Madness in Massachusetts

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He’s a great guy and a real professional but he (among many others in the organization) will often push the gay agenda as if it is the only way - any dissention (even in charity) on my part would likely be met with swift condemnation and labeling as a “homophobe”​

There’s a big surprise. Anyone who disagrees with their agenda is a n evil human being.
Has anyone read Tammy Bruce’s book,“The New Thought Police”?

He’s a great guy and a real professional but he (among many others in the organization) will often push the gay agenda as if it is the only way - any dissention (even in charity) on my part would likely be met with swift condemnation and labeling as a “homophobe”​

There’s a big surprise. Anyone who disagrees with their agenda is a n evil human being.
Has anyone read Tammy Bruce’s book,“The New Thought Police”?
I’ve seen many people complaining that they are labelled homophobes. So what? Why is that a big deal? Is that the end of the discussion? Is that a silver bullet? Just call someone a homophobe and they will shutup and slink away?

The gays didn’t fade because they were called fags, queers, fairies, perverts, and pansies. They stood up and have accomplished a great many of their objectives.

Is the anti-gay argument so weak that it can’t take being called homophobic? If so, it doesn’t stand a chance.
Oh poor Massachusetts! We have been there twice, and of course, read a lot and we just shake our heads as to the state of affairs of the Church there. There is a wonderful, humorous author that writes about the Church in Massachusetts. You may wish to check out her columns…

God Bless -
No they certainly dont follow all the rules of Catholicism. However, take those people away and there goes the church.
hardly. Jesus said the jaws of death would not prevail against His Church. These kind of hypocrits bring scandal to us all. The Church would be better off by far if the dissenters all just went away, far, far away!
Thered be not church without the people who called themselves Catholics but are either phonies or dont follow the rules (as in support gay marriage and contraception.)
Sometimes less is more. Less dissidents makes for a more faithful Church. Smaller, maybe, but less divided. It would be a very good thing if those who denounce Church teaching stopped claiming to be Catholics. They are not Catholic. They reject the Church’s teachings!
every one i talk to is like 'yeah…Im catholic but
Everyone you know may be sliding into hell on his but…
and my question is …then why are you a member of this church?
Exactly. I disagree with your beliefs, but I do agree with that statement. To claim to be a Catholic while not adhering to the laws of the Faith makes one a hypocrit at best.
thats why i left…im not going to call myself a part of something I disagree with.
I hope you continue to study WHY the Church holds these moral teachings, and maybe one day, you’ll decide it’s God’s Truth after all. When that happens, our arms will be wide open to you. In the meantime, thanks for removing the Catholic label from your present opinions and “beliefs.” And I say that sincerely, not snidily.

PS ~ I’m in NY and comiserate with the rest of you!!!

Pax Christi. <><
I live in NJ and it’s very similar to MA in it’s problems with the moral climate. It drives me up the wall how such a “Catholic” state could elect such scumbag, infanticidal, pols. Though it could be worse - I could be in Massachusetts 🙂 I’ve been there once and while it’s a lovely state, I hope I don’t end up living there or anywhere in the Northeast for that matter. Too liberal and godless - I’d rather deal with fundies in the Bible Belt than the educated heathens up here. But I’m in academia and I’ll have to go wherever the jobs are - and that could be anywhere in the country.
No they certainly dont follow all the rules of Catholicism. However, take those people away and there goes the church. I bet the percentage of Catholics who are pretty good at following all rules and are good people in general, is like 5 %. Its sad…but its the truth. Thered be not church without the people who called themselves Catholics but are either phonies or dont follow the rules (as in support gay marriage and contraception.) Everyone Catholic I know is like that. I dont quite understand…every one i talk to is like ‘yeah…Im catholic but I dont support that teaching’…and my question is …then why are you a member of this church? thats why i left…im not going to call myself a part of something I disagree with. If you support gay marriage and abortion and stuff why do you remain a catholic if it goes against your beliefs? I understand people who support that can still believe in God and Jesus…but why dont they become indepent or join some other church. makes no sense to me.
I disagree with your premise. Since the cafeteria Catholics you mention are not really Catholics, there’s not really a church with them there.
I believe that if theChurch got serious, all of the ortodox Catholics who were hiding quietly in the pews would get active and the Church would be more vibrant and exciting than ever.
The dissenters would either leave or schism, which is not to be wished for, but a possibility none the less. The Church would most likely grow, because the young people are looking for borders and discipline.
As for all of you suffering in Beantown, you ought to try Seattle - Gomorrah North. Nobody cares. Well, almost nobody. I think we’re the center of Protestant homosexual ministers and pastors. Now, THAT gets the positive press around here.
God bless
P.S. To be fair, there is at least one very good newspaper in the Boston area and it’s the archdiocian newspaper, *The Pilot. *If you’re ever in the area I highly recommend picking up a copy.
This about the only source in the archdiocese that I put any stock in… Annunciata:)

