Man Tasered for Stealing Salad

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I doubt we know all the facts.

Some background info, the worst murder in Aurora, occurred at a Cuck E Cheese where seven(?) employees were murdered by a disgruntled employee. I think this is still fresh in many minds. The location was closed for years before another business finally moved in. I’m sort of surpirsed Chuck E Cheese opened another location.
AsStAnselmPrays said:

That’s insane! What were these people thinking? Zapping a guy in a kids playtime place…The police force is a little too aggressive…

They tazered this guy in front of his kids, arrested him, and left his kids alone at Church E Cheese to be picked up by state social services. This manager should be fired for being tactless and brain-dead. I am not condoning this guy for trying to get free salad, but I think the level of force used is excessive for the crime committed. Plus, why would ANYONE try to steal salad?
LOL! I am sorry. I shouldn’t laugh, but when I first saw the subject line I thought, " are we posting things from the Onion web site?"
We do not know the whole story so we can not really make any constructive statements on this.

But the title is misleading, he was not tasered for stealing salad, he was tasered for resisting and fighting with the police.

It is better that they tasered him, as pulling their guns or spraying mace would have effected everyone there.

As we do not know the whole story, I will side with the authorites and say, Good Job!
If this wasn’t so ridiculous, it would be hilarious. Using a stun gun on him because he stole a salad? :bigyikes: Talk about


If this wasn’t so ridiculous, it would be hilarious. Using a stun gun on him because he stole a salad? :bigyikes: Talk about


Did you read the story?

He was not tasered for stealing a salad.

He was tasered for resisting and fighting with police.

What I think is ridiculous is that people 1) can not read and 2) take the article as if it is the whole story and the truth of what happened.
sounds exremely heavy handed to me, if your not wanting to traumatise young kids then they could have waited for him to exit, he would have to leave at some time
sounds exremely heavy handed to me, if your not wanting to traumatise young kids then they could have waited for him to exit, he would have to leave at some time
Seems odd that we condemn the police but not the individual who started this whole thing.

To avoid all of this all the gentleman had to do was show proof that he had paid for the food.

Or he could have went outside with the police to explain things as the police requested. This guy is the one who started a fight in an area with children.

So the police should have let this occur? No I do not think so.

It is nice to see that so many people like to second guess the authorities and point out what they should have done rather than looking to the true cause of this incident.
the police action was extreme, they would fit in very nicely with the northern irish ruc
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