I’d respectfully disagree that mailings are not a good idea.
I stuff a tract – actually a listing of selected Catholic websites, including this one, under the heading, “Want to know what the Catholic Church really teaches?” – in every bill I mail. Since I glance at all the stuffers I get with the bills, I thought this would be “fair.”
Do I expect great results? I don’t know – it’s up to the Holy Spirit. Maybe one person in a hundred will keep the insert and look at it later. I’ve heard so many stories of people flipping channels and having something cathch their interest on EWTN – Marcus Grodi saw Fr. Groeschel for the first time flipping through channels – I think this is worth a try. It may not be as effective as targeting a friend with a book or an invitation to a cup of coffee, but sending out inserts in mailings doesn’t exclude using other more personal methods, as well.
God bless!