Translation: If you don’t believe in murder, don’t murder anyone.If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one.
– Mark L. Chance.
Translation: If you don’t believe in murder, don’t murder anyone.If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one.
Margaret Sanger is not the only one that has done “a marvelous job covering it up”.Perhaps more surprising still is the eugenic philosophy advocated by the feminist icon Margaret Sanger, the inspiration behind Planned Parenthood. Sanger called for the sterilization of “genetically inferior races” in her 1922 tome Pivot of Civilization. The Sanger Institute, which has not sought to distance itself from Margaret Sanger, is now at the front line of research in the Human Genome Project.Yes Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist, this is obvious not only by several of her books, but also by the magazine she ran “The Birth Control Review” whose contributors included several members of the Nazi party. She also was affiliated with the American Nazi sympathist party, America First, but this info is difficult to verify as she did such a marvelous job covering it up in her later years …
"The very word eugenics is in disrepute in some quarters … We must ask ourselves, what have we done wrong?Does anyone have any observations that they’d like to share on this topic–e.g. ways to battle this culture?
Thank you… I should check them out. Did you, by chance, attend Queen of Peace? We love our church…This is a wee bit off the subject but I used to live in Salem too! Writer, I don’t know if you are involved in the oregon chapter of NRLC, but since they are very active in your area, I do hope you’ll check it out when you have the time. Their website is also a good resource for information on abortion and related issues.
I love your Muggeridge quote! What is the reference for that one?Second, is the illogic of the whole idea. If we are allowed to kill a baby partially born, is the oxygenation of his or her blood such a great barrier as to prevent killing a full-grown adult? This is the very reason abortion inevitably leads its supporters to euthanasia. The abortion debate is at its heart a fight about rights: the rights of the unborn, the disabled, the minority, and the woman. Just like the Dredd Scott decision, the Supreme Court has again chosen to revoke citizenship and protection of the law to a group which cannot speak up for itself (Pres. Reagan makes a great argument “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation”) On disabled rights, Roe v. Wade also led to Pearl v. Buck a decade later, as the Supreme Court allowed parents to kill their disabled child. The Alan Guttmacher Institute also claims that 60% of all abortions are performed on minorities; at this rate, Margaret’s racist goals of eliminating minority “weeds” will soon be achieved. Finally, it is a fight about a woman’s rights; her right to be informed and her right to life, as related to abortion’s link to breast cancer (www.abortionbreastcancer.com ).And her right to concieve as child-bearing is demonized as a burden and disease upon women. How long can the human race survive such a philosophy?
"If we go on tolerating legalized abortion, it will amount to collective suicide." -Malcolm Muggeridge