Is the anti-gay argument so weak that it can’t take being called homophobic? If so, it doesn’t stand a chance.​

The Anti Heterosexual, in other words, Pro Gay movement uses this rhetoric to censor people who don’t believe gay sex is natural or healthy.
Nobody wants to be accused of being a hate filled person or hate monger.
It works nicely at painting people with certain religious beliefs as hateful or bigoted.
I am sure one day it will be a crime to say gay sex is a sin .
There is the same madness in Chicago. I regret to say my vote disappears into a sea of Democrats, and we have many liberal priests- they even write for the secular papers and definitely defy the Pope’s proclamations. Go figure. I don’t know our figures, but Chicago is very Catholic and very liberal. Downstate Illinois is conservative and rather sane I think.
P.S. To be fair, there is at least one very good newspaper in the Boston area and it’s the archdiocian newspaper, *The Pilot. *If you’re ever in the area I highly recommend picking up a copy.
Heh, I totally finished your sentence in my head, (incorrectly though) and said the Herald instead of The Pilot. And I was going to spew my diet coke out of my nose, because the Herald is just a glorified tabloid, I swear to God if I see one more article on Enza, Ben Afflecks ex girlfriend, I’m gonna shoot myself.

I work for DSS in MA. I don’t push any agenda. Except, take care of your freakin family for crying out loud. But I work in the geriatric area. So it’s kinda different for me.
I find it somewhat disappointing that Catholics should be so poignantly lamenting current, ephemeral, political developments. Here are a couple of thoughts. Christ told us to be in the world not of the world. Bishop Fulton Sheen said that what is wrong is wrong even if everyone else is doing it, and what is right is right, even if no one else is doing it. Think about these points.

It isn’t easy to be Catholic and never was. There has always been sin and plenty of it. Our mission is to be faithful where ever we may be and regardless what goes on around us. We should not be dismayed by current political developments but keep our eyes on what is most important.

Is the anti-gay argument so weak that it can’t take being called homophobic? If so, it doesn’t stand a chance.​

The Anti Heterosexual, in other words, Pro Gay movement uses this rhetoric to censor people who don’t believe gay sex is natural or healthy.
Nobody wants to be accused of being a hate filled person or hate monger.
It works nicely at painting people with certain religious beliefs as hateful or bigoted.
I am sure one day it will be a crime to say gay sex is a sin .
OK. If it works, I expect the gays to keep using it, and I expect the anti-gays to keep losing.
I too live in southeastern Mass. After over 30+ years of ignoring my faith, life circumstances and of course, the Holy Spirit, has redirected me toward faith. This past Easter I enjoyed the most satisfying and wonderful moment of my life when my 17 year old daughter was confirmed into the Catholic faith. My older daughter will be begininng RCIA classes this fall.

EDB, don’t judge a book by it’s public cover. Don’t leave us less your faithful family, stay and join us as we move forward.

