It is ‘fair’ for precisely the reason that you mention.Have does not equal should. And don’t say stuff like women have babies, men can’t.
A human being is both material and spiritual. We have a body and a soul.
The thing that God desires most is Saints, that we spend Eternity with Him.
To accomplish that, we need both material and spiritual development. We need a human to bring forth material life. That is the woman. But as I mentioned, there is a second aspect to a human being, that of Spiritual Life. And that is the role of the male.
The human duties of the development of a Saint, that which God desires most, are thus divided equally and fairly between both sexes. Both are therefore necessary, and thus none is superior to the other
To endow one sex with both aspects would be, by definition, unfair and would designate a particular sex as being superior to the other. And God does care about fairness.