Alec, I thank you for your thoughtful response.
Do you think inflation happened, or you do not know? Inflation solves all of the major problems with the Big Bang, and as you stated the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation supports it.
Yes, inflation is not dogma, but a scientific hypothesis. Also evolution is too. Do you believe in evolution? As you pointed out that is a bad question to ask. I, too, do not believe in evolution. A better question would be “Do you think the evolution happened based on your evaluation of the evidence?” I ask that question to you, and the same question with “cosmic inflation” replacing “evolution”. Let’s just use the words “think” and “believe” interchangably in this case.
Regarding the objection that the multiverse is speculative. My argument against this is the fact that inflation is on a firm foundation. I doubt it will be displaced it a better hypothesis, and some hypotheses that compete with inflation are not compatible with a belief in a God who created the universe (e.g. cyclic model).
Ok, it seems to me that the father of inflation has convinced most cosmologists that inflation is eternal. I do not accept your assertion that Guth’s conclusion about future-eternal inflation are not well accepted. I expect you to provide a resource from a physicist who openly questions Guth’s arguments for future-eternal inflation. All I have now is your claim here. I read on wikipedia that “hybrid inflation” does not imply eternal inflation (supported with a reference to a Linde paper), but I think it is* ad hoc* to invoke additional scalar fields in addition to the inflation field. Show us how the simplest models of inflation do not imply eternal inflation, contrary to Guth, from respectable sources, not your assertion here.
Right now my thoughts are:
If inflation then eternal inflation.
Show me how inflation does not imply eternal inflation. Yes, I know the multiverse can never be observed, and I even acknowledge it in this thread. My argument is that inflation is indirect evidence for it.
I argue that one eternal inflation destroys the tradition concept of a God that cares for us… My argument that one cannot accept God and science is contingent on eternal inflation. You acknowleged that inflation is a strong scientific hypothesis. In you own words, “extremely likely”. If show that inflation does not imply eternal inflation, then I will retract this claim: " I think you presenting a falsehood; science is compatible with the Catholic faith. "
Do you think inflation happened, or you do not know? Inflation solves all of the major problems with the Big Bang, and as you stated the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation supports it.
Yes, inflation is not dogma, but a scientific hypothesis. Also evolution is too. Do you believe in evolution? As you pointed out that is a bad question to ask. I, too, do not believe in evolution. A better question would be “Do you think the evolution happened based on your evaluation of the evidence?” I ask that question to you, and the same question with “cosmic inflation” replacing “evolution”. Let’s just use the words “think” and “believe” interchangably in this case.
Regarding the objection that the multiverse is speculative. My argument against this is the fact that inflation is on a firm foundation. I doubt it will be displaced it a better hypothesis, and some hypotheses that compete with inflation are not compatible with a belief in a God who created the universe (e.g. cyclic model).
Ok, it seems to me that the father of inflation has convinced most cosmologists that inflation is eternal. I do not accept your assertion that Guth’s conclusion about future-eternal inflation are not well accepted. I expect you to provide a resource from a physicist who openly questions Guth’s arguments for future-eternal inflation. All I have now is your claim here. I read on wikipedia that “hybrid inflation” does not imply eternal inflation (supported with a reference to a Linde paper), but I think it is* ad hoc* to invoke additional scalar fields in addition to the inflation field. Show us how the simplest models of inflation do not imply eternal inflation, contrary to Guth, from respectable sources, not your assertion here.
Right now my thoughts are:
If inflation then eternal inflation.
Show me how inflation does not imply eternal inflation. Yes, I know the multiverse can never be observed, and I even acknowledge it in this thread. My argument is that inflation is indirect evidence for it.
I argue that one eternal inflation destroys the tradition concept of a God that cares for us… My argument that one cannot accept God and science is contingent on eternal inflation. You acknowleged that inflation is a strong scientific hypothesis. In you own words, “extremely likely”. If show that inflation does not imply eternal inflation, then I will retract this claim: " I think you presenting a falsehood; science is compatible with the Catholic faith. "