I think the term you have chosen – lambast – is wholly and completely wrong in the context of people trying to explain to you why the concept you advance – “consecrated virgin” – is entirely at variance with the mind of the Church in the circumstances in which you are trying to use itIf I could actually be heard as to what I’m trying to say about accommodating virgin males who wish to consecrate their virginity to the Lord I’d appreciate it
All of this can be done as a lay association and dedicated laity. And if that’s the way we have to go to do this, then so be it. I will assist these young men who are desirous of a dedicated life of virginity in the world. Who knows where the Lord will take them afterward? As I said above, one young man was led to his wife
So, please, enough of the lambasting. Thank you
I also, frankly, do not understand If I could actually be heard as to what I’m trying to say about accommodating virgin males who wish to consecrate their virginity to the Lord I’d appreciate it. No one has either stopped you from saying what you have expressed or from hearing it – for my part I have tried to explain to you the realities of Consecrated Life and of New Ecclesial Movements as they exist in 2018
As I have had occasion to say when someone advances something that can in no way be realised by the authority I am answering on behalf of: “The fact that the answer is no does not in any way mean that I have not heard you or understood you. It means I have understood what is being asked and, in fact, cannot be granted”
Words have meaning. The term “consecrated virgin” has as specific a meaning as “vowed Religious” or “ordained cleric”. They cannot be rendered elastic beyond what they specifically mean
Any Catholic can undertake, in whole or in part, to live an eremetical life, for example. Surely with discernment. They could – again surely ONLY with the advice and help of a competent spiritual director – pronounce private vows. But that is an entirely separate thing from one who lives this vocation by the intervention – and under – the Bishop. The former are not in consecrated life and the latter are. That distinction must not only not be lost, it must be always made abundantly clear. Person A is a diocesan hermit. Person B is not a diocesan hermit
The two sentences I bolded in your last paragraph are a cause for great concernCan. 603 §1. In addition to institutes of consecrated life, the Church recognizes the eremitic or anchoritic life by which the Christian faithful devote their life to the praise of God and the salvation of the world through a stricter withdrawal from the world, the silence of solitude, and assiduous prayer and penance
§2. A hermit is recognized by law as one dedicated to God in consecrated life if he or she publicly professes in the hands of the diocesan bishop the three evangelical counsels, confirmed by vow or other sacred bond, and observes a proper program of living under his direction