Besides, we have the most beautiful coastline and diverse saltwater ecosystem in the nation, possibly the world. We live in a beautiful state. Stick around 🙂 we need you.
I was born and raised here - over 45 years - I am deeply saddened and ashamed of the way we have lost our way in this state. I do not see much hope in this state and will find my way to another state, where I hope my views will be upheld by some “real” Catholic politician. Beautiful views of the coastline cannot conceal the fact that those of us who do not support abortion or gay marriage, etc. are not represented in this state.
I was born and raised here - over 45 years - I am deeply saddened and ashamed of the way we have lost our way in this state. I do not see much hope in this state and will find my way to another state, where I hope my views will be upheld by some “real” Catholic politician. Beautiful views of the coastline cannot conceal the fact that those of us who do not support abortion or gay marriage, etc. are not represented in this state.
If you are looking for a state where other people will do what you tell them, which state is your destination?
Gee is that what I said?
OK. What state will you go to “where I hope my views will be upheld by some “real” Catholic politician.” Which state? Which real Catholic politician?
OK. What state will you go to “where I hope my views will be upheld by some “real” Catholic politician.” Which state? Which real Catholic politician?
If I knew of which state I would already be there. My point is that here is MA, Kennedy and Kerry run unopposed almost every time they run. I would like a chance to vote for someone whose values and beliefs match mine (as closely as possible). I would like to have a choice! Why is that such a terrible aspiration?
If I knew of which state I would already be there. My point is that here is MA, Kennedy and Kerry run unopposed almost every time they run. I would like a chance to vote for someone whose values and beliefs match mine (as closely as possible). I would like to have a choice! Why is that such a terrible aspiration?
It’s not a terrible aspiration EDB. However it is one way to look at it. Look at it from a purely mathematical limit perspective. If everyone were to leave thier state in pursuit of a state who shared thier Christian views on abortion, gay marriage etc. then that would leave the other 49 states without a force. 😉 Vote, state your mind, stand your ground etc.

I love this state more then any other in the nation. BUT! I do understand your point. Good luck to you.
If you are looking for a state where other people will do what you tell them, which state is your destination?
WHY leave? WHY not fight from with in? As I read the posting, I see a lot of people who want to change. Change comes from with in. Check out

Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Vatican Approved Catholic Based Family Ministry.

Couples for Christ (CFC) does not change the system, we changes individuals who change the system. Spiritually strong people, make spiritually strong communities which make spiritually strong cities - spiritually strong states.

CFC wants to help, CFC can help. Do you want to change the system by changing yourself or just sit there and complain.

God Bless,
Davis Gray
CFC - Chicago

Rev 3:20 "Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. "
Another article in The Boston Globe about a dissident priest in a parish that is closing in the Boston Archdiocese. This is the second article about this priest and his parish within the last 2 weeks. In the first article, the priest (Fr. Ron Coyne) admitted that he doesn’t believe in Hell. This prompted the archdiocesian newspaper, The Pilot, to confirm the Catholic belief in Hell by printing John Paul II’s discourse on the subject from his July, 1999 audience. This second article focuses more on how this priest has convinced his parishoners that the hierarchy (ArchBishop O’Malley) has wronged him and the parish. Consequently, the parishoners are contemplating sueing the archdiocese. A couple of them were quoted as supporting the priest and his progressive style (pro-gay, pro-contraceptive, etc.) and how the archdiocese is purposely targeting this church because of this outspoken dissident priest. Other parishoners spotlighted are entrenched members of the group Voice of the Faithful, which is calling for a completely democratic church in which lay members essentially run the show - gee, sounds kinda Protestant to me. In reality, this church targeted for closing was the least viable (i.e., smallest numbers, no accompaning school, etc.) of the four parishes in the town of Weymouth to stay open. Once again, the Globe is purposely stirring the pot in an effort to discredit the church at large.
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