Make Poverty History

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Let me get this straight… national governments, which have done so much to impoverish so many through war, taxation, inflationary monetary policy, so-called “welfare” and countless other interventions, are going to eliminate poverty forever? Are you kidding me?

Jesus said, “the poor you have always with you.” (Matthew 26:11) Do you suppose He knew what He was talking about? Who are you going to believe – Jesus Christ, or Tony Blair?
I think Pentacost has this right. Instead of doing our best to simply sign our name to help a worthy cause, we should fall into despair and neglect the poor.

C’mon, it wouldn’t hurt if you signed man:(.
Every three seconds of every day, that is every 24 hours; within that 24 hours in every three seconds of that day a child dies, that is thousands of children die, they die, every day in Africa.

If that was a fact in the UK or in the USA you can bet the political pressure would be such that if this happened in just one single day that by the fall of evening measures would be in place to stop those deaths.

The time it has taken me to type this 150 children have died, that is a reality, not just a statistic. That alone makes me act, that alone shames my soul and that alone makes me burn with desire to do something however small. That alone makes me pray.

I cannot say to you that 8 men of the most powerful countries in the world will do the just thing, they are flawed men. Who am I to make a promise to you on the flawed nature of men? No I cannot. But I can make a promise to you in God’s Providence, I can say to you if you pray for those dying and dead, those who die because of poverty that we in the West do not realise our absolute ridiculous affulence compared to such abject sufferring. I can say to you pray for those that by this broken means of men in their God given power as they would not have any power at all unless God gave it to them, that God will move hearts.

I ask you please continue to pray , pray unceasingly. The cause is just, the means, men are unjust…all are unworthy , all fall short of the glory of God, but God makes all things possible in many ways…do not limit God, pray and if you go to your bed tonight, just say this word to God ‘Justice for the dying poor’ that word is enough. The message of Fatima is, they fall into hell because no-one prays for them,…how true!

Thank you

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and yours always

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