Man attacked for being against same sex couples adopting on British television show

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Oh, I don’t think so. :dts:
It’s very clear that Christians are much more persecuted when they speak out on this issue, than say, Muslims are.
Exactly I agree, other religions are respected for their beliefs and people except it but Christians are persecuted at every given chance. Though i always think what Jesus said and it helps:

If the world hates you, you must realise that it hated me before it hated you.

If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you do not belong to the world, because my choice of you has drawn you out of the world, that is why the world hates you.

Remember the words I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you too; if they kept my word, they will keep yours as well.
Oh, I don’t think so. :dts:
It’s very clear that Christians are much more persecuted when they speak out on this issue, than say, Muslims are.
That’s because they speak out about it a lot more.

How many presidential candidates are Muslim? How many Muslims in Congress? There are 1.7 million Mulsims in the US. There are 100 times more Christians.

Again, if the guy had been a Muslim, he would have been taken to task exactly the same. And to suggest that Mulsims are not persecuted…well, simply ridiculous. You’ve even got a presidential candidate suggesting they should be banned from entering the country, for heaven’s sake.

Let’s be realistic, shall we?

I can’t help but feel he was setup, it was a witchhunt against him. This was painful to watch. I felt he was being bullied and attacked for having a different opinion. It made me fear for the future because I know in this society if you don’t follow the majority you are an outcast. I can totally understand christians being persecuted in the future its scares me! I’m no sheep I can’t be for things that I know is offending God. The whole same sex marriage debate is everywhere now and it has been so pushed on us by the media, celebrities etc. Propaganda at its best.
even though i think they should have the same rights, this is wrong, you dont attack people for what they believe in,
even though i think they should have the same rights, this is wrong, you dont attack people for what they believe in,
So Westboro church picketing funerals of servicemen is fine. You can’t attack them for what they believe. But maybe you could comment on the manner in which they express it?
Yup. It’s what they do.
That’s a bit of an overgeneralization.

I think we can all agree no one should be attacked for their views, no matter the subject, but let’s not pretend this is the norm and those who are against SSM are constantly being physically attacked by the gays.

There are people on both sides who are embarrassing to their cause. But if we’re going to pretend that situations like this are common, I can’t help but think gay people still got the shorter end of the stick when it comes to who has been victimized over the decades.

I can’t help but feel he was setup, it was a witchhunt against him. This was painful to watch. I felt he was being bullied and attacked for having a different opinion. It made me fear for the future because I know in this society if you don’t follow the majority you are an outcast. I can totally understand christians being persecuted in the future its scares me! I’m no sheep I can’t be for things that I know is offending God. The whole same sex marriage debate is everywhere now and it has been so pushed on us by the media, celebrities etc. Propaganda at its best.
If the man had been advocating for anti-miscegenation laws to be created, would you have been quite so outraged at his treatment?

Holding an opinion doesn’t mean you automatically get protected from scorn.
So Westboro church picketing funerals of servicemen is fine. You can’t attack them for what they believe. But maybe you could comment on the manner in which they express it?
I dont take even the westboro church seriously anymore

I just act like its the Landover “Baptist” Church

the only difference between the two is that one makes me laugh
=DrTaffy;13573233]Nope. Are you trying to imply that just because you don’t agree with my views?
All I will say is there is a massive double standard in the UK when it comes to how Christians and Muslims are treated.

I’m sure that Muslim groups in the UK would have spoken out if a Muslim’s views on gay adoption were in line with Islam and were persecuted on live TV.

I’m also quite as sure the left would be apologizing for it.
Participants have frequently been grilled on controversial views.
I don’t watch it, so I’ll have to take your word for it. If so, sounds like the show could be a progressive mouthpiece, as I assume “controversial” means traditional.
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