…we just have to be careful where we mention it…like in a Catholic surrounding!:mad: Most Catholics here will only vote Deomcratic, at least the part of MA I’m from.
The Abuse scandal and the church closings aren’t helping the waining Catholics here either… I could go on and on…but I would just be repeating what you have already stated. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
Just wanted you to know that I’m here for you. In Christ,
You are not alone. There is a Vatican Approved, Catholic Based Family Ministry in MA called Couples for Christ. There is strength in numbers.

From the Couples For Christ website (
Couples for Christ (CFC) is a movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It is an association of Christian couples who have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another, so that they may grow into maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising up their families under the lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God. Couples for Christ is a work of Christ which raises up Christian couples and establishes Christian families committed to the work of evangelization and winning the world for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It grows mainly through the establishment of localized units in different parishes.

If you would like more information, please let me know.
Hello Riley, another MA resident here who shares your feelings and sentiments. I attend a Catholic high school in the central part of the state, and nearly everybody I know seems to be liberal-minded, supporting Kerry (because he happens to be from here), and many are pro-choice…as much as it saddens me to say it.

These church closings and scandals have created some very difficult times, especially for us in the Bay State. Let’s just remember the apostles and their joy in being able to suffer for Christ. Each of us suffers their own way from the crisis here, but the faithful do remain! It’s nice to see some Catholics from MA, let’s pray for the Archdiocese of Boston and all those afflicted by the problems we are facing. Have a great day and see you around the forum,

I know. I am a Boston Irish Catholic, born in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Brighton. My ancestors were born in Ireland, emigrated during the potato famine, and died within Boston city limits.

I love the city. Always have, always will. I still have a ton of relatives there. After I graduated from grad school in 1984, I moved out of Massachusetts and will never live there again. I won’t raise my children in that liberal nonsense.
I live in MA…because I agree with most of the liberal ideas in the boston globe it doesnt bother me…but I do agree it is very liberally biased. But Im proud to live in MA, as we are the only state accepting of homosexuals. I know most people dont agree with that…but MA is one of the Catholic centers of the US isnt it? Yet gay marriage is legal here. Just find it kinda odd.
Massachusetts is maddening. . . The whole Northeast really. Sin is everywhere, of couse, but the happenings in that part of the country are extremely bothersome. Why is it that the most predominantly Catholic region of our country is also the most morally bankrupt, as indicated by the things you described in your post.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to paint with a broad brush here. . . I’m sure there are many faithful Catholics there. However, it’s the culture we are talking about, and Riley’s description is sad.

I have some non-Catholic (Evangelical) relatives who just moved near us (midwest) from the Boston area. I am really worried about the impression they got while living there for 20 yrs or so. I don’t know what to say to them. . . If the Catholic church is the true church of Christ, why is the above true? If this ever comes up, I will have a hard time explaining it.
I live in MA…because I agree with most of the liberal ideas in the boston globe it doesnt bother me…but I do agree it is very liberally biased. But Im proud to live in MA, as we are the only state accepting of homosexuals. I know most people dont agree with that…but MA is one of the Catholic centers of the US isnt it? Yet gay marriage is legal here. Just find it kinda odd.
I think every Catholic should find it ‘ODD’ this being the “Cradle of American”…becoming the “The Tomb of the Un-born” and great advocates of the ‘Culture of Death’! Annunciata:(
I live in MA…because I agree with most of the liberal ideas in the boston globe it doesnt bother me…but I do agree it is very liberally biased. But Im proud to live in MA, as we are the only state accepting of homosexuals. I know most people dont agree with that…but MA is one of the Catholic centers of the US isnt it? Yet gay marriage is legal here. Just find it kinda odd.
Catholic Centers in the US… says who?

Please don’t call it gay marriage, it is neither… it is homosexual union - a modern day Sodam.

In MA, its gay marriage…not homosexual union. The Northeast, MA in particular, is almost entirely Catholic. Thats what I meant by Catholic center. The largest percentage of Catholics live in the northeast, at least according to most people I’ve talked to. Im sure there are many faithful Catholics in every state, but NE is mostly catholic.
Riley259–I share your sentiments entirely–except that I live in New York State, which although not as Catholic as Massachusetts is at least as extreme-left liberal. Whenever I vote, I feel like I am wasting my vote. Heck, we even have Hillary to “represent” us. She doesn’t represent any of my political opinions or moral values.
Just thought I would lighten up the thread a bit. This is one of the few times Louisiana isn’t first or last on the list.:rotfl:
Another “faithful” Catholic here in Massachusetts. It truly is a sorry state of affairs we have in this state. My husband and I talk regularly about getting out of here, but I would never leave while my mother is still alive (she just turned 92). What is amazing though is where I now live (southeastern MA, near the Cape), I have found more moderate to conservative folks - gives me hope!
Siamese, I am sure you know lots of people who claim Catholicism, but do they live it!
Another “faithful” Catholic here in Massachusetts. It truly is a sorry state of affairs we have in this state. My husband and I talk regularly about getting out of here,
Where on earth would you go!

You could go to Ontario, Canada … But I can absolutely assure you it’s worse :crying:
I grew up in Albany, NY. My grandfather was big in politics there as part of the notorious Democratic Machine.

