Male seminal emissions

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What is the status of having an involuntary seminal emission while awake ? Riding horseback or excercising or innocently wrestling. Climbing rope and than involuntary emission. Living a solid chaste life +deep devotion to the BVM+ strict adherence to Bible mandates on purity. Any sin here involved here ? Causes much grief when episodes happen.
I think this is the sort of thing that is better to ask a priest in private, instead of opening a discussion about ejaculation on a public forum.
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Of course it is not a sin, as this is an involuntary, natural function. Be at peace.
Thank you for you kind reply. If you can, can you explain further.?
One doctor told me due to prostate radiation and prescription med called tamulosin— this issue I now deal with.
Mortal Sin requires:
  1. Grave Matter
  2. Full knowledge
    3. Full consent
Since you are not giving your full consent, meaning you are not trying for this to happen, it is not a mortal sin.
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Thank you very much. I do appreciate your response. Must be other men going through the same thing.
It does. I still have nocturnal emissions and was also once worried about this type of issue.
So you know what I mean. No nocturnal emissions for me. It just when I am awake that this matter concerns me. I have a good prayer life, study the Bible all the time+ real strict about living right. Thank you
Can you tell me how it is a involuntary natural function ? Due to stress perhaps the body is at work?
If it happens without any will of your part, it is not an moral issue, and certainely not a sin.

You mentionned that you live an holy life, it’s what matters. Be relieved.

I am sorry that it annoyed you, I imagine it can be shameful. For what’s it worth (I am a woman, so not concerned) I am not annoyed or shocked at the idea because it’s just a bodily function. If it were for my husband, I wouldn’t care less, unless maybe I would judge it would be too frequent, and would ask myself questions.

I think many people would think the same.

We cannot answer your medical questions. It’s beyond our knowledge and would be against the forum’s rules. I am sorry that you have medical issues.
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Hi James579 ! You are right. Never would I do anything with full deliberation to incur the wrath of God. In my years of evangelistic outreach I always stressed how obedient we need to be to the Word of God.
Will do again…
Very well said. Done that once. One lives and learns @
Any sin requires consent of the will. You have to do something (or omit something, like attending Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation) voluntarily.

If something is involuntary then it is not a sin.
Please forgive me…
I reviewed my last response…to u. I amm sorry if i seemed to be sarcastic …
Never intended to be unkind
Very good. When we live for God we want to be ready when Christ comes again. Being a guy perhaps you know well our challenges !
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