“As for nature, it is whatever we discover it is.”
Exactly. It is impossible to refute naturalism because naturalists are always moving the goal-posts to accommodate new discoveries. But if you cannot define “nature” it is a meaningless term. Yet you confidently continue to use the term “natural” as if is self-evident. I suspect you really mean “tangible”, “material” or “physical”. For you the whole mission of science is not to explore the nature of nature but the nature of reality as a whole because you equate reality with what is “natural”. Your mind is firmly closed to the possibility that you are mistaken.
“There’s a whole lot out there in the literature on this. I’m not a neurologist, but from the reading I’ve done, and talking to people who
are in that profession, there’s a lot of inertia in that discipline right now in terms of discovery and models of cognition, self-contemplation and volition.”
Inertia?! You have still failed to explain what the self is.
“But even if I say “consciousness is a mystery”, which I think is still a fair assessment, there’s no evasion in saying that. It’s just acknowledging where we are in the discovery process. We didn’t have a clue what DNA was in 1850. You would/could have asserted your argument from ignorance on that mechanism then as you do now with consciousness.”
The fact that there has been scientific progress does not entail scientific omniscience or the possibility of “a scientific theory of everything”.
“But the track record of science now over several centuries supports the conclusion that this problem, like so many others, does have a natural, rational explanation.”
Another instance of an unintelligible statement. What on earth does “natural mean”? Anything that science explains?
“Simplicity is not a derivitave of coherence, I’m not sure where you got that or are going with that. Coherence means the parts fit together in a logically consistent way.”
Exactly and that results in a unity that would otherwise be lacking, i.e. simplicity. They do not generally fit together by chance but by design. Enormous, complex systems are fully coherent if they are unified by one agent and one overriding purpose. Complexity at a subordinate level does not exclude simplicity at the highest level. That is precisely the flaw in an atomistic view of reality which stems from neglect of synthesis in favour of analysis and loses sight of the overall elegance and simplicity of belief in one Creator.
Theism is simpler than atheism because the concept of God coheres with our direct knowledge and experience of creative, rational activity in ourselves - which fails to cohere with a mechanistic universe.
"It was more than a hundred years later that we got a handle on DNA and genetics, but our observation is that sustained effort has produced “a stunning record of natural explanations for natural phenomena.”
What’s surprising about that? Now, if it were a stunning record of natural explanations for supernatural phenomena you would have something to gloat about! But you don’t believe in the supernatural for the simple reason that you view the natural as infinitely expandable.
“No, my version is an unexplained Big Bang that features physical law which governs the interaction of matter and energy in such a way that complexity and order and even biological life (in pockets at least) are emergent. Reliably, predictably emergent.
Randomness drives creativity and differentiation at low levels, but the overall system is law-based.”
The components of your version:
- “An unexplained Big Bang”.
- Unexplained physical law, i.e. a statement of unexplained regularities.
- Unexplained emergent complexity.
- Unexplained order.
- Unexplained biological life .
Randomness does not drive creativity at all. All it does is produce variations. Creativity requires intelligence.
The overall system is indeed law-based but in your scheme of things randomness is the fundamental mechanism without which nothing could develop.
“Reliably, predictably emergent”
Are you suggesting that the entire process of evolution from molecules to man could have been predicted? By whom? A scientist?
“Witness of what? Music, therefore God? Is that really what you consider a reasoned conclusion?”
You obviously have no appreciation of any form of beauty whatsoever and regard it as an insignificant illusion. Your notion of randomness-driven creativity leads inexorably to the conclusion that all human creative achievements ultimately originated in fortuitous events. Science itself is derived from a stochastic process! This must be the supreme metaphysical conjuring trick… apart from the derivation of everything from nothing. I think you regard matter as eternal - which would be consistent with your deification of Chance.