I went to Emmanuel College in Boston ( when I started there, it was a women’s college by the time my friends graduated two years ago it was co-ed) I transferred to BC my sophomore year, moved home for a few months, and then moved back out to Boston.

Boston is liberal for a number of reasons. A lot of liberal thinkers tend to be young. The Boston Metro population swells almost by almost a million between September and May, and it certainly isn’t a bunch of snowbirds comin up here to live in these EVIL EVIL EVIL winters (seriously 50 below windchills? ugh! Oh well, at least the skiing is good)

Boston also does a good job (something Albany fails spectacularly in) at keeping the students in the city post graduation. Plus,cities also have a lot of lower income families that swing democratic because of our positions on social safety nets, and overly educated folk like myself who also tend to vote democratic.

I can’t speak for the rest of the state, as I’ve only lived in Boston (now Somerville) and Albany.
Siamese, I am sure you know lots of people who claim Catholicism, but do they live it!
No they certainly dont follow all the rules of Catholicism. However, take those people away and there goes the church. I bet the percentage of Catholics who are pretty good at following all rules and are good people in general, is like 5 %. Its sad…but its the truth. Thered be not church without the people who called themselves Catholics but are either phonies or dont follow the rules (as in support gay marriage and contraception.) Everyone Catholic I know is like that. I dont quite understand…every one i talk to is like ‘yeah…Im catholic but I dont support that teaching’…and my question is …then why are you a member of this church? thats why i left…im not going to call myself a part of something I disagree with. If you support gay marriage and abortion and stuff why do you remain a catholic if it goes against your beliefs? I understand people who support that can still believe in God and Jesus…but why dont they become indepent or join some other church. makes no sense to me.
Hi Riley,

As you know I share your sentiments.

Greg in Sharon
The states with the highest percentage of Catholic voters are:
Rhode Island 61%
Massachusetts 49.8%
New Jersey 42.6%
New York 40.4%
Conncecticut 38.4%
Wisconsin 30.4%
Pennsylvania 30%

These 7 States account for a total of 106 electoral votes. They all went decisively for Al Gore in 2000. Massachusetts, with nearly 50% Catholics, has a habit of electing pro-abortion candidates, from Edward Kennedy to Barney Frank, John Kerry, and the late Tip O’Neill.

Another “faithful” Catholic here in Massachusetts. It truly is a sorry state of affairs we have in this state. My husband and I talk regularly about getting out of here, but I would never leave while my mother is still alive (she just turned 92). What is amazing though is where I now live (southeastern MA, near the Cape), I have found more moderate to conservative folks - gives me hope!
Siamese, I am sure you know lots of people who claim Catholicism, but do they live it!
I too live in southeastern Mass. After over 30+ years of ignoring my faith, life circumstances and of course, the Holy Spirit, has redirected me toward faith. This past Easter I enjoyed the most satisfying and wonderful moment of my life when my 17 year old daughter was confirmed into the Catholic faith. My older daughter will be begininng RCIA classes this fall.

EDB, don’t judge a book by it’s public cover. Don’t leave us less your faithful family, stay and join us as we move forward.

Besides, we have the most beautiful coastline and diverse saltwater ecosystem in the nation, possibly the world. We live in a beautiful state. Stick around 🙂 we need you.
More balanced newpaper articles in The Boston Globe: There were several articles this Sunday in Massachusetts’ favorite liberal newpaper promoting the gay agenda and further dissolution of traditional marriage. One of the articles I mentioned in the Political forum was about a group of gay activists who put together a website called and they are accepting contributions from all over the country to help support candidates in Massachusetts that were in favor of gay marriage. Another article talks about the statistics for companies providing domestic partner benefits in this state and how some are dropping this because gays can get married - the statistics are frightening in terms of how many companies do provide domestic partner benefits and how this number has jumped tremendously since the push for same-sex marriage has built steam. Another book being promoted and reviewed in one section of today’s paper disputes the damage caused by divorce and suggests there is no lasting damage - this is obviously in contrast to most legitimate studies done on this issue. To *The Globe’s *defense, they did print a rebuttal (it was tucked away in a fairly obscure part of the paper, though) from a gentleman who felt that their report a couple weeks ago about a home for Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered (GLBT) teenagers was biased. He claims that the article didn’t include a single person who disagreed with anything being done in the home and that false statistics were being promulgated (ex., 10% of teenagers are going to be GLBT). The article quotes the director of the program with this gem: “A lot of kids aren’t going to come out to their social worker, unless they’re asked the right questions” - the rebutter says that no one in the article challenges this statement. The person ends his rebuttal by saying “These kids are very, very confused and vulnerable. What happens to them now could affect the rest of their lives. Like so much of DSS (Dept. of Social Services), these adults only offer destructive, politically correct pseudo-science. And, sadly, the *Globe *is becoming a big part of the problem.” I totally agree but I’d say that they became a part of the problem a long time ago. Then why do you ask, do I still read *The Boston Globe - *my answer is simple: I like to keep my enemies close by. It’s a perpetual reminder to me why being a faithful Christian is a big challenge in this culture. Does anyone else have any media horror stories? I’d like to know I’m not alone in this battle.

P.S. To be fair, there is at least one very good newspaper in the Boston area and it’s the archdiocian newspaper, *The Pilot. *If you’re ever in the area I highly recommend picking up a copy